#+TITLE: My own specific binaries #+SETUPFILE: ./setup/org-setup-file.org #+PROPERTY: header-args:bash :comments both :mkdirp yes #+PROPERTY: header-args:bash+ :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash" #+PROPERTY: header-args:bash+ :tangle-mode (identity #o555) * =qutebrowser= :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: qutebrowser :END: #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/qutebrowser ~/.local/soft/qutebrowser/.venv/bin/python3 -m qutebrowser "$@" #+end_src * =remote-desktop= - Remote Desktop Connect :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: remote-desktop :END: #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/remote-desktop computer=$(echo -e 'RNICE\nPCDEHAEZE\nPCNASS1' | rofi -dmenu -no-custom -p 'Computer:' -l 20); if [[ -z "$computer" ]]; then exit 1 fi notify-send 'Rdesktop' "Connection to ${computer}..." proxy_arg="" if [ -z "$(timeout 1s dig +short proxy.esrf.fr.)" ]; then proxy_arg="/proxy:socks5://localhost:8080" fi xfreerdp $proxy_arg /u:dehaeze /d:ESRF /clipboard /bpp:8 /bpp:16 /compression -themes -wallpaper /async-update /async-input -glyph-cache /audio-mode:1 /dynamic-resolution /auto-reconnect /wm-class:RDP_$computer /grab-keyboard /p:$(pass esrf.fr/dehaeze | sed -n 1p) /v:$computer.esrf.fr > /tmp/freerdp_${computer}.log 2>&1 & #+end_src * =mount-dir= - Mount/Unmout directories #+begin_src text :tangle no # homelab:/srv/storage/ /home/thomas/mnt/homelab fuse.sshfs noauto,allow_other,user,default_permissions 0 0 #+end_src #+begin_src text :tangle no # dehaeze@rnice:/tmp_14_days/ /home/thomas/mnt/tmp_14_days fuse.sshfs noauto,allow_other,user,default_permissions 0 0 #+end_src #+begin_src text :tangle no # dehaeze@rnice:/home/esrf/dehaeze/ /home/thomas/mnt/unix_home fuse.sshfs noauto,allow_other,user,default_permissions 0 0 #+end_src #+begin_src text :tangle no # //wfiles/groupshare /home/thomas/mnt/groupshare vsifs noauto,user,credentials=/home/thomas/.smbcredentials,uid=1001,gid=1001,forceuid,forcegid 0 0 #+end_src #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/mount-dir if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then drive=$(echo -e 'tmp_14_days\nhomelab\ngroupshare\nunix_home\ndata_id21' | rofi -dmenu -no-custom -p 'Drive:' -l 20); if [[ -z "$drive" ]]; then exit 1 fi else drive=$1 fi if grep -qs "/home/thomas/mnt/$drive" /proc/mounts; then umount "/home/thomas/mnt/$drive" && \ notify-send "$drive " 'Successfully unmounted' || \ notify-send --urgency=critical "$drive " 'Error while unmounted' else echo "It's not mounted." mount "/home/thomas/mnt/$drive" && \ notify-send "$drive " 'Successfully mounted' || \ notify-send --urgency=critical "$drive " 'Error while mounted' fi #+end_src * =screen-select= - Xrandr pre-defined scripts :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: screen-select :END: #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/screen-select option=$(echo -e "Work\nLaptop\nHome" | rofi -dmenu -no-custom -p 'Screen:' -l 20) if [[ -z "$option" ]]; then exit 1 fi after_screen_change () { # Fix background if screen size/arangement has changed. setbg # Kill polybar killall -q polybar # Wait until the processes have been shut down while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done # Launch bars polybar top & } case "$option" in "Work") xrandr --output eDP-1 --off --output DP-1-2 --primary --mode 2560x1440 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal && \ after_screen_change ;; "Laptop") xrandr --output DP-1-2 --off --output eDP-1 --primary --mode 1920x1200 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal && \ after_screen_change ;; "Home") xrandr --output eDP-1 --off --output DP-1-1 --primary --mode 2560x1440 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal && \ after_screen_change ;; ,*) echo "== ! missing or invalid argument ! ==" exit 2 esac exit 0 #+end_src * =print-esrf= - Print on Rnice :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: print-esrf :END: #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/print-esrf nbpage=$(echo -e '1\n2\n4' | rofi -dmenu -no-custom -p 'Number of pages per sheet' -l 20); sides=$(echo -e 'one-sided\ntwo-sided-long-edge\ntwo-sided-short-edge' | rofi -dmenu -no-custom -p 'Two Sided:' -l 20); media=$(echo -e 'A4\nA3' | rofi -dmenu -no-custom -p 'Size:' -l 20); printer=$(echo -e 'ctb127c1u\nctb110c1u' | rofi -dmenu -no-custom -p 'Size:' -l 20); if [[ -z "$nbpage" || -z "$side" || -z "$media" || -z "$printer" ]]; then exit 1 fi lpr -o media=$media -o sides=$sides -o number-up=$nbpage -P $printer "$1"; #+end_src * =readbib= - Open Bibliography File :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: readbib :END: List all =pdf= files and open selected one with zathura. #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/readbib cd ~/Cloud/pdfs/ && ls | rofi -dmenu -lines 20 | xargs -I {} zathura {} #+end_src * =readnotes= - Open Note :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: readnotes :END: List all =pdf= files and open selected one with zathura. #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/readnotes cd ~/Cloud/brain/pdfs/ && ls *.pdf | rofi -dmenu -lines 20 | xargs -I {} zathura {} #+end_src