function [stewart] = generateGeneralConfiguration(stewart, args) % generateGeneralConfiguration - Generate a Very General Configuration % % Syntax: [stewart] = generateGeneralConfiguration(stewart, args) % % Inputs: % - args - Can have the following fields: % - FH [1x1] - Height of the position of the fixed joints with respect to the frame {F} [m] % - FR [1x1] - Radius of the position of the fixed joints in the X-Y [m] % - FTh [6x1] - Angles of the fixed joints in the X-Y plane with respect to the X axis [rad] % - MH [1x1] - Height of the position of the mobile joints with respect to the frame {M} [m] % - FR [1x1] - Radius of the position of the mobile joints in the X-Y [m] % - MTh [6x1] - Angles of the mobile joints in the X-Y plane with respect to the X axis [rad] % % Outputs: % - stewart - updated Stewart structure with the added fields: % - platform_F.Fa [3x6] - Its i'th column is the position vector of joint ai with respect to {F} % - platform_M.Mb [3x6] - Its i'th column is the position vector of joint bi with respect to {M} arguments stewart args.FH (1,1) double {mustBeNumeric, mustBePositive} = 15e-3 args.FR (1,1) double {mustBeNumeric, mustBePositive} = 115e-3; args.FTh (6,1) double {mustBeNumeric} = [-10, 10, 120-10, 120+10, 240-10, 240+10]*(pi/180); args.MH (1,1) double {mustBeNumeric, mustBePositive} = 15e-3 args.MR (1,1) double {mustBeNumeric, mustBePositive} = 90e-3; args.MTh (6,1) double {mustBeNumeric} = [-60+10, 60-10, 60+10, 180-10, 180+10, -60-10]*(pi/180); end Fa = zeros(3,6); Mb = zeros(3,6); for i = 1:6 Fa(:,i) = [args.FR*cos(args.FTh(i)); args.FR*sin(args.FTh(i)); args.FH]; Mb(:,i) = [args.MR*cos(args.MTh(i)); args.MR*sin(args.MTh(i)); -args.MH]; end stewart.platform_F.Fa = Fa; stewart.platform_M.Mb = Mb; end