%% First make sure the model is open, and we are connected to the % Speedgoat Machine. %% Run Multiple Simulations my_model = 'iff_measure'; tg = slrt; %% For each strut for i_leg = 1:6 %% Get excitation strut p = Simulink.Mask.get([my_model, '/Subsystem7']); p.Parameters.Value = sprintf('%i', i_leg); %% Connect set_param(my_model,'SimulationCommand','connect') %% Run the simulation sprintf('Start excitation for strut %i', i_leg) set_param(my_model,'SimulationCommand','start') %% Wait for the simulation to finish pause(1) while strcmp(get_param(my_model,'SimulationStatus'), 'external') pause(1) end sprintf('Finished excitation for strut %i', i_leg) %% Disconnect set_param(my_model,'SimulationCommand','disconnect') %% Save the data f = SimulinkRealTime.openFTP(tg); mget(f, 'data/data.dat'); close(f); data = SimulinkRealTime.utils.getFileScopeData('data/data.dat').data; de = data(:, 1:6); % Measurment displacement (encoder) [m] Vs = data(:, 7:12); % Force Sensor [V] u = data(:, 13:18); % Control Output [V] Va = data(:, 19); % Excitation Signal [V] % Rx = data(:, 20:25); % Reference Signal [m/rad] t = data(:, end); % Time [s] load('sim_data/data_sim.mat', 'Ts'); % To save Sampling Period save('sim_data/Kiff.mat', 'Kiff'); % To save Controller save(sprintf('mat/frf_data_exc_strut_%i_iff_vib_table_0m.mat', i_leg), ... 't', 'Ts', 'de', 'Vs', 'u', 'Va', 'Kiff'); sprintf('Saved Data for strut %i', i_leg) end