#+TITLE: Configuration Files * Xresources :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.Xresources :header-args+: :comments none :mkdirp yes :END: ** Colors #+begin_src conf #define base00 #32302f #define base01 #3c3836 #define base02 #504945 #define base03 #665c54 #define base04 #bdae93 #define base05 #d5c4a1 #define base06 #ebdbb2 #define base07 #fbf1c7 #define base08 #fb4934 #define base09 #fe8019 #define base0A #fabd2f #define base0B #b8bb26 #define base0C #8ec07c #define base0D #83a598 #define base0E #d3869b #define base0F #d65d0e *foreground: base05 #ifdef background_opacity *background: [background_opacity]base00 #else *background: base00 #endif *cursorColor: base05 *color0: base00 *color1: base08 *color2: base0B *color3: base0A *color4: base0D *color5: base0E *color6: base0C *color7: base05 *color8: base03 *color9: base08 *color10: base0B *color11: base0A *color12: base0D *color13: base0E *color14: base0C *color15: base07 ! Note: colors beyond 15 might not be loaded (e.g., xterm, urxvt), ! use 'shell' template to set these if necessary *color16: base09 *color17: base0F *color18: base01 *color19: base02 *color20: base04 *color21: base06 #+end_src ** XFT #+BEGIN_SRC conf Xft.dpi: 96 Xft.autohint: 0 Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault Xft.hintstyle: hintfull Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.rgba: rgb #+END_SRC ** Xcursor #+BEGIN_SRC conf Xcursor.theme: Breeze Xcursor.size: 0 #+END_SRC ** URxvt #+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle no ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! File: gruvbox-dark.xresources ! Description: Retro groove colorscheme generalized ! Author: morhetz ! Source: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox-generalized ! Last Modified: 6 Sep 2014 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! hard contrast: *background: #1d2021 *background: #282828 ! soft contrast: *background: #32302f *foreground: #ebdbb2 ! Black + DarkGrey *color0: #282828 *color8: #928374 ! DarkRed + Red *color1: #cc241d *color9: #fb4934 ! DarkGreen + Green *color2: #98971a *color10: #b8bb26 ! DarkYellow + Yellow *color3: #d79921 *color11: #fabd2f ! DarkBlue + Blue *color4: #458588 *color12: #83a598 ! DarkMagenta + Magenta *color5: #b16286 *color13: #d3869b ! DarkCyan + Cyan *color6: #689d6a *color14: #8ec07c ! LightGrey + White *color7: #a89984 *color15: #ebdbb2 #+END_SRC #+begin_src conf URxvt*termName: screen-256color URxvt*geometry: 240x84 URxvt*loginShell: true URxvt*scrollstyle: plain URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: false URxvt*secondaryScreen: true URxvt*secondaryScroll: true URxvt*skipScroll: true URxvt*scrollBar: false URxvt*scrollBar_right: false URxvt*scrollBar_floating: false URxvt*utmpInhibit: false URxvt*urgentOnBell: false URxvt*visualBell: true URxvt*mapAlert: true URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: true URxvt*font: xft:Hack Nerd Font Mono:size=10 URxvt*boldFont: xft:Hack Nerd Font Mono:bold:size=10 URxvt.perl-ext-common: selection-to-clipboard URxvt.keysym.C-S-c: perl:clipboard:copy URxvt.keysym.C-S-v: perl:clipboard:paste #+end_src * Font :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf :header-args+: :comments none :mkdirp yes :END: #+begin_src conf serif Linux Libertine sans-serif Linux Biolinum sans Linux Biolinum monospace SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono #+end_src * Redshift :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/redshift.conf :header-args+: :comments none :mkdirp yes :END: #+begin_src conf [redshift] ; Set the day and night screen temperatures temp-day=5700 temp-night=3500 ; Enable/Disable a smooth transition between day and night ; 0 will cause a direct change from day to night screen temperature. ; 1 will gradually increase or decrease the screen temperature. transition=1 ; Set the screen brightness. Default is 1.0. ;brightness=0.9 ; It is also possible to use different settings for day and night ; since version 1.8. ;brightness-day=0.7 ;brightness-night=0.4 ; Set the screen gamma (for all colors, or each color channel ; individually) ; gamma=0.8 ;gamma=0.8:0.7:0.8 ; This can also be set individually for day and night since ; version 1.10. ;gamma-day=0.8:0.7:0.8 ;gamma-night=0.6 ; Set the location-provider: 'geoclue2', 'manual' ; type 'redshift -l list' to see possible values. ; The location provider settings are in a different section. location-provider=manual ; Set the adjustment-method: 'randr', 'vidmode' ; type 'redshift -m list' to see all possible values. ; 'randr' is the preferred method, 'vidmode' is an older API. ; but works in some cases when 'randr' does not. ; The adjustment method settings are in a different section. adjustment-method=randr ; Configuration of the location-provider: ; type 'redshift -l PROVIDER:help' to see the settings. ; ex: 'redshift -l manual:help' ; Keep in mind that longitudes west of Greenwich (e.g. the Americas) ; are negative numbers. [manual] lat=45.1 lon=5.7 #+end_src * dmenu :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.dmenurc :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf # define the font for dmenu to be used DMENU_FN="Noto-10.5" # background colour for unselected menu-items DMENU_NB="#222D31" # textcolour for unselected menu-items DMENU_NF="#F9FAF9" # background colour for selected menu-items DMENU_SB="#16A085" # textcolour for selected menu-items DMENU_SF="#F9FAF9" # command for the terminal application to be used: TERMINAL_CMD="terminal -e" # export our variables DMENU_OPTIONS="-fn $DMENU_FN -nb $DMENU_NB -nf $DMENU_NF -sf $DMENU_SF -sb $DMENU_SB" #+END_SRC * GTK ** GTK-2.0 :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf gtk-theme-name="Arc-Dark" gtk-icon-theme-name="Arc" gtk-font-name="Hack Nerd Font Mono 10" gtk-cursor-theme-name="xcursor-breeze" gtk-cursor-theme-size=0 gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH gtk-toolbar-icon-size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR gtk-button-images=1 gtk-menu-images=1 gtk-enable-event-sounds=1 gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds=1 gtk-xft-antialias=1 gtk-xft-hinting=1 gtk-xft-hintstyle="hintfull" gtk-xft-rgba="rgb" #+END_SRC ** GTK-3.0 :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf [Settings] gtk-theme-name=Arc-Dark gtk-icon-theme-name=Arc gtk-font-name=Hack Nerd Font Mono 10 gtk-cursor-theme-name=xcursor-breeze gtk-cursor-theme-size=0 gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH gtk-toolbar-icon-size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR gtk-button-images=1 gtk-menu-images=1 gtk-enable-event-sounds=1 gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds=1 gtk-xft-antialias=1 gtk-xft-hinting=1 gtk-xft-hintstyle=hintfull gtk-xft-rgba=rgb #+END_SRC * Input :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.inputrc :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf # Single tab for autocompletion set show-all-if-ambiguous on # Ignore case for completion set completion-ignore-case on #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC conf # VI mode (works in bash and zsh) set editing-mode vi # Show which mode (normal or insert) set show-mode-in-prompt on # Show the mode by changing the cursor set vi-ins-mode-string \1\e[6 q\2 set vi-cmd-mode-string \1\e[2 q\2 #+END_SRC * Xmodmap :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.Xmodmap :header-args+: :comments no :mkdirp yes :END: #+begin_src conf keycode 8 = keycode 9 = Escape NoSymbol Escape keycode 10 = 1 exclam 1 exclam keycode 11 = 2 at 2 at keycode 12 = 3 numbersign 3 numbersign keycode 13 = 4 dollar 4 dollar keycode 14 = 5 percent 5 percent keycode 15 = 6 asciicircum 6 asciicircum keycode 16 = 7 ampersand 7 ampersand keycode 17 = 8 asterisk 8 asterisk keycode 18 = 9 parenleft 9 parenleft keycode 19 = 0 parenright 0 parenright keycode 20 = minus underscore minus underscore keycode 21 = equal plus equal plus keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace BackSpace BackSpace keycode 23 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab Tab ISO_Left_Tab keycode 