tg = slrt; %% TODO - Build this application if updated %% if tg.Connected == "Yes" if tg.Status == "stopped" %% Load the application tg.load('slip_ring_test'); %% Run the application tg.start; pause(10); tg.stop; %% Load the data f = SimulinkRealTime.openFTP(tg); cd(f, 'data/slip_ring_test/'); mget(f, 'data_001.dat', 'data'); close(f); end end data = SimulinkRealTime.utils.getFileScopeData('data/data_001.dat').data; size(data) t = data(:, end); x1 = data(:, 1); x2 = data(:, 2); save('mat/data_002.mat', 't', 'x1', 'x2'); %% Plot the data figure; hold on; plot(t, x1); plot(t, x2); hold off xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Voltage [V]'); %% figure; hold on; plot(t, x1-x2); hold off xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Voltage [V]');