Music/Sound Configuration
Table of Contents
Pavu Control
[window] width=500 height=400 sinkInputType=1 sourceOutputType=1 sinkType=0 sourceType=1 showVolumeMeters=1
Configuration directory.
ncmpcpp_directory = ~/.config/ncmpcpp
MPD Configuration.
mpd_host = localhost mpd_port = 6600 mpd_music_dir = ~/Music
Notification of song change.
execute_on_song_change = dunstify --replace=19845 "Now Playing ♫" "$(mpc current)"
def_key "q" run_external_command "if [ $TMUX ]; then tmux detach; fi" def_key "Q" quit def_key "g" move_home def_key "G" move_end def_key "j" scroll_down def_key "k" scroll_up def_key "ctrl-u" page_up def_key "ctrl-d" page_down def_key "l" enter_directory def_key "h" jump_to_parent_directory def_key "." show_lyrics def_key "n" next_found_item def_key "N" previous_found_item def_key "J" move_sort_order_down def_key "K" move_sort_order_up def_key "d" delete_playlist_items def_key "+" volume_up def_key "-" volume_down
directory: ~/Music library: ~/Music/musiclibrary.db art_filename: cover import: move: yes plugins: fromfilename discogs
[spotify] username = password = <<get-password(passname="")>> client_id = 9dd02534-f038-46d8-946e-bfe72498204e client_secret = <<get-password(passname="spotify/client_secret")>> bitrate = 320 [mpd] enabled = true hostname = port = 6600 password = max_connections = 20 connection_timeout = 60 zeroconf = Mopidy MPD server on $hostname command_blacklist = listall,listallinfo default_playlist_scheme = m3u [file] enabled = true media_dirs = /home/thomas/Music excluded_file_extensions = .db .directory .html .jpeg .jpg .log .nfo .pdf .png .txt .zip [audio] output = tee name=t t. ! queue ! autoaudiosink t. ! queue ! audioresample ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw,rate=44100,channels=2,format=S16LE ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/mpd.fifo
Radio with curseradio
[opml] root = [playback] command = /usr/bin/mpv [interface] keymap = vi [] up = k down = j start = 0 end = $ pageup = u pagedown = d enter = l stop = p exit = q favourite = f