24 = q Q q Q keycode 25 = w W w W keycode 26 = e E e E keycode 27 = r R r R keycode 28 = t T t T keycode 29 = y Y y Y keycode 30 = u U u U keycode 31 = i I i I keycode 32 = o O o O keycode 33 = p P p P keycode 34 = bracketleft braceleft bracketleft braceleft keycode 35 = bracketright braceright bracketright braceright keycode 36 = Return NoSymbol Return keycode 37 = Control_L NoSymbol Control_L keycode 38 = a A a A keycode 39 = s S s S keycode 40 = d D d D keycode 41 = f F f F keycode 42 = g G g G keycode 43 = h H h H keycode 44 = j J j J keycode 45 = k K k K keycode 46 = l L l L keycode 47 = semicolon colon semicolon colon keycode 48 = apostrophe quotedbl apostrophe quotedbl keycode 49 = grave asciitilde grave asciitilde keycode 50 = Shift_L NoSymbol Shift_L keycode 51 = backslash bar backslash bar keycode 52 = z Z z Z keycode 53 = x X x X keycode 54 = c C c C keycode 55 = v V v V keycode 56 = b B b B keycode 57 = n N n N keycode 58 = m M m M keycode 59 = comma less comma less keycode 60 = period greater period greater keycode 61 = slash question slash question keycode 62 = Shift_R NoSymbol Shift_R keycode 63 = KP_Multiply KP_Multiply KP_Multiply KP_Multiply KP_Multiply KP_Multiply XF86ClearGrab keycode 64 = Alt_L Meta_L Alt_L Meta_L keycode 65 = space NoSymbol space keycode 66 = Caps_Lock NoSymbol Caps_Lock keycode 67 = F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 XF86Switch_VT_1 keycode 68 = F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 XF86Switch_VT_2 keycode 69 = F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 XF86Switch_VT_3 keycode 70 = F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 XF86Switch_VT_4 keycode 71 = F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 XF86Switch_VT_5 keycode 72 = F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 XF86Switch_VT_6 keycode 73 = F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 XF86Switch_VT_7 keycode 74 = F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 XF86Switch_VT_8 keycode 75 = F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 XF86Switch_VT_9 keycode 76 = F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 XF86Switch_VT_10 keycode 77 = Num_Lock NoSymbol Num_Lock keycode 78 = Scroll_Lock NoSymbol Scroll_Lock keycode 79 = KP_Home KP_7 KP_Home KP_7 keycode 80 = KP_Up KP_8 KP_Up KP_8 keycode 81 = KP_Prior KP_9 KP_Prior KP_9 keycode 82 = KP_Subtract KP_Subtract KP_Subtract KP_Subtract KP_Subtract KP_Subtract XF86Prev_VMode keycode 83 = KP_Left KP_4 KP_Left KP_4 keycode 84 = KP_Begin KP_5 KP_Begin KP_5 keycode 85 = KP_Right KP_6 KP_Right KP_6 keycode 86 = KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add XF86Next_VMode keycode 87 = KP_End KP_1 KP_End KP_1 keycode 88 = KP_Down KP_2 KP_Down KP_2 keycode 89 = KP_Next KP_3 KP_Next KP_3 keycode 90 = KP_Insert KP_0 KP_Insert KP_0 keycode 91 = KP_Delete KP_Decimal KP_Delete KP_Decimal keycode 92 = ISO_Level3_Shift NoSymbol ISO_Level3_Shift keycode 93 = keycode 94 = less greater less greater bar brokenbar bar keycode 95 = F11 F11 F11 F11 F11 F11 XF86Switch_VT_11 keycode 96 = F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 XF86Switch_VT_12 keycode 97 = keycode 98 = Katakana NoSymbol Katakana keycode 99 = Hiragana NoSymbol Hiragana keycode 100 = Henkan_Mode NoSymbol Henkan_Mode keycode 101 = Hiragana_Katakana NoSymbol Hiragana_Katakana keycode 102 = Muhenkan NoSymbol Muhenkan keycode 103 = keycode 104 = KP_Enter NoSymbol KP_Enter keycode 105 = Control_R NoSymbol Control_R keycode 106 = KP_Divide KP_Divide KP_Divide KP_Divide KP_Divide KP_Divide XF86Ungrab keycode 107 = Print Sys_Req Print Sys_Req keycode 108 = Alt_R Meta_R Alt_R Meta_R keycode 109 = Linefeed NoSymbol Linefeed keycode 110 = Home NoSymbol Home keycode 111 = Up NoSymbol Up keycode 112 = Prior NoSymbol Prior keycode 113 = Left NoSymbol Left keycode 114 = Right NoSymbol Right keycode 115 = End NoSymbol End keycode 116 = Down NoSymbol Down keycode 117 = Next NoSymbol Next keycode 118 = Insert NoSymbol Insert keycode 119 = Delete NoSymbol Delete keycode 120 = keycode 121 = XF86AudioMute NoSymbol XF86AudioMute keycode 122 = XF86AudioLowerVolume NoSymbol XF86AudioLowerVolume keycode 123 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume NoSymbol XF86AudioRaiseVolume keycode 124 = XF86PowerOff NoSymbol XF86PowerOff keycode 125 = KP_Equal NoSymbol KP_Equal keycode 126 = plusminus NoSymbol plusminus keycode 127 = Pause Break Pause Break keycode 128 = XF86LaunchA NoSymbol XF86LaunchA keycode 129 = KP_Decimal KP_Decimal KP_Decimal KP_Decimal keycode 130 = Hangul NoSymbol Hangul keycode 131 = Hangul_Hanja NoSymbol Hangul_Hanja keycode 132 = keycode 133 = keycode 134 = Super_R NoSymbol Super_R keycode 135 = Menu NoSymbol Menu keycode 136 = Cancel NoSymbol Cancel keycode 137 = Redo NoSymbol Redo keycode 138 = SunProps NoSymbol SunProps keycode 139 = Undo NoSymbol Undo keycode 140 = SunFront NoSymbol SunFront keycode 141 = XF86Copy NoSymbol XF86Copy keycode 142 = XF86Open NoSymbol XF86Open keycode 143 = XF86Paste NoSymbol XF86Paste keycode 144 = Find NoSymbol Find keycode 145 = XF86Cut NoSymbol XF86Cut keycode 146 = Help NoSymbol Help keycode 147 = xf86menukb nosymbol xf86menukb keycode 148 = XF86Calculator NoSymbol XF86Calculator keycode 149 = keycode 150 = XF86Sleep NoSymbol XF86Sleep keycode 151 = XF86WakeUp NoSymbol XF86WakeUp keycode 152 = XF86Explorer NoSymbol XF86Explorer keycode 153 = XF86Send NoSymbol XF86Send keycode 154 = keycode 155 = XF86Xfer NoSymbol XF86Xfer keycode 156 = XF86Launch1 NoSymbol XF86Launch1 keycode 157 = XF86Launch2 NoSymbol XF86Launch2 keycode 158 = XF86WWW NoSymbol XF86WWW keycode 159 = XF86DOS NoSymbol XF86DOS keycode 160 = XF86ScreenSaver NoSymbol XF86ScreenSaver keycode 161 = XF86RotateWindows NoSymbol XF86RotateWindows keycode 162 = XF86TaskPane NoSymbol XF86TaskPane keycode 163 = XF86Mail NoSymbol XF86Mail keycode 164 = XF86Favorites NoSymbol XF86Favorites keycode 165 = XF86MyComputer NoSymbol XF86MyComputer keycode 166 = XF86Back NoSymbol XF86Back keycode 167 = XF86Forward NoSymbol XF86Forward keycode 168 = keycode 169 = XF86Eject NoSymbol XF86Eject keycode 170 = XF86Eject XF86Eject XF86Eject XF86Eject keycode 171 = XF86AudioNext NoSymbol XF86AudioNext keycode 172 = XF86AudioPlay XF86AudioPause XF86AudioPlay XF86AudioPause keycode 173 = XF86AudioPrev NoSymbol XF86AudioPrev keycode 174 = XF86AudioStop XF86Eject XF86AudioStop XF86Eject keycode 175 = XF86AudioRecord NoSymbol XF86AudioRecord keycode 176 = XF86AudioRewind NoSymbol XF86AudioRewind keycode 177 = XF86Phone NoSymbol XF86Phone keycode 178 = keycode 179 = XF86Tools NoSymbol XF86Tools keycode 180 = XF86HomePage NoSymbol XF86HomePage keycode 181 = XF86Reload NoSymbol XF86Reload keycode 182 = XF86Close NoSymbol XF86Close keycode 183 = keycode 184 = keycode 185 = XF86ScrollUp NoSymbol XF86ScrollUp keycode 186 = XF86ScrollDown NoSymbol XF86ScrollDown keycode 187 = parenleft NoSymbol parenleft keycode 188 = parenright NoSymbol parenright keycode 189 = XF86New NoSymbol XF86New keycode 190 = Redo NoSymbol Redo keycode 191 = XF86Tools NoSymbol XF86Tools keycode 192 = XF86Launch5 NoSymbol XF86Launch5 keycode 193 = XF86Launch6 NoSymbol XF86Launch6 keycode 194 = XF86Launch7 NoSymbol XF86Launch7 keycode 195 = XF86Launch8 NoSymbol XF86Launch8 keycode 196 = XF86Launch9 NoSymbol XF86Launch9 keycode 197 = keycode 198 = XF86AudioMicMute NoSymbol XF86AudioMicMute keycode 199 = XF86TouchpadToggle NoSymbol XF86TouchpadToggle keycode 200 = XF86TouchpadOn NoSymbol XF86TouchpadOn keycode 201 = XF86TouchpadOff NoSymbol XF86TouchpadOff keycode 202 = keycode 203 = Mode_switch NoSymbol Mode_switch keycode 204 = NoSymbol Alt_L NoSymbol Alt_L keycode 205 = NoSymbol Meta_L NoSymbol Meta_L keycode 206 = NoSymbol Super_L NoSymbol Super_L keycode 207 = NoSymbol Hyper_L NoSymbol Hyper_L keycode 208 = XF86AudioPlay NoSymbol XF86AudioPlay keycode 209 = XF86AudioPause NoSymbol XF86AudioPause keycode 210 = XF86Launch3 NoSymbol XF86Launch3 keycode 211 = XF86Launch4 NoSymbol XF86Launch4 keycode 212 = XF86LaunchB NoSymbol XF86LaunchB keycode 213 = XF86Suspend NoSymbol XF86Suspend keycode 214 = XF86Close NoSymbol XF86Close keycode 215 = XF86AudioPlay NoSymbol XF86AudioPlay keycode 216 = XF86AudioForward NoSymbol XF86AudioForward keycode 217 = keycode 218 = Print NoSymbol Print keycode 219 = keycode 220 = XF86WebCam NoSymbol XF86WebCam keycode 221 = keycode 222 = keycode 223 = XF86Mail NoSymbol XF86Mail keycode 224 = XF86Messenger NoSymbol XF86Messenger keycode 225 = XF86Search NoSymbol XF86Search keycode 226 = XF86Go NoSymbol XF86Go keycode 227 = XF86Finance NoSymbol XF86Finance keycode 228 = XF86Game NoSymbol XF86Game keycode 229 = XF86Shop NoSymbol XF86Shop keycode 230 = keycode 231 = Cancel NoSymbol Cancel keycode 232 = XF86MonBrightnessDown NoSymbol XF86MonBrightnessDown keycode 233 = XF86MonBrightnessUp NoSymbol XF86MonBrightnessUp keycode 234 = XF86AudioMedia NoSymbol XF86AudioMedia keycode 235 = XF86Display NoSymbol XF86Display keycode 236 = XF86KbdLightOnOff NoSymbol XF86KbdLightOnOff keycode 237 = XF86KbdBrightnessDown NoSymbol XF86KbdBrightnessDown keycode 238 = XF86KbdBrightnessUp NoSymbol XF86KbdBrightnessUp keycode 239 = XF86Send NoSymbol XF86Send keycode 240 = XF86Reply NoSymbol XF86Reply keycode 241 = XF86MailForward NoSymbol XF86MailForward keycode 242 = XF86Save NoSymbol XF86Save keycode 243 = XF86Documents NoSymbol XF86Documents keycode 244 = XF86Battery NoSymbol XF86Battery keycode 245 = XF86Bluetooth NoSymbol XF86Bluetooth keycode 246 = XF86WLAN NoSymbol XF86WLAN keycode 247 = keycode 248 = XF86Display NoSymbol XF86Display keycode 249 = keycode 250 = keycode 251 = keycode 252 = keycode 253 = keycode 254 = XF86WWAN NoSymbol XF86WWAN keycode 255 = XF86RFKill NoSymbol XF86RFKill #+end_src * xinit :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.xinitrc :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :header-args+: :shebang "#!/bin/sh" :END: Start =gnome-keyring-daemon= in order not to be asked for password to unlock GPG key. #+begin_src conf dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY eval $(/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11,secrets,ssh) export SSH_AUTH_SOCK #+end_src #+BEGIN_SRC conf userresources=$HOME/.Xresources usermodmap=$HOME/.Xmodmap sysresources=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xresources sysmodmap=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap #+END_SRC Merge in defaults and keymaps #+BEGIN_SRC conf if [ -f $sysresources ]; then xrdb -merge $sysresources fi if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then xmodmap $sysmodmap fi if [ -f "$userresources" ]; then xrdb -merge "$userresources" fi if [ -f "$usermodmap" ]; then xmodmap "$usermodmap" fi #+END_SRC Start the Simple X Hotkey Daemon #+begin_src conf # sxhkd -m 1 & #+end_src Run background applications #+begin_src conf # # Set custom wallpaper script # $HOME/scripts/wallpapers.sh & # # Run Compton # compton -b & # # Start Network Management Framework # nm-applet & # # Hide mouse cursor after x seconds # unclutter --timeout 5 & # # Start Power Manager # xfce4-power-manager & # # Bluetooth Manager # blueman-applet & # # Autolock screen after x minutes # xautolock -locker "~/scripts/lockscreen.sh" -detectsleep -time 30 -notify 60 -notifier "dunstify --replace=31846 -u critical -t 10000 -- 'Locking Screen' '60 seconds'" & # # Screen options # xrandr --output eDP1 --mode 1920x1080 --dpi 192 & # # Redshift # redshift-gtk & # # Start mopidy # mopidy & # # Start polybar # $HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/launch.sh & # # Synology Cloud Station Drive # synology-drive & # # KDEconnect # # udiskie /usr/lib/kdeconnectd & # # Udiskie to automount usb keys # udiskie --automount --notify --tray --use-udisks2 & #+end_src Keyboard Options #+begin_src conf # Set repetition keyboard rate # xset r rate 200 40 & # Set International US keyboard layout setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl -option caps:escape & #+end_src #+BEGIN_SRC conf exec i3 #+END_SRC * GnuPG :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf max-cache-ttl 60480000 default-cache-ttl 60480000 #+END_SRC * Dunst :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: ** Global #+begin_src conf [global] #+end_src *** Display #+begin_src conf # Which monitor should the notifications be displayed on. monitor = 0 # Display notification on focused monitor. Possible modes are: # mouse: follow mouse pointer # keyboard: follow window with keyboard focus # none: don't follow anything # # "keyboard" needs a windowmanager that exports the # _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property. # This should be the case for almost all modern windowmanagers. # # If this option is set to mouse or keyboard, the monitor option # will be ignored. follow = keyboard # The geometry of the window: # [{width}]x{height}[+/-{x}+/-{y}] # The geometry of the message window. # The height is measured in number of notifications everything else # in pixels. If the width is omitted but the height is given # ("-geometry x2"), the message window expands over the whole screen # (dmenu-like). If width is 0, the window expands to the longest # message displayed. A positive x is measured from the left, a # negative from the right side of the screen. Y is measured from # the top and down respectevly. # The width can be negative. In this case the actual width is the # screen width minus the width defined in within the geometry option. geometry = "250x50-10+37" # Show how many messages are currently hidden (because of geometry). indicate_hidden = yes # Shrink window if it's smaller than the width. Will be ignored if # width is 0. shrink = no # The transparency of the window. Range: [0; 100]. # This option will only work if a compositing windowmanager is # present (e.g. xcompmgr, compiz, etc.). transparency = 0 # The height of the entire notification. If the height is smaller # than the font height and padding combined, it will be raised # to the font height and padding. notification_height = 0 # Draw a line of "separator_height" pixel height between two # notifications. # Set to 0 to disable. separator_height = 4 # Padding between text and separator. padding = 16 # Horizontal padding. horizontal_padding = 16 # Defines width in pixels of frame around the notification window. # Set to 0 to disable. frame_width = 2 # Defines color of the frame around the notification window. frame_color = "#32302f" # Define a color for the separator. # possible values are: # * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background; # * foreground: use the same color as the foreground; # * frame: use the same color as the frame; # * anything else will be interpreted as a X color. separator_color = frame # Don't remove messages, if the user is idle (no mouse or keyboard input) # for longer than idle_threshold seconds. # Set to 0 to disable. # default 120 idle_threshold = 120 # Sort messages by urgency. sort = yes #+end_src *** Text #+begin_src conf font = Hack Nerd Font 10 # The height of a single line. If the height is smaller than the # font height, it will get raised to the font height. # This adds empty space above and under the text. line_height = 4 # Possible values are: # full: Allow a small subset of html markup in notifications: # bold # italic # strikethrough # underline # # For a complete reference see # . # # strip: This setting is provided for compatibility with some broken # clients that send markup even though it's not enabled on the # server. Dunst will try to strip the markup but the parsing is # simplistic so using this option outside of matching rules for # specific applications *IS GREATLY DISCOURAGED*. # # no: Disable markup parsing, incoming notifications will be treated as # plain text. Dunst will not advertise that it has the body-markup # capability if this is set as a global setting. # # It's important to note that markup inside the format option will be parsed # regardless of what this is set to. markup = full # The format of the message. Possible variables are: # %a appname # %s summary # %b body # %i iconname (including its path) # %I iconname (without its path) # %p progress value if set ([ 0%] to [100%]) or nothing # %n progress value if set without any extra characters # Markup is allowed format = "%s\n%b" # Alignment of message text. # Possible values are "left", "center" and "right". alignment = left # Show age of message if message is older than show_age_threshold # seconds. # Set to -1 to disable. show_age_threshold = 300 # Split notifications into multiple lines if they don't fit into # geometry. word_wrap = yes # Ignore newlines '\n' in notifications. ignore_newline = no # Merge multiple notifications with the same content stack_duplicates = false # Hide the count of merged notifications with the same content hide_duplicate_count = false # Display indicators for URLs (U) and actions (A). show_indicators = yes #+end_src *** Icons #+begin_src conf # Align icons left/right/off icon_position = off # Limit icons size. max_icon_size=32 # Paths to default icons. icon_path = /usr/share/icons/Arc/16x16/status/:/usr/share/icons/Arc/16x16/devices/ #+end_src *** History #+begin_src conf # Should a notification popped up from history be sticky or timeout # as if it would normally do. sticky_history = yes # Maximum amount of notifications kept in history history_length = 20 #+end_src *** Misc/Advanced #+BEGIN_SRC conf # dmenu path. dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst: # Browser for opening urls in context menu. browser = qutebrowser # Always run rule-defined scripts, even if the notification is suppressed always_run_script = true # Define the title of the windows spawned by dunst title = Dunst # Define the class of the windows spawned by dunst class = Dunst # Print a notification on startup. # This is mainly for error detection, since dbus (re-)starts dunst # automatically after a crash. startup_notification = false #+end_src ** Shortcuts #+BEGIN_SRC conf [shortcuts] # Shortcuts are specified as [modifier+][modifier+]...key # Available modifiers are "ctrl", "mod1" (the alt-key), "mod2", # "mod3" and "mod4" (windows-key). # Close notification. close = mod1+space # Close all notifications. # close_all = mod1+shift+space # Redisplay last message(s). # On the US keyboard layout "grave" is normally above TAB and left # of "1". Make sure this key actually exists on your keyboard layout, # e.g. check output of 'xmodmap -pke' history = mod1+grave # Context menu. context = mod1+shift+period #+end_src ** Urgency #+BEGIN_SRC conf [urgency_low] background = "#32302f" foreground = "#ebdbb2" timeout = 4 [urgency_normal] background = "#32302f" foreground = "#ebdbb2" timeout = 6 [urgency_critical] background = "#32302f" foreground = "#cc241d" timeout = 0 #+END_SRC * feh :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/feh/config :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf next_img L space prev_img BackSpace H scroll_up k Up scroll_down j Down scroll_right l Right scroll_left h Left toggle_fullscreen f save_filelist F #+END_SRC * SXIV :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/sxiv/exec/key-handler :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :header-args+: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash" :END: Press =C-x= to activate to key handler. #+begin_src conf while read file do case "$1" in "C-d") mv "$file" ~/.trash ;; "C-r") convert -rotate 90 "$file" "$file" ;; "C-c") echo -n "$file" | xclip -selection clipboard ;; "C-w") nitrogen --save --set-zoom-fill "$file" ;; esac done #+end_src * MPV ** Configuration :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: *** Video settings #+begin_src conf # Start in fullscreen mode by default. #fs=yes # force starting with centered window #geometry=50%:50% # don't allow a new window to have a size larger than 90% of the screen size #autofit-larger=90%x90% # Do not close the window on exit. #keep-open=yes # Do not wait with showing the video window until it has loaded. (This will # resize the window once video is loaded. Also always shows a window with # audio.) #force-window=immediate # Disable the On Screen Controller (OSC). #osc=no # Keep the player window on top of all other windows. #ontop=yes # Specify high quality video rendering preset (for --vo=gpu only) # Can cause performance problems with some drivers and GPUs. #profile=gpu-hq # Force video to lock on the display's refresh rate, and change video and audio # speed to some degree to ensure synchronous playback - can cause problems # with some drivers and desktop environments. #video-sync=display-resample # Enable hardware decoding if available. Often, this does not work with all # video outputs, but should work well with default settings on most systems. # If performance or energy usage is an issue, forcing the vdpau or vaapi VOs # may or may not help. #hwdec=auto #+end_src *** Audio settings #+begin_src conf # Specify default audio device. You can list devices with: --audio-device=help # The option takes the device string (the stuff between the '...'). #audio-device=alsa/default # Do not filter audio to keep pitch when changing playback speed. #audio-pitch-correction=no # Output 5.1 audio natively, and upmix/downmix audio with a different format. #audio-channels=5.1 # Disable any automatic remix, _if_ the audio output accepts the audio format. # of the currently played file. See caveats mentioned in the manpage. # (The default is "auto-safe", see manpage.) #audio-channels=auto #+end_src *** Other settings #+begin_src conf # Pretend to be a web browser. Might fix playback with some streaming sites, # but also will break with shoutcast streams. #user-agent="Mozilla/5.0" stop-screensaver = "yes" sub-auto=fuzzy # cache settings # # Use 150MB input cache by default. The cache is enabled for network streams only. #cache-default=153600 # # Use 150MB input cache for everything, even local files. #cache=153600 # # Disable the behavior that the player will pause if the cache goes below a # certain fill size. #cache-pause=no # # Read ahead about 5 seconds of audio and video packets. #demuxer-readahead-secs=5.0 # # Raise readahead from demuxer-readahead-secs to this value if a cache is active. #cache-secs=50.0 # Display English subtitles if available. #slang=en # Play Finnish audio if available, fall back to English otherwise. #alang=fi,en # Change subtitle encoding. For Arabic subtitles use 'cp1256'. # If the file seems to be valid UTF-8, prefer UTF-8. # (You can add '+' in front of the codepage to force it.) #sub-codepage=cp1256 #+end_src ** Key bindings :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/mpv/input.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf # ============================================================= # Audio # ============================================================= #WHEEL_LEFT add volume -2 #WHEEL_RIGHT add volume 2 #ctrl++ add audio-delay 0.100 # this changes audio/video sync #ctrl+- add audio-delay -0.100 #9 add volume -2 #/ add volume -2 #0 add volume 2 #* add volume 2 #m cycle mute #SHARP cycle audio # switch audio streams # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Basic # ============================================================= ESC set fullscreen no q quit Q quit-watch-later SPACE cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode # p cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Navigation # ============================================================= l seek 5 h seek -5 # k seek 60 # j seek -60 L playlist-next # skip to next file H playlist-prev # skip to previous file K add chapter 1 # skip to next chapter J add chapter -1 # skip to previous chapter WHEEL_UP seek 10 WHEEL_DOWN seek -10 # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Subtitles # ============================================================= z add sub-delay -0.1 # subtract 100 ms delay from subs Z add sub-delay +0.1 # add #x add sub-delay +0.1 # same as previous binding (discouraged) #r add sub-pos -1 # move subtitles up #R add sub-pos +1 # down #t add sub-pos +1 # same as previous binding (discouraged) #v cycle sub-visibility # stretch SSA/ASS subtitles with anamorphic videos to match historical #V cycle sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat # switch between applying no style overrides to SSA/ASS subtitles, and # overriding them almost completely with the normal subtitle style #u cycle-values sub-ass-override "force" "no" #j cycle sub # cycle through subtitles #J cycle sub down # ...backwards # Skip to previous/next subtitle (subject to some restrictions; see manpage) #Ctrl+LEFT no-osd sub-seek -1 #Ctrl+RIGHT no-osd sub-seek 1 # Adjust timing to previous/next subtitle #Ctrl+Shift+LEFT sub-step -1 #Ctrl+Shift+RIGHT sub-step 1 # F9 show_text ${track-list} # show list of audio/sub streams # ? add sub-scale +0.1 # increase subtitle font size # ? add sub-scale -0.1 # decrease subtitle font size # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Video # ============================================================= # Move video rectangle #Alt+left add video-pan-x 0.1 #Alt+right add video-pan-x -0.1 #Alt+up add video-pan-y 0.1 #Alt+down add video-pan-y -0.1 # Zoom/unzoom video #Alt++ add video-zoom 0.1 #Alt+- add video-zoom -0.1 # Reset video zoom/pan settings #Alt+BS set video-zoom 0 ; set video-pan-x 0 ; set video-pan-y 0 #1 add contrast -1 #2 add contrast 1 #3 add brightness -1 #4 add brightness 1 #5 add gamma -1 #6 add gamma 1 #7 add saturation -1 #8 add saturation 1 # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Speed # ============================================================= #[ multiply speed 1/1.1 # scale playback speed #] multiply speed 1.1 #{ multiply speed 0.5 #} multiply speed 2.0 #BS set speed 1.0 # reset speed to normal # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # # Informations # ============================================================= #o show-progress #P show-progress #i script-binding stats/display-stats #I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Screenshot # ============================================================= #s async screenshot # take a screenshot #S async screenshot video # ...without subtitles #Ctrl+s async screenshot window # ...with subtitles and OSD, and scaled #Alt+s screenshot each-frame # automatically screenshot every frame # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Media keys # ============================================================= #POWER quit #PLAY cycle pause #PAUSE cycle pause #PLAYPAUSE cycle pause #STOP quit #FORWARD seek 60 #REWIND seek -60 #NEXT playlist-next #PREV playlist-prev #VOLUME_UP add volume 2 #VOLUME_DOWN add volume -2 #MUTE cycle mute #CLOSE_WIN quit #CLOSE_WIN {encode} quit 4 # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Others # ============================================================= #Shift+BS revert-seek # undo previous (or marked) seek #Shift+Ctrl+BS revert-seek mark # mark position for revert-seek #. frame-step # advance one frame and pause #, frame-back-step # go back by one frame and pause #O no-osd cycle-values osd-level 3 1 # cycle through OSD mode #Alt+0 set window-scale 0.5 #Alt+1 set window-scale 1.0 #Alt+2 set window-scale 2.0 # toggle deinterlacer (automatically inserts or removes required filter) #d cycle deinterlace #_ cycle video #T cycle ontop # toggle video window ontop of other windows #f cycle fullscreen # toggle fullscreen #w add panscan -0.1 # zoom out with -panscan 0 -fs #W add panscan +0.1 # in #e add panscan +0.1 # same as previous binding (discouraged) # cycle video aspect ratios; "-1" is the container aspect #A cycle-values video-aspect "16:9" "4:3" "2.35:1" "-1" #E cycle edition # next edition #l ab-loop # Set/clear A-B loop points #L cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no" # toggle infinite looping #ctrl+c quit 4 #DEL script-binding osc/visibility # cycle OSC display #ctrl+h cycle-values hwdec "auto" "no" # cycle hardware decoding #F8 show_text ${playlist} # show playlist #q {encode} quit 4 #ESC {encode} quit 4 # ============================================================= #+END_SRC * Zathura :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf # Use clipboard set selection-clipboard clipboard # Remove padding set statusbar-h-padding 0 set statusbar-v-padding 0 # Padding between pages set page-padding 1 map u scroll half-up map d scroll half-down map D toggle_page_mode map r reload map R rotate map > rotate map < rotate map L zoom in map H zoom out map i recolor map p print map m toggle_statusbar map scroll full-down map scroll full-up #+END_SRC #+begin_src conf # Base16 Gruvbox dark, soft # Author: Dawid Kurek (dawikur@gmail.com), morhetz (https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox) set default-bg "#32302f" set default-fg "#3c3836" set statusbar-fg "#bdae93" set statusbar-bg "#504945" set inputbar-bg "#32302f" set inputbar-fg "#fbf1c7" set notification-bg "#32302f" set notification-fg "#fbf1c7" set notification-error-bg "#32302f" set notification-error-fg "#fb4934" set notification-warning-bg "#32302f" set notification-warning-fg "#fb4934" set highlight-color "#fabd2f" set highlight-active-color "#83a598" set completion-bg "#3c3836" set completion-fg "#83a598" set completion-highlight-fg "#fbf1c7" set completion-highlight-bg "#83a598" set recolor-lightcolor "#32302f" set recolor-darkcolor "#ebdbb2" set recolor "false" set recolor-keephue "false" #+end_src * Compton :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/compton.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: ** Shadow #+BEGIN_SRC conf shadow = true; shadow-radius = 12; shadow-offset-x = -12; shadow-offset-y = -12; shadow-opacity = 0.95; shadow-exclude = [ "name = 'Notification'", "window_type = 'dock'", "window_type = 'dnd'", "class_g = 'VirtualBox'", "class_g = 'Conky'", "class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'", "class_g = 'Tilda'", "class_g = 'Firefox'", "class_g = 'Opera'", "class_g = 'CoverGloobus'", "class_g = 'Cairo-clock'", "class_g = 'dzen'", "class_g = 'stalonetray'", "_GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS@:c" ]; #+END_SRC ** Opacity #+BEGIN_SRC conf # menu-opacity = 0.92; # inactive-opacity = 0.92; # active-opacity = 0.92; # frame-opacity = 0.9; inactive-opacity-override = false; # inactive-dim = 0.2; # inactive-dim-fixed = true; # blur-background = true; # blur-background-frame = true; blur-kern = "3x3box"; # blur-kern = "5,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"; # blur-background-fixed = true; blur-background-exclude = [ "window_type = 'dock'", "window_type = 'desktop'", "class_g = 'CoverGloobus'", "class_g = 'Opera'", "_GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS@:c" ]; #opacity-rule = [ "80:class_g = 'XTerm'" ]; #opacity-rule = [ "80:class_g = 'UXTerm'" ]; #opacity-rule = [ "80:class_g = 'i3bar'" ]; #opacity-rule = [ "90:class_g = 'dzen'" ]; opacity-rule = [ "40:class_g = 'Bspwm' && class_i = 'presel_feedback'" ]; #+END_SRC ** Fading #+BEGIN_SRC conf fading = false; fade-delta = 10.0; fade-in-step = 0.03; fade-out-step = 0.03; # no-fading-openclose = true; # no-fading-destroyed-argb = true; fade-exclude = [ ]; #+END_SRC ** Other #+BEGIN_SRC conf backend = "xrender"; mark-wmwin-focused = true; mark-ovredir-focused = true; # use-ewmh-active-win = true; detect-rounded-corners = true; detect-client-opacity = true; refresh-rate = 0; vsync = false; dbe = false; # sw-opti = true; # unredir-if-possible = true; # unredir-if-possible-delay = 5000; # unredir-if-possible-exclude = [ ]; detect-transient = true; detect-client-leader = true; invert-color-include = [ ]; # resize-damage = 1; #+END_SRC ** Window Type Setting #+begin_src conf wintypes: { tooltip = { fade = true; shadow = true; opacity = 0.75; focus = true; }; fullscreen = { fade = true; shadow = false; opacity = 1; focus = true; }; }; #+end_src * Locale :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/locale.