function [ry] = initializeRy() %% load('./mat/smiData.mat', 'smiData'); %% ry = struct(); ry.m = smiData.Solid(26).mass+smiData.Solid(18).mass+smiData.Solid(10).mass; ry.k.h = 357e6/4; % Stiffness in the direction of the guidance [N/m] ry.k.rad = 555e6/4; % Stiffness in the top direction [N/m] ry.k.rrad = 238e6/4; % Stiffness in the side direction [N/m] ry.k.tilt = 1e4 ; % Rotation stiffness around y [N*m/deg] ry.c.h = ry.k.h/1000; ry.c.rad = ry.k.rad/1000; ry.c.rrad = ry.k.rrad/1000; ry.c.tilt = ry.k.tilt/1000; %% Save if no output argument if nargout == 0 save('./mat/ry.mat', 'ry'); end end