function [MTr] = computeSampleError(WTm, WTr) % computeSampleError - % % Syntax: [MTr] = computeSampleError(WTm, WTr) % % Inputs: % - WTm - Homoegeneous transformation that represent the % wanted pose of the sample with respect to the granite % - WTr - Homoegeneous transformation that represent the % measured pose of the sample with respect to the granite % % Outputs: % - MTr - Homoegeneous transformation that represent the % wanted pose of the sample expressed in a frame % attached to the top platform of the nano-hexapod MTr = zeros(4,4); MTr = [WTm(1:3,1:3)', -WTm(1:3,1:3)'*WTm(1:3,4) ; 0 0 0 1]*WTr; end