function [] = initializeDisturbances(args) % initializeDisturbances - Initialize the disturbances % % Syntax: [] = initializeDisturbances(args) % % Inputs: % - args - arguments % Global parameter to enable or disable the disturbances args.enable logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true % Ground Motion - X direction args.Dw_x logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true % Ground Motion - Y direction args.Dw_y logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true % Ground Motion - Z direction args.Dw_z logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true % Translation Stage - X direction args.Fdy_x logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true % Translation Stage - Z direction args.Fdy_z logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true % Spindle - X direction args.Frz_x logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true % Spindle - Y direction args.Frz_y logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true % Spindle - Z direction args.Frz_z logical {mustBeNumericOrLogical} = true end % Initialization of random numbers rng("shuffle"); %% Ground Motion if args.enable % Load the PSD of disturbance load('ustation_disturbance_psd.mat', 'gm_dist') % Frequency Data Dw.f = gm_dist.f; Dw.psd_x = gm_dist.pxx_x; Dw.psd_y = gm_dist.pxx_y; Dw.psd_z = gm_dist.pxx_z; % Time data Fs = 2*Dw.f(end); % Sampling Frequency of data is twice the maximum frequency of the PSD vector [Hz] N = 2*length(Dw.f); % Number of Samples match the one of the wanted PSD T0 = N/Fs; % Signal Duration [s] Dw.t = linspace(0, T0, N+1)'; % Time Vector [s] % ASD representation of the ground motion C = zeros(N/2,1); for i = 1:N/2 C(i) = sqrt(Dw.psd_x(i)/T0); end if args.Dw_x theta = 2*pi*rand(N/2,1); % Generate random phase [rad] Cx = [0 ; C.*complex(cos(theta),sin(theta))]; Cx = [Cx; flipud(conj(Cx(2:end)))];; Dw.x = N/sqrt(2)*ifft(Cx); % Ground Motion - x direction [m] else Dw.x = zeros(length(Dw.t), 1); end if args.Dw_y theta = 2*pi*rand(N/2,1); % Generate random phase [rad] Cx = [0 ; C.*complex(cos(theta),sin(theta))]; Cx = [Cx; flipud(conj(Cx(2:end)))];; Dw.y = N/sqrt(2)*ifft(Cx); % Ground Motion - y direction [m] else Dw.y = zeros(length(Dw.t), 1); end if args.Dw_y theta = 2*pi*rand(N/2,1); % Generate random phase [rad] Cx = [0 ; C.*complex(cos(theta),sin(theta))]; Cx = [Cx; flipud(conj(Cx(2:end)))];; Dw.z = N/sqrt(2)*ifft(Cx); % Ground Motion - z direction [m] else Dw.z = zeros(length(Dw.t), 1); end else Dw.t = [0,1]; % Time Vector [s] Dw.x = [0,0]; % Ground Motion - X [m] Dw.y = [0,0]; % Ground Motion - Y [m] Dw.z = [0,0]; % Ground Motion - Z [m] end %% Translation stage if args.enable % Load the PSD of disturbance load('ustation_disturbance_psd.mat', 'dy_dist') % Frequency Data Dy.f = dy_dist.f; Dy.psd_x = dy_dist.pxx_fx; Dy.psd_z = dy_dist.pxx_fz; % Time data Fs = 2*Dy.f(end); % Sampling Frequency of data is twice the maximum frequency of the PSD vector [Hz] N = 2*length(Dy.f); % Number of Samples match the one of the wanted PSD T0 = N/Fs; % Signal Duration [s] Dy.t = linspace(0, T0, N+1)'; % Time Vector [s] % ASD representation of the disturbance voice C = zeros(N/2,1); for i = 1:N/2 C(i) = sqrt(Dy.psd_x(i)/T0); end if args.Fdy_x theta = 2*pi*rand(N/2,1); % Generate random phase [rad] Cx = [0 ; C.