#+TITLE:Measurement of the ID31 Micro-Station :DRAWER: #+STARTUP: overview #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: :END: This web-page gathers all the measurements done on the ID31 Micro Station. * Measurements of the dynamics of the station - [[file:dynamical-meas-granite/index.org][Dynamics from floor motion to marble motion]] - [[file:2017-11-17%20-%20Marc/index.org][Measurement of the dynamics of the station using intrumented hammer and accelerometers]] - [[file:2018-01-12%20-%20Marc/index.org][Measurement of the dynamics of the station using intrumented hammer and geophones]] - [[file:2018-10-12%20-%20Marc/index.org][Measurement of the dyanamics - Micro station glued on ID31]] * Measurements of perturbations - [[file:disturbance-sr-rz/index.org][Measurement of the vibrations induced by the rotation of the slip-ring and spindle]] - [[file:disturbance-ty-sr/index.org][Measurement of the vibrations induced by the simultaneous rotation of the slip-ring and scan of the translation stage]] - [[file:disturbance-measurement/index.org][Disturbance Measurement - Spindle]] - [[file:slip-ring-electrical-noise/index.org][Measurement of the electrical noise induced by the slip-ring]] - [[file:ground-motion/index.org][Ground motion measurements]] - [[file:static-to-dynamic/index.org][Static guiding errors - Ty]] - [[file:static-spindle/index.org][Static guiding errors - Spindle]] - [[file:disturbance-control-system/index.org][Disturbance induced by the control system of each stage]] - [[file:disturbance-ty/index.org][Vibrations due to Ty scans]] - [[file:2018-10-15%20-%20Marc/index.org][Perturbation due to the control loop of each stage]] * Other - [[file:huddle-test-geophones/index.org][Huddle Test - Geophones]] - [[file:instrumentation/index.org][Measurement on the instrumentation]] - [[file:slip-ring-electrical-noise/index.org][Slip Ring - Noise measurement]] - [[file:static-measurements/index.org][Control System Measurement]] - [[file:actuators-sensors/index.org][Actuators and Sensors]] - [[file:equipment/equipment.org][Equipment used for the measurements]] - [[file:src/index.org][Matlab functions used for the data analysis]]