function [ty] = initializeTy(opts_param) %% Default values for opts opts = struct('rigid', false); %% Populate opts with input parameters if exist('opts_param','var') for opt = fieldnames(opts_param)' opts.(opt{1}) = opts_param.(opt{1}); end end %% ty = struct(); ty.m = 250; % [kg] if opts.rigid = 1e10; % Axial Stiffness for each of the 4 guidance (y) [N/m] else = 1e7/4; % Axial Stiffness for each of the 4 guidance (y) [N/m] end ty.k.rad = 9e9/4; % Radial Stiffness for each of the 4 guidance (x-z) [N/m] = 100*(1/5)*sqrt(; ty.c.rad = 100*(1/5)*sqrt(ty.k.rad/ty.m); %% Save save('./mat/stages.mat', 'ty', '-append'); end