function [stewart] = initializeStrutDynamics(stewart, args) % initializeStrutDynamics - Add Stiffness and Damping properties of each strut % % Syntax: [stewart] = initializeStrutDynamics(args) % % Inputs: % - args - Structure with the following fields: % - Ki [6x1] - Stiffness of each strut [N/m] % - Ci [6x1] - Damping of each strut [N/(m/s)] % % Outputs: % - stewart - updated Stewart structure with the added fields: % - Ki [6x1] - Stiffness of each strut [N/m] % - Ci [6x1] - Damping of each strut [N/(m/s)] arguments stewart args.Ki (6,1) double {mustBeNumeric, mustBePositive} = 1e6*ones(6,1) args.Ci (6,1) double {mustBeNumeric, mustBePositive} = 1e1*ones(6,1) end stewart.Ki = args.Ki; stewart.Ci = args.Ci;