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_TIME=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8" LC_MONETARY=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8" LC_PAPER=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_NAME=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_ADDRESS=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_TELEPHONE=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_MEASUREMENT=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_ALL= #+END_SRC * Mime applications :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/mimeapps.list :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf [Default Applications] text/plain=nvim.desktop x-scheme-handler/magnet=torrent.desktop; text/x-shellscript=nvim.desktop; image/png=img.desktop; image/jpeg=img.desktop; image/gif=img.desktop; application/rss+xml=rss.desktop x-scheme-handler/mailto=neomutt.desktop message/rfc822=neomutt.desktop application/x-bittorrent=deluge.desktop application/pdf=zathura.desktop x-scheme-handler/http=qutebrowser.desktop x-scheme-handler/https=qutebrowser.desktop x-scheme-handler/ftp=qutebrowser.desktop x-scheme-handler/chrome=qutebrowser.desktop text/html=qutebrowser.desktop application/x-extension-htm=qutebrowser.desktop application/x-extension-html=qutebrowser.desktop application/x-extension-shtml=qutebrowser.desktop application/xhtml+xml=qutebrowser.desktop application/x-extension-xhtml=qutebrowser.desktop application/x-extension-xht=qutebrowser.desktop [Added Associations] image/jpeg=viewnior.desktop;gpicview.desktop;feh.desktop; image/png=viewnior.desktop;gpicview.desktop;feh.desktop; text/plain=mousepad.desktop; application/x-bittorrent=deluge.desktop; #+END_SRC * Bukurun :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/buku_run/config :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :header-args+: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash" :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf _rofi () { rofi -dmenu -i -no-levenshtein-sort -width 1000 "$@" } #+END_SRC Display settings #+BEGIN_SRC conf display_type=1 max_str_width=80 #+END_SRC Keybindings #+BEGIN_SRC conf switch_view="Alt+Tab" new_bookmark="Alt+n" actions="Alt+a" edit="Alt+e" delete="Alt+d" #+END_SRC Colors #+BEGIN_SRC conf help_color="#2d7ed8" #+END_SRC * Clipit - Clipboard Manager :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/clipit/clipitrc :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf [rc] use_copy=true use_primary=false synchronize=false automatic_paste=false show_indexes=false save_uris=false use_rmb_menu=false save_history=false history_limit=50 items_menu=20 statics_show=false statics_items=10 hyperlinks_only=false confirm_clear=false single_line=false reverse_history=false item_length=50 ellipsize=2 history_key= actions_key= menu_key= search_key= offline_key= offline_mode=false #+END_SRC * Scrot :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/i3-scrot.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf scrot_dir=$HOME/Pictures #+END_SRC * TODO [#B] Nitrogen :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf [geometry] posx=560 posy=65 sizex=578 sizey=591 [nitrogen] view=list recurse=false sort=alpha icon_caps=false dirs=/home/tdehaeze/Pictures/wallpapers; #+END_SRC * Pass Git Helper :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/pass-git-helper/git-pass-mapping.ini :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf [github.com*] target=github.com/tdehaeze #+END_SRC * Pavu Control :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/pavucontrol.ini :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf [window] width=500 height=400 sinkInputType=1 sourceOutputType=1 sinkType=0 sourceType=1 showVolumeMeters=1 #+END_SRC * PCmanfm :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf [config] bm_open_method=0 [volume] mount_on_startup=1 mount_removable=1 autorun=1 [ui] always_show_tabs=0 max_tab_chars=32 win_width=1263 win_height=690 splitter_pos=150 media_in_new_tab=0 desktop_folder_new_win=0 change_tab_on_drop=1 close_on_unmount=1 focus_previous=0 side_pane_mode=places view_mode=icon show_hidden=0 sort=mtime;descending; toolbar=newtab;navigation;home; show_statusbar=1 pathbar_mode_buttons=0 #+END_SRC * Viewnior :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/viewnior/viewnior.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf [prefs] zoom-mode=0 fit-on-fullscreen=true show-hidden=false smooth-images=true confirm-delete=true reload-on-save=false show-menu-bar=false show-toolbar=true show-scrollbar=true start-maximized=false slideshow-timeout=5 auto-resize=false behavior-wheel=1 behavior-click=0 behavior-modify=0 jpeg-quality=90 png-compression=9 desktop=9 #+END_SRC * Castnow :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.castnowrc :header-args+: :comments none :mkdirp yes :END: #+begin_src conf --address= --volume-step=0.01 #+end_src * Alacritty :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml :header-args+: :comments none :mkdirp yes :END: #+begin_src conf # Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator. # Any items in the `env` entry below will be added as # environment variables. Some entries may override variables # set by alacritty itself. #env: # TERM variable # # This value is used to set the `$TERM` environment variable for # each instance of Alacritty. If it is not present, alacritty will # check the local terminfo database and use `alacritty` if it is # available, otherwise `xterm-256color` is used. #TERM: xterm-256color window: # Window dimensions (changes require restart) # # Specified in number of columns/lines, not pixels. # If both are `0`, this setting is ignored. dimensions: columns: 0 lines: 0 # Window position (changes require restart) # # Specified in number of pixels. # If the position is not set, the window manager will handle the placement. #position: # x: 0 # y: 0 # Window padding (changes require restart) # # Blank space added around the window in pixels. This padding is scaled # by DPI and the specified value is always added at both opposing sides. padding: x: 0 y: 0 # Spread additional padding evenly around the terminal content. dynamic_padding: false # Window decorations # # Values for `decorations`: # - full: Borders and title bar # - none: Neither borders nor title bar # # Values for `decorations` (macOS only): # - transparent: Title bar, transparent background and title bar buttons # - buttonless: Title bar, transparent background, but no title bar buttons decorations: full # Startup Mode (changes require restart) # # Values for `startup_mode`: # - Windowed # - Maximized # - Fullscreen # # Values for `startup_mode` (macOS only): # - SimpleFullscreen startup_mode: Windowed # Window title #title: Alacritty # GTK theme variant (Linux only) # # Override the variant of the GTK theme. Commonly supported values are `dark` and `light`. # Set this to `None` to use the default theme variant. gtk_theme_variant: None scrolling: # Maximum number of lines in the scrollback buffer. # Specifying '0' will disable scrolling. history: 10000 # Number of lines the viewport will move for every line scrolled when # scrollback is enabled (history > 0). multiplier: 3 # Scroll to the bottom when new text is written to the terminal. auto_scroll: false # Spaces per Tab (changes require restart) # # This setting defines the width of a tab in cells. # # Some applications, like Emacs, rely on knowing about the width of a tab. # To prevent unexpected behavior in these applications, it's also required to # change the `it` value in terminfo when altering this setting. tabspaces: 8 # Font configuration (changes require restart) font: # Normal (roman) font face #normal: # Font family # # Default: # - (macOS) Menlo # - (Linux) monospace # - (Windows) Consolas #family: Hack Nerd Font Mono # The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face. #style: Regular # Bold font face #bold: # Font family # # If the bold family is not specified, it will fall back to the # value specified for the normal font. #family: Hack Nerd Font Mono # The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face. #style: Bold # Italic font face #italic: # Font family # # If the italic family is not specified, it will fall back to the # value specified for the normal font. #family: Hack Nerd Font Mono # The `style` can be specified to pick a specific face. #style: Italic # Point size size: 10.0 # Offset is the extra space around each character. `offset.y` can