function [] = pzmap_testCL(system,H,gain,feedin,feedout) % evaluate and plot the pole-zero map for the closed loop system for % different values of the gain [~, n] = size(gain); [m1, n1, ~] = size(H); [~,n2] = size(feedin); figure for i = 1:n % if n1 == n2 system_CL = feedback(system,gain(i)*H,feedin,feedout); [P,Z] = pzmap(system_CL); plot(real(P(:)),imag(P(:)),'x',real(Z(:)),imag(Z(:)),'o');hold on xlabel('Real axis (s^{-1})');ylabel('Imaginary Axis (s^{-1})'); % clear P Z % else % system_CL = feedback(system,gain(i)*H(:,1+(i-1)*m1:m1+(i-1)*m1),feedin,feedout); % % [P,Z] = pzmap(system_CL); % plot(real(P(:)),imag(P(:)),'x',real(Z(:)),imag(Z(:)),'o');hold on % xlabel('Real axis (s^{-1})');ylabel('Imaginary Axis (s^{-1})'); % clear P Z % end end str = {strcat('gain = ' , num2str(gain(1)))}; % at the end of first loop, z being loop output str = [str , strcat('gain = ' , num2str(gain(1)))]; % after 2nd loop for i = 2:n str = [str , strcat('gain = ' , num2str(gain(i)))]; % after 2nd loop str = [str , strcat('gain = ' , num2str(gain(i)))]; % after 2nd loop end legend(str{:}) end