#+TITLE: Setup file #+PROPERTY: header-args:latex :tangle config.tex * Babel #+begin_src latex \usepackage[french,english]{babel} #+end_src * Figures #+begin_src latex \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{{figs/}} #+end_src * Captions #+begin_src latex \usepackage{subcaption} \captionsetup{subrefformat=parens} #+end_src * Glossary #+begin_src latex \usepackage[ % acronym, % Separate acronyms and glossary toc, % appear in ToC automake, % auto-use the makeglossaries command (requires shell-escape) nonumberlist, % don't back reference pages nogroupskip, % don't group by letter nopostdot % don't add a dot at the end of each element ]{glossaries} \usepackage[stylemods=longextra]{glossaries-extra} \setabbreviationstyle[acronym]{long-short} \setglossarystyle{long-name-desc} #+end_src #+begin_src latex :tangle config_extra.tex \makeindex \makeglossaries #+end_src * Lists Do not modify itemize/enumerate environments by default #+begin_src latex \usepackage[olditem,oldenum]{paralist} #+end_src * Spacing #+begin_src latex \RequirePackage{setspace} \onehalfspacing #+end_src * Tables #+begin_src latex \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{multirow} #+end_src * Units #+begin_src latex \usepackage[binary-units=true]{siunitx} \sisetup{% detect-all = true, detect-family = true, detect-mode = true, detect-shape = true, detect-weight = true, detect-inline-weight = math, } \DeclareSIUnit\px{px} \DeclareSIUnit\rms{rms} #+end_src * Mathematics #+begin_src latex \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{dsfont} #+end_src Fix the spacing of =\left= and =\right=. Use these with the proper bracket in order to ensure that they scale automatically. #+begin_src latex \let\originalleft\left \let\originalright\right \renewcommand{\left}{\mathopen{}\mathclose\bgroup\originalleft} \renewcommand{\right}{\aftergroup\egroup\originalright} #+end_src * Geometry # \usepackage[paperheight=24.41cm,paperwidth=17.21cm,bottom=3cm,left=1.4cm,right=2cm,heightrounded]{geometry} * Penalties #+begin_src latex \clubpenalty = 10000 \widowpenalty = 10000 \displaywidowpenalty = 10000 #+end_src * Headers #+begin_src latex \usepackage{scrlayer-scrpage} \pagestyle{scrheadings} #+end_src * Section/Figure format #+begin_src latex \renewcommand{\partformat}{\huge\partname~\thepart\autodot} \renewcommand{\raggedpart}{\flushleft} \setkomafont{part}{\normalfont\huge\scshape} \setkomafont{sectioning}{\normalfont\scshape} \setkomafont{descriptionlabel}{\normalfont\bfseries} \setkomafont{caption}{\small} \setkomafont{captionlabel}{\usekomafont{caption}} % Large number for chapter \renewcommand*{\chapterformat}{% \fontsize{50}{55}\selectfont\thechapter\autodot\enskip } #+end_src Improve chapter font colors and font size. The following commands make chapter numbers BrickRed. #+begin_src latex \makeatletter \renewcommand*{\chapterformat}{ \mbox{\chapappifchapterprefix{\nobreakspace}{\color{BrickRed}\fontsize{40}{45}\selectfont\thechapter}\autodot\enskip}} \renewcommand\@seccntformat[1]{\color{BrickRed} {\csname the#1\endcsname}\hspace{0.3em}} \makeatother #+end_src * Floating images configuration By default, if a figure consumes 60% of the page it will get its own float-page. To change that we have to adjust the value of the =floatpagefraction= derivative. #+begin_src latex \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{.8}% #+end_src See more information [[https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/68516/avoid-that-figure-gets-its-own-page][here]]. * Etoolbox package #+begin_src latex \usepackage{etoolbox} #+end_src * Hyperref and Bookmarks #+begin_src latex \usepackage[ % colorlinks=true, % citecolor=BrickRed, % linkcolor=BrickRed, % urlcolor=BrickRed, % unicode % ]{hyperref} #+end_src The bookmark package implements a new bookmark (outline) organisation for package hyperref. This lets us change the "tree-navigation" associated with the generated pdf and constrain the menu only to H:2. #+begin_src latex \usepackage{bookmark} \bookmarksetup{depth=2} #+end_src * Bibliography #+begin_src latex \usepackage[ % use biblatex for bibliography backend=biber, % use biber backend (bibtex replacement) or bibtex style=ieee, % bib style hyperref=true, % activate hyperref support backref=true, % activate backrefs isbn=false, % don't show isbn tags url=false, % don't show url tags doi=false, % don't show doi tags urldate=long, % display type for dates