be thought of # as modifying the line spacing, and `offset.x` as modifying the letter spacing. offset: x: 0 y: 0 # Glyph offset determines the locations of the glyphs within their cells with # the default being at the bottom. Increasing `x` moves the glyph to the right, # increasing `y` moves the glyph upwards. glyph_offset: x: 0 y: 0 # Thin stroke font rendering (macOS only) # # Thin strokes are suitable for retina displays, but for non-retina screens # it is recommended to set `use_thin_strokes` to `false` # # macOS >= 10.14.x: # # If the font quality on non-retina display looks bad then set # `use_thin_strokes` to `true` and enable font smoothing by running the # following command: # `defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool NO` # # This is a global setting and will require a log out or restart to take # effect. use_thin_strokes: true # If `true`, bold text is drawn using the bright color variants. draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true # Colors (Gruvbox) colors: # Default colors primary: # hard contrast: background = '0x1d2021' background: '0x282828' # soft contrast: background = '0x32302f' foreground: '0xebdbb2' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x282828' red: '0xcc241d' green: '0x98971a' yellow: '0xd79921' blue: '0x458588' magenta: '0xb16286' cyan: '0x689d6a' white: '0xa89984' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x928374' red: '0xfb4934' green: '0xb8bb26' yellow: '0xfabd2f' blue: '0x83a598' magenta: '0xd3869b' cyan: '0x8ec07c' white: '0xebdbb2' # Visual Bell # # Any time the BEL code is received, Alacritty "rings" the visual bell. Once # rung, the terminal background will be set to white and transition back to the # default background color. You can control the rate of this transition by # setting the `duration` property (represented in milliseconds). You can also # configure the transition function by setting the `animation` property. # # Values for `animation`: # - Ease # - EaseOut # - EaseOutSine # - EaseOutQuad # - EaseOutCubic # - EaseOutQuart # - EaseOutQuint # - EaseOutExpo # - EaseOutCirc # - Linear # # Specifying a `duration` of `0` will disable the visual bell. visual_bell: animation: EaseOutExpo duration: 0 color: '0xffffff' # Background opacity # # Window opacity as a floating point number from `0.0` to `1.0`. # The value `0.0` is completely transparent and `1.0` is opaque. background_opacity: 1.0 selection: semantic_escape_chars: ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>" # When set to `true`, selected text will be copied to the primary clipboard. save_to_clipboard: false # Allow terminal applications to change Alacritty's window title. dynamic_title: true cursor: # Cursor style # # Values for `style`: # - ▇ Block # - _ Underline # - | Beam style: Block # If this is `true`, the cursor will be rendered as a hollow box when the # window is not focused. unfocused_hollow: true # Live config reload (changes require restart) live_config_reload: true # Shell # # You can set `shell.program` to the path of your favorite shell, e.g. `/bin/fish`. # Entries in `shell.args` are passed unmodified as arguments to the shell. # # Default: # - (macOS) /bin/bash --login # - (Linux) user login shell # - (Windows) powershell #shell: # program: /bin/bash # args: # - --login # Startup directory # # Directory the shell is started in. If this is unset, or `None`, the working # directory of the parent process will be used. working_directory: None # Windows 10 ConPTY backend (Windows only) # # This will enable better color support and may resolve other issues, # however this API and its implementation is still young and so is # disabled by default, as stability may not be as good as the winpty # backend. # # Alacritty will fall back to the WinPTY automatically if the ConPTY # backend cannot be initialized. enable_experimental_conpty_backend: false # Send ESC (\x1b) before characters when alt is pressed. alt_send_esc: true debug: # Display the time it takes to redraw each frame. render_timer: false # Keep the log file after quitting Alacritty. persistent_logging: false # Log level # # Values for `log_level`: # - None # - Error # - Warn # - Info # - Debug # - Trace log_level: Warn # Print all received window events. print_events: false # Record all characters and escape sequences as test data. ref_test: false mouse: # Click settings # # The `double_click` and `triple_click` settings control the time # alacritty should wait for accepting multiple clicks as one double # or triple click. double_click: { threshold: 300 } triple_click: { threshold: 300 } # If this is `true`, the cursor is temporarily hidden when typing. hide_when_typing: false url: # URL launcher # # This program is executed when clicking on a text which is recognized as a URL. # The URL is always added to the command as the last parameter. # # When set to `None`, URL launching will be disabled completely. # # Default: # - (macOS) open # - (Linux) xdg-open # - (Windows) explorer #launcher: # program: xdg-open # args: [] # URL modifiers # # These are the modifiers that need to be held down for opening URLs when clicking # on them. The available modifiers are documented in the key binding section. modifiers: None # Mouse bindings # # Mouse bindings are specified as a list of objects, much like the key # bindings further below. # # Each mouse binding will specify a: # # - `mouse`: # # - Middle # - Left # - Right # - Numeric identifier such as `5` # # - `action` (see key bindings) # # And optionally: # # - `mods` (see key bindings) mouse_bindings: - { mouse: Middle, action: PasteSelection } # Key bindings # # Key bindings are specified as a list of objects. For example, this is the # default paste binding: # # `- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, action: Paste }` # # Each key binding will specify a: # # - `key`: Identifier of the key pressed # # - A-Z # - F1-F12 # - Key0-Key9 # # A full list with available key codes can be found here: # https://docs.rs/glutin/*/glutin/enum.VirtualKeyCode.html#variants # # Instead of using the name of the keys, the `key` field also supports using # the scancode of the desired key. Scancodes have to be specified as a # decimal number. This command will allow you to display the hex scancodes # for certain keys: # # `showkey --scancodes`. # # Then exactly one of: # # - `chars`: Send a byte sequence to the running application # # The `chars` field writes the specified string to the terminal. This makes # it possible to pass escape sequences. To find escape codes for bindings # like `PageUp` (`"\x1b[5~"`), you can run the command `showkey -a` outside # of tmux. Note that applications use terminfo to map escape sequences back # to keys. It is therefore required to update the terminfo when changing an # escape sequence. # # - `action`: Execute a predefined action # # - Copy # - Paste # - PasteSelection # - IncreaseFontSize # - DecreaseFontSize # - ResetFontSize # - ScrollPageUp # - ScrollPageDown # - ScrollLineUp # - ScrollLineDown # - ScrollToTop # - ScrollToBottom # - ClearHistory # - Hide # - Quit # - ToggleFullscreen # - SpawnNewInstance # - ClearLogNotice # - None # # (macOS only): # - ToggleSimpleFullscreen: Enters fullscreen without occupying another space # # - `command`: Fork and execute a specified command plus arguments # # The `command` field must be a map containing a `program` string and an # `args` array of command line parameter strings. For example: # `{ program: "alacritty", args: ["-e", "vttest"] }` # # And optionally: # # - `mods`: Key modifiers to filter binding actions # # - Command # - Control # - Option # - Super # - Shift # - Alt # # Multiple `mods` can be combined using `|` like this: # `mods: Control|Shift`. # Whitespace and capitalization are relevant and must match the example. # # - `mode`: Indicate a binding for only specific terminal reported modes # # This is mainly used to send applications the correct escape sequences # when in different modes. # # - AppCursor # - AppKeypad # - Alt # # A `~` operator can be used before a mode to apply the