% Simulation Configuration % :PROPERTIES: % :header-args:matlab+: :tangle src/initializeSimConf.m % :header-args:matlab+: :comments org :mkdirp yes % :header-args:matlab+: :eval no :results none % :END: % <> % This Matlab function is accessible [[file:src/initializeSimConf.m][here]]. function [] = initializeSimConf(opts_param) %% Default values for opts opts = struct('Ts', 1e-4, ... % Sampling time [s] 'Tsim', 10, ... % Simulation time [s] 'cl_time', 0, ... % Close Loop time [s] 'gravity', false ... % Gravity along the z axis ); %% Populate opts with input parameters if exist('opts_param','var') for opt = fieldnames(opts_param)' opts.(opt{1}) = opts_param.(opt{1}); end end %% sim_conf = struct(); %% sim_conf.Ts = opts.Ts; sim_conf.Tsim = opts.Tsim; sim_conf.cl_time = opts.cl_time; %% Gravity if opts.gravity sim_conf.g = -9.8; %#ok else sim_conf.g = 0; %#ok end %% Save save('./mat/sim_conf.mat', 'sim_conf'); end