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Proen{\c{c}}a and Rodrigo C. Gomes and Cassiano S. N. C. Bueno and Sergio A. L. Luiz and Artur C. Pinto and Bernd C. Meyer and Douglas Galante and Carlos A. P{\'e}rez and Verônica C. Teixeira and Leonardo M. Kofukuda and Anna P. S. Sotero and Theo A. M. Ruijl and Walter Aarden and Piet Peters and Maryn Wijnhoven and Helio C. N. Tolentino}, title = {The high-dynamic cryogenic sample stage for SAPOTI/CARNA{\'U}BA at Sirius/LNLS}, booktitle = {PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON X-RAY MICROSCOPY - XRM2022}, year = 2023, pages = {nil}, doi = {10.1063/5.0168438}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0168438}, DATE_ADDED = {Thu May 2 18:09:04 2024}, month = {-}, } @article{villar18_nanop_esrf_id16a_nano_imagin_beaml, author = {F. Villar and L. Andre and R. Baker and S. Bohic and J. C. da Silva and C. Guilloud and O. Hignette and J. Meyer and A. Pacureanu and M. Perez and M. Salome and P. van der Linden and Y. Yang and P. 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Bunk}, title = {Omny-A Tomography Nano Cryo Stage}, journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, volume = 89, number = 4, pages = 043706, year = 2018, doi = {10.1063/1.5020247}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5020247}, keywords = {nass}, } @article{stankevic17_inter_charac_rotat_stages_x_ray_nanot, author = {Tomas Stankevic and Christer Engblom and Florent Langlois and Filipe Alves and Alain Lestrade and Nicolas Jobert and Gilles Cauchon and Ulrich Vogt and Stefan Kubsky}, title = {Interferometric Characterization of Rotation Stages for X-Ray Nanotomography}, journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, volume = 88, number = 5, pages = 053703, year = 2017, doi = {10.1063/1.4983405}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4983405}, keywords = {nass, metrology}, } @inproceedings{engblom18_nanop_resul, author = {C. 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