tg = slrt; %% Gains to test g_iff = [0, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100]; results = {zeros(1, length(g_iff))}; if tg.Connected == "Yes" stop(tg); %% Set Parameters for the Simulation % setparam(tg, 'Noise', 'Variance', 0); setparam(tg, 'Sine', 'Amplitude', 0); setparam(tg, 'DC_value', 'Value', 0); setparam(tg, 'Chirp_gain', 'Gain', 0.03); setparam(tg, 'iff_enable', 'Gain', 1); if tg.Status == "stopped" for i = 1:length(g_iff) setparam(tg, 'g_iff', 'Gain', g_iff(i)); fprintf('(%i/%i) - Testing for g_iff = %.1f', i, length(g_iff), g_iff(i)); start(tg); pause(101); stop(tg); setparam(tg, 'g_iff', 'Gain', 0); %% f = SimulinkRealTime.openFTP(tg); mget(f, 'apa95ml.dat', 'data'); close(f); %% Convert the Data data = SimulinkRealTime.utils.getFileScopeData('data/apa95ml.dat').data; u = data(:, 1); % Input Voltage [V] y = data(:, 2); % Output Displacement [m] v = data(:, 3); % Output Voltage (Force Sensor) [V] t = data(:, 4); % Time [s] results(i) = {struct('t', t, 'u', u, 'y', y, 'v', v)}; end end end save('../mat/apa95ml_iff_test.mat', 'results'); %% Best functions % viewTargetScreen(tg);