% This function exports the given figure with nice settings to the given % file path in the defined file format. % % input parameter: % - handle ... figure handle % - path ... file path % - format ... file format ('pdf', 'meta', 'jpeg', 'png'), default 'pdf' function exportFigure(handle, path, format) % select figure figure(handle) % set output settings set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'manual', 'Renderer', 'painters', 'RendererMode', 'manual'); % export figure print(handle, path, '-dpdf'); % set export format % if(strcmp(format,'pdf') || strcmp(format,'jpeg') ) % dformat = ['-d' format]; % else % dformat = '-dpdf'; % end % % if(strcmp(format,'meta')) % format = 'emf'; % end % % if(strcmp(format,'jpeg')) % format = 'jpg'; % end if(strcmp(format,'jpeg') || strcmp(format,'jpg') || ... strcmp(format,'JPEG') || strcmp(format,'JPG')) display(' --------------- Converting to JPG image ----------------- '); system(['convert -density 300 ' path '.pdf -quality 95 ' path '.jpg']); system(['rm ' path '.pdf']); end if(strcmp(format,'png') || strcmp(format,'PNG')) display(' --------------- Converting to PNG image ----------------- '); system(['convert -density 300 ' path '.pdf ' path '.png']); system(['rm ' path '.pdf']); end end % end function