clear; close all; clc; %% System - center of mass in the plane of joints initializeHexapod(struct('actuator', 'piezo', 'jacobian', -25, 'density', 0.1)); initializeSample(struct('mass', 50, 'height', 1, 'measheight', -25, 'offset', [0, 0, -25.5])); %% Identification G_aligned = identifyPlant(); %% freqs = logspace(0, 3, 2000); %% bode_opts = bodeoptions; bode_opts.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; bode_opts.MagUnits = 'abs'; bode_opts.MagScale = 'log'; bode_opts.PhaseVisible = 'off'; %% figure; bode(G_aligned.G_legs, 2*pi*freqs, bode_opts); %% Change height of stewart platform for height = [50, 70, 90, 110, 130] initializeHexapod(struct('actuator', 'piezo', 'jacobian', -25, 'density', 0.1, 'height', height)); G.(['h_' num2str(height)]) = identifyPlant(); end %% figure; bode( ... G.h_50.G_legs, ... G.h_70.G_legs, ... G.h_90.G_legs, ... G.h_110.G_legs, ... G.h_130.G_legs, ... 2*pi*freqs, bode_opts); % legend({'60', '80', '100', '120', '140'})