%% Clear Workspace and Close figures clear; close all; clc; %% Intialize Laplace variable s = zpk('s'); % Load data % We load the data of the z axis of two geophones. d_18 = load('mat/data_018.mat', 'data'); d_18 = d_18.data; d_19 = load('mat/data_019.mat', 'data'); d_19 = d_19.data; % Analysis - Time Domain figure; hold on; plot(d_19(:, 3), d_19(:, 1), 'DisplayName', 'Driver - Ground'); plot(d_18(:, 3), d_18(:, 1), 'DisplayName', 'Driver - Granite'); hold off; xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Voltage [V]'); xlim([0, 50]); legend('Location', 'bestoutside'); % Analysis - Frequency Domain dt = d_18(2, 3) - d_18(1, 3); Fs = 1/dt; win = hanning(ceil(10*Fs)); % Vibrations at the sample location % First, we compute the Power Spectral Density of the signals coming from the Geophone located at the sample location. [px_18, f] = pwelch(d_18(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs); [px_19, ~] = pwelch(d_19(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs); figure; hold on; plot(f, sqrt(px_19), 'DisplayName', 'Driver - Ground'); plot(f, sqrt(px_18), 'DisplayName', 'Driver - Granite'); hold off; set(gca, 'xscale', 'log'); set(gca, 'yscale', 'log'); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); ylabel('Amplitude Spectral Density $\left[\frac{V}{\sqrt{Hz}}\right]$') xlim([0.1, 500]); legend('Location', 'southwest');