function [cedrat] = initializeCedratPiezo(opts_param) %% Default values for opts opts = struct(); %% Populate opts with input parameters if exist('opts_param','var') for opt = fieldnames(opts_param)' opts.(opt{1}) = opts_param.(opt{1}); end end %% Stewart Object cedrat = struct(); cedrat.k = 10e7; % Linear Stiffness of each "blade" [N/m] cedrat.ka = 10e7; % Linear Stiffness of the stack [N/m] cedrat.c = 0.1*sqrt(1*cedrat.k); % [N/(m/s)] = 0.1*sqrt(1*cedrat.ka); % [N/(m/s)] cedrat.L = 80; % Total Width of the Actuator[mm] cedrat.H = 45; % Total Height of the Actuator [mm] cedrat.L2 = sqrt((cedrat.L/2)^2 + (cedrat.H/2)^2); % Length of the elipsoidal sections [mm] cedrat.alpha = 180/pi*atan2(cedrat.L/2, cedrat.H/2); % [deg] %% Save save('./mat/stages.mat', 'cedrat', '-append'); end