%% clear; close all; clc; %% Load the obtained transfer functions load('./mat/id_micro_station.mat', 'G_h_h', 'G_g_g', 'G_h_g'); %% Micro-Hexapod bodeFig({G_h_h(1, 1), G_h_h(2, 2), G_h_h(3, 3)}) legend({'$F_{h_x} \rightarrow D_{h_x}$', '$F_{h_y} \rightarrow D_{h_y}$', '$F_{h_z} \rightarrow D_{h_z}$'}) legend('location', 'southwest') exportFig('id_marc_h_to_h', 'normal-normal', struct('path', 'identification')) %% Granite % Bode Plot of the linearized function bodeFig({G_g_g(1, 1), G_g_g(2, 2), G_g_g(3, 3)}) legend({'$F_{g_x} \rightarrow D_{g_x}$', '$F_{g_y} \rightarrow D_{g_y}$', '$F_{g_z} \rightarrow D_{g_z}$'}) legend('location', 'southwest') exportFig('id_marc_g_to_g', 'normal-normal', struct('path', 'identification')) %% Micro Hexapod to Granite % Bode Plot of the linearized function bodeFig({G_h_g(1, 1), G_h_g(2, 2), G_h_g(3, 3)}) legend({'$F_{h_x} \rightarrow D_{g_x}$', '$F_{h_y} \rightarrow D_{g_y}$', '$F_{h_z} \rightarrow D_{g_z}$'}) legend('location', 'southwest') exportFig('id_marc_h_to_g', 'normal-normal', struct('path', 'identification'))