%% Script Description % Compare the plan when on top of a rigid support % and on top of the micro-station (flexible support) %% clear; close all; clc; %% Load Transfer Functions load('./mat/G_nass.mat', 'G_nass_1', 'G_nass_20', 'G_nass_50'); load('./stewart-simscape/mat/G_cart.mat', 'G_cart_1', 'G_cart_20', 'G_cart_50') load('./mat/G_f_to_d.mat', 'G_1', 'G_20', 'G_50') %% Compare NASS alone and NASS on top of the Station freqs = logspace(1, 4, 1000); bodeFig({G_nass_50(1, 1), G_cart_50(1, 1)}, freqs, struct('phase', true)) legend({'$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{n_x}$ - $\mu$-station', '$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{n_x}$ - Rigid support'}) legend('location', 'southwest') bodeFig({G_nass_50(2, 2), G_cart_50(2, 2)}, freqs, struct('phase', true)) legend({'$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{n_y}$ - $\mu$-station', '$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{n_y}$ - rigid support'}) legend('location', 'southwest') bodeFig({G_nass_50(3, 3), G_cart_50(3, 3)}, freqs, struct('phase', true)) legend({'$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{n_z}$ - $\mu$-station', '$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{n_z}$ - rigid support'}) legend('location', 'southwest') %% Compare Displacement of the NASS with Displacement of the Sample freqs = logspace(1, 3, 1000); bodeFig({G_nass_50(1, 1), G_50(1, 1)}, freqs, struct('phase', true)) legend({'$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{n_x}$', '$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{s_x}$'}) legend('location', 'southwest') bodeFig({G_nass_50(2, 2), G_50(2, 2)}, freqs, struct('phase', true)) legend({'$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{n_y}$', '$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{s_y}$'}) legend('location', 'southwest') bodeFig({G_nass_50(3, 3), G_50(3, 3)}, freqs, struct('phase', true)) legend({'$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{n_z}$', '$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{s_z}$'}) legend('location', 'southwest')