%% Clear Workspace and Close figures clear; close all; clc; %% Intialize Laplace variable s = zpk('s'); %% Path for functions, data and scripts addpath('./mat/'); % Path for data %% Colors for the figures colors = colororder; % Finite Element Model % From the Finite Element Model, the stiffness and stroke of the flexible joint have been computed and summarized in Tables ref:tab:test_joints_axial_shear_prop and ref:tab:test_joints_bending_torsion_prop. %% Stiffness ka = 94e6; % Axial Stiffness [N/m] ks = 13e6; % Shear Stiffness [N/m] kb = 5; % Bending Stiffness [Nm/rad] kt = 260; % Torsional Stiffness [Nm/rad] %% Maximum force Fa = 469; % Axial Force before yield [N] Fs = 242; % Shear Force before yield [N] Fb = 0.118; % Bending Force before yield [Nm] Ft = 1.508; % Torsional Force before yield [Nm] %% Compute the corresponding stroke Xa = Fa/ka; % Axial Stroke before yield [m] Xs = Fs/ks; % Shear Stroke before yield [m] Xb = Fb/kb; % Bending Stroke before yield [rad] Xt = Ft/kt; % Torsional Stroke before yield [rad] % Setup % The setup is schematically represented in Figure ref:fig:test_joints_bench_side_bis. % The force is applied on top of the flexible joint with a distance $h$ with the joint's center. % The displacement of the flexible joint is also measured at the same height. % The height between the joint's center and the force application point is: h = 25e-3; % Height [m] % Estimation error due to force sensor compression % The measured displacement is not done directly at the joint's location. % The force sensor compression will then induce an error on the joint's stiffness. % The force sensor stiffness $k_F$ is estimated to be around: kF = 50/0.05e-3; % [N/m] sprintf('k_F = %.1e [N/m]', kF) % Estimation error due to height estimation error % Let's consider an error in the estimation of the height from the application of the force to the joint's center: % \begin{equation} % h_{\text{est}} = h (1 + \epsilon) % \end{equation} % The computed bending stiffness will be: % \begin{equation} % k_\text{est} \approx h_{\text{est}}^2 \frac{F_x}{d_x} % \end{equation} % And the stiffness estimation error is: % \begin{equation} % \frac{k_{\text{est}}}{k_{R_y}} = (1 + \epsilon)^2 % \end{equation} h_err = 0.2e-3; % Height estimation error [m]