maxnames=3, % minnames=1, % maxbibnames=5, % minbibnames=3, % maxcitenames=2, % mincitenames=1 % ]{biblatex} #+end_src #+begin_src latex \addbibresource{ref.bib} #+end_src Remove ISSN, DOI and URL to shorten the bibliography. #+begin_src latex \AtEveryBibitem{% \clearfield{urlyear} \clearfield{urlmonth} \clearfield{note} \clearfield{issn} % Remove issn \clearfield{doi} % Remove doi \ifentrytype{online}{}{% Remove url except for @online \clearfield{url} } } #+end_src And increase the spacing between the entries, as per default they are too small. #+begin_src latex \setlength\bibitemsep{1.1\itemsep} #+end_src Also reduce the font-size #+begin_src latex \renewcommand*{\bibfont}{\footnotesize} #+end_src * Fonts https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/quattrocento/ #+begin_src latex \usepackage[sf, scaled=0.9]{quattrocento} #+end_src https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/crimsonproregular/ #+begin_src latex \usepackage{crimson} #+end_src https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/sourcecodepro/ #+begin_src latex \usepackage[oldstyle, scale=0.7]{sourcecodepro} #+end_src * Colors #+begin_src latex \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} #+end_src * CS Quotes The [[https://ctan.org/pkg/csquotes][csquotes]] package offers context sensitive quotation facilities, improving the typesetting of inline quotes. #+begin_src latex \usepackage{csquotes} #+end_src To enclose quote environments with quotes from csquotes, see [[https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/365231/enclose-a-custom-quote-environment-in-quotes-from-csquotes][the following TeX SE thread]]. #+begin_src latex \def\signed #1{{\leavevmode\unskip\nobreak\hfil\penalty50\hskip1em \hbox{}\nobreak\hfill #1% \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0 \endgraf}} \newsavebox\mybox \newenvironment{aquote}[1] {\savebox\mybox{#1}\begin{quote}\openautoquote\hspace*{-.7ex}} {\unskip\closeautoquote\vspace*{1mm}\signed{\usebox\mybox}\end{quote}} #+end_src And then use quotes as: #+begin_example # The options derivative adds text after the environment. We use it to add the author. #+ATTR_LATEX: :options {\cite{Frahm1994}} #+begin_aquote /Current (fMRI) applications often rely on "effects" or "statistically significant differences", rather than on a proper analysis of the relationship between neuronal activity, haemodynamic consequences, and MRI physics./ #+end_aquote #+end_example Note that org-ref links won't work here because the attr latex will be pasted as-is in the .tex file. * Setspace for controlling line spacing #+begin_src latex \usepackage{setspace} \setstretch{1.25} #+end_src * Parskip Fine tuning of spacing between paragraphs. See [[https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/161254/smaller-parskip-than-half-for-koma-script][thread here]]. #+begin_src latex \setparsizes{0em}{0.1\baselineskip plus .1\baselineskip}{1em plus 1fil} #+end_src * Table improvements I reduce the size of tables so that longer tables can still fit into an A4 (reduce font and make sans serif). #+begin_src latex \usepackage{floatrow} \floatsetup[table]{font={footnotesize,sf},capposition=top} #+end_src * Possible Equation improvements Make the equation numbers follow the chapter, not the whole thesis. #+begin_src latex \numberwithin{equation}{chapter} #+end_src * Minted The minted package is used for highlighting source code. #+begin_src latex \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{minted} \setminted{autogobble=true,fontsize=\small,baselinestretch=0.8} \setminted[python]{python3=true,tabsize=4} \usemintedstyle{trac} \lstset{abovecaptionskip=0} \renewcommand{\listingscaption}{Code Snippet} #+end_src And reduce the distance between a minted listing and its caption. #+begin_src latex \AtEndEnvironment{listing}{\vspace{-16pt}} #+end_src * Scrhack This package fixes some incompatibility errors between KOMAScript and other packages (namely minted). It has to be loaded at the end. #+begin_src latex \usepackage{scrhack} #+end_src * Background cover page Add the cover image as background to the first page. Only do so when outputting a final version, because it significantly slows down the compilation times. #+begin_src latex :tangle no \usepackage[pages=some]{background} \backgroundsetup{ scale=1, color=black, opacity=0.9, angle=0, contents={% \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{/Users/user/Desktop/TectonicPlatesXVI.png} }% } #+end_src