%% Script Description % %% clear; close all; clc; %% load('./mat/G_jacobian.mat'); %% freqs = logspace(0, 3, 2000); %% bode_opts = bodeoptions; bode_opts.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; bode_opts.MagUnits = 'abs'; bode_opts.MagScale = 'log'; bode_opts.PhaseVisible = 'off'; %% Compare when the Jac is above Meas. point and CoM % => figure; bode(G_center.G_cart, G_Jac_offset.G_cart, 2*pi*freqs, bode_opts); %% Compare when the CoM is bellow the Meas. point and Jac % => This make the tilt resonance frequency a little bit higher. figure; bode(G_center.G_cart, G_CoM_offset.G_cart, 2*pi*freqs, bode_opts); %% Compare when the measurement point is higher than CoM and Jac % => figure; bode(G_center.G_cart, G_Meas_offset.G_cart, 2*pi*freqs, bode_opts); %% Compare direct forces and forces applied by actuators on the same point % => This should be the same is the support is rigid. % => Looks like it's close but not equal figure; bode(G_center.G_cart, G_center.G_comp, 2*pi*freqs, bode_opts); %% Compare relative sensor and absolute sensor % => This should be the same as the support is rigid figure; bode(G_center.G_iner, G_center.G_comp, 2*pi*freqs, bode_opts);