Mass properties of selected components Coordinate system: Coordinate System1 The center of mass and the moments of inertia are output in the coordinate system of Assemblage * Includes the mass properties of one or more hidden components/bodies. Mass = 19.656 kilograms Volume = 0.005 cubic meters Surface area = 1.488 square meters Center of mass: ( meters ) X = -0.004 Y = 0.006 Z = -0.319 Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the center of mass. Ix = ( 0.806, 0.593, -0.001) Px = 0.250 Iy = (-0.592, 0.805, -0.030) Py = 0.361 Iz = (-0.017, 0.024, 1.000) Pz = 0.526 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system. Lxx = 0.289 Lxy = 0.053 Lxz = 0.003 Lyx = 0.053 Lyy = 0.322 Lyz = -0.004 Lzx = 0.003 Lzy = -0.004 Lzz = 0.526 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the output coordinate system. Ixx = 2.295 Ixy = 0.052 Ixz = 0.031 Iyx = 0.052 Iyy = 2.327 Iyz = -0.040 Izx = 0.031 Izy = -0.040 Izz = 0.527