*complex(cos(theta),sin(theta))]; Cx = [Cx; flipud(conj(Cx(2:end)))];; Dy.x = N/sqrt(2)*ifft(Cx); % Translation stage disturbances - X direction [N] else Dy.x = zeros(length(Dy.t), 1); end if args.Fdy_z theta = 2*pi*rand(N/2,1); % Generate random phase [rad] Cx = [0 ; C.*complex(cos(theta),sin(theta))]; Cx = [Cx; flipud(conj(Cx(2:end)))];; Dy.z = N/sqrt(2)*ifft(Cx); % Translation stage disturbances - Z direction [N] else Dy.z = zeros(length(Dy.t), 1); end else Dy.t = [0,1]; % Time Vector [s] Dy.x = [0,0]; % Translation Stage disturbances - X [N] Dy.z = [0,0]; % Translation Stage disturbances - Z [N] end %% Spindle if args.enable % Load the PSD of disturbance load('ustation_disturbance_psd.mat', 'rz_dist') % Frequency Data Rz.f = rz_dist.f; Rz.psd_x = rz_dist.pxx_fx; Rz.psd_y = rz_dist.pxx_fy; Rz.psd_z = rz_dist.pxx_fz; % Time data Fs = 2*Rz.f(end); % Sampling Frequency of data is twice the maximum frequency of the PSD vector [Hz] N = 2*length(Rz.f); % Number of Samples match the one of the wanted PSD T0 = N/Fs; % Signal Duration [s] Rz.t = linspace(0, T0, N+1)'; % Time Vector [s] % ASD representation of the disturbance voice C = zeros(N/2,1); for i = 1:N/2 C(i) = sqrt(Rz.psd_x(i)/T0); end if args.Frz_x theta = 2*pi*rand(N/2,1); % Generate random phase [rad] Cx = [0 ; C.*complex(cos(theta),sin(theta))]; Cx = [Cx; flipud(conj(Cx(2:end)))];; Rz.x = N/sqrt(2)*ifft(Cx); % spindle disturbances - X direction [N] else Rz.x = zeros(length(Rz.t), 1); end if args.Frz_y theta = 2*pi*rand(N/2,1); % Generate random phase [rad] Cx = [0 ; C.*complex(cos(theta),sin(theta))]; Cx = [Cx; flipud(conj(Cx(2:end)))];; Rz.y = N/sqrt(2)*ifft(Cx); % spindle disturbances - Y direction [N] else Rz.y = zeros(length(Rz.t), 1); end if args.Frz_z theta = 2*pi*rand(N/2,1); % Generate random phase [rad] Cx = [0 ; C.*complex(cos(theta),sin(theta))]; Cx = [Cx; flipud(conj(Cx(2:end)))];; Rz.z = N/sqrt(2)*ifft(Cx); % spindle disturbances - Z direction [N] else Rz.z = zeros(length(Rz.t), 1); end else Rz.t = [0,1]; % Time Vector [s] Rz.x = [0,0]; % Spindle disturbances - X [N] Rz.y = [0,0]; % Spindle disturbances - X [N] Rz.z = [0,0]; % Spindle disturbances - Z [N] end u = zeros(100, 6); Fd = u; Dw.x = Dw.x - Dw.x(1); Dw.y = Dw.y - Dw.y(1); Dw.z = Dw.z - Dw.z(1); Dy.x = Dy.x - Dy.x(1); Dy.z = Dy.z - Dy.z(1); Rz.x = Rz.x - Rz.x(1); Rz.y = Rz.y - Rz.y(1); Rz.z = Rz.z - Rz.z(1); if exist('./mat', 'dir') save('mat/nass_model_disturbances.mat', 'Dw', 'Dy', 'Rz', 'Fd', 'args'); elseif exist('./matlab', 'dir') save('matlab/mat/nass_model_disturbances.mat', 'Dw', 'Dy', 'Rz', 'Fd', 'args'); end end