%% Tsim = 100; % [s] %% tg = slrt; %% TODO - Build this application if updated %% if tg.Connected == "Yes" if tg.Status == "running" disp('Target is Running, Stopping...'); tg.stop; while tg.Status == "running" pause(1); end disp('Target is Stopped'); end if tg.Status == "stopped" disp('Load the Application'); tg.load('measure_channels'); %% Run the application disp('Starting the Application'); tg.start; pause(Tsim); tg.stop; end else error("The target computer is not connected"); end %% f = SimulinkRealTime.openFTP(tg); cd(f, 'data/measure_channels/'); mget(f, 'data_001.dat', 'data'); close(f); data = SimulinkRealTime.utils.getFileScopeData('data/data_001.dat').data; %% n = 52; while isfile(['mat/data_', num2str(n, '%03d'), '.mat']) disp('File exists.'); if input(['Are you sure you want to override the file ', 'mat/data_', ... num2str(n, '%03d'), '.mat', ' ? [Y/n]']) == 'Y' break; end n = input('What should be the measurement number?'); end save(['mat/data_', num2str(n, '%03d'), '.mat'], 'data');