binding whenever # the mode is *not* active, e.g. `~Alt`. # # Bindings are always filled by default, but will be replaced when a new # binding with the same triggers is defined. To unset a default binding, it can # be mapped to the `None` action. key_bindings: # (Windows/Linux only) #- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, action: Paste } #- { key: C, mods: Control|Shift, action: Copy } #- { key: Insert, mods: Shift, action: PasteSelection } #- { key: Key0, mods: Control, action: ResetFontSize } #- { key: Equals, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize } #- { key: Add, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize } #- { key: Subtract, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize } #- { key: Minus, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize } #- { key: Return, mods: Alt, action: ToggleFullscreen } # (macOS only) #- { key: Key0, mods: Command, action: ResetFontSize } #- { key: Equals, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize } #- { key: Add, mods: Command, action: IncreaseFontSize } #- { key: Minus, mods: Command, action: DecreaseFontSize } #- { key: K, mods: Command, action: ClearHistory } #- { key: K, mods: Command, chars: "\x0c" } #- { key: V, mods: Command, action: Paste } #- { key: C, mods: Command, action: Copy } #- { key: H, mods: Command, action: Hide } #- { key: Q, mods: Command, action: Quit } #- { key: W, mods: Command, action: Quit } #- { key: F, mods: Command|Control, action: ToggleFullscreen } - { key: Paste, action: Paste } - { key: Copy, action: Copy } - { key: L, mods: Control, action: ClearLogNotice } - { key: L, mods: Control, chars: "\x0c" } - { key: Home, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3H" } - { key: Home, chars: "\x1bOH", mode: AppCursor } - { key: Home, chars: "\x1b[H", mode: ~AppCursor } - { key: End, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3F" } - { key: End, chars: "\x1bOF", mode: AppCursor } - { key: End, chars: "\x1b[F", mode: ~AppCursor } - { key: PageUp, mods: Shift, action: ScrollPageUp, mode: ~Alt } - { key: PageUp, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[5;2~", mode: Alt } - { key: PageUp, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[5;5~" } - { key: PageUp, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[5;3~" } - { key: PageUp, chars: "\x1b[5~" } - { key: PageDown, mods: Shift, action: ScrollPageDown, mode: ~Alt } - { key: PageDown, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[6;2~", mode: Alt } - { key: PageDown, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[6;5~" } - { key: PageDown, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[6;3~" } - { key: PageDown, chars: "\x1b[6~" } - { key: Tab, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[Z" } - { key: Back, chars: "\x7f" } - { key: Back, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b\x7f" } - { key: Insert, chars: "\x1b[2~" } - { key: Delete, chars: "\x1b[3~" } - { key: Left, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2D" } - { key: Left, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5D" } - { key: Left, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3D" } - { key: Left, chars: "\x1b[D", mode: ~AppCursor } - { key: Left, chars: "\x1bOD", mode: AppCursor } - { key: Right, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2C" } - { key: Right, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5C" } - { key: Right, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3C" } - { key: Right, chars: "\x1b[C", mode: ~AppCursor } - { key: Right, chars: "\x1bOC", mode: AppCursor } - { key: Up, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2A" } - { key: Up, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5A" } - { key: Up, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3A" } - { key: Up, chars: "\x1b[A", mode: ~AppCursor } - { key: Up, chars: "\x1bOA", mode: AppCursor } - { key: Down, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2B" } - { key: Down, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5B" } - { key: Down, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;3B" } - { key: Down, chars: "\x1b[B", mode: ~AppCursor } - { key: Down, chars: "\x1bOB", mode: AppCursor } - { key: F1, chars: "\x1bOP" } - { key: F2, chars: "\x1bOQ" } - { key: F3, chars: "\x1bOR" } - { key: F4, chars: "\x1bOS" } - { key: F5, chars: "\x1b[15~" } - { key: F6, chars: "\x1b[17~" } - { key: F7, chars: "\x1b[18~" } - { key: F8, chars: "\x1b[19~" } - { key: F9, chars: "\x1b[20~" } - { key: F10, chars: "\x1b[21~" } - { key: F11, chars: "\x1b[23~" } - { key: F12, chars: "\x1b[24~" } - { key: F1, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2P" } - { key: F2, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2Q" } - { key: F3, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2R" } - { key: F4, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[1;2S" } - { key: F5, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[15;2~" } - { key: F6, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[17;2~" } - { key: F7, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[18;2~" } - { key: F8, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[19;2~" } - { key: F9, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[20;2~" } - { key: F10, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[21;2~" } - { key: F11, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[23;2~" } - { key: F12, mods: Shift, chars: "\x1b[24;2~" } - { key: F1, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5P" } - { key: F2, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5Q" } - { key: F3, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5R" } - { key: F4, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[1;5S" } - { key: F5, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[15;5~" } - { key: F6, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[17;5~" } - { key: F7, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[18;5~" } - { key: F8, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[19;5~" } - { key: F9, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[20;5~" } - { key: F10, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[21;5~" } - { key: F11, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[23;5~" } - { key: F12, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[24;5~" } - { key: F1, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;6P" } - { key: F2, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;6Q" } - { key: F3, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;6R" } - { key: F4, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[1;6S" } - { key: F5, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[15;6~" } - { key: F6, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[17;6~" } - { key: F7, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[18;6~" } - { key: F8, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[19;6~" } - { key: F9, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[20;6~" } - { key: F10, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[21;6~" } - { key: F11, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[23;6~" } - { key: F12, mods: Alt, chars: "\x1b[24;6~" } - { key: F1, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[1;3P" } - { key: F2, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[1;3Q" } - { key: F3, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[1;3R" } - { key: F4, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[1;3S" } - { key: F5, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[15;3~" } - { key: F6, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[17;3~" } - { key: F7, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[18;3~" } - { key: F8, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[19;3~" } - { key: F9, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[20;3~" } - { key: F10, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[21;3~" } - { key: F11, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[23;3~" } - { key: F12, mods: Super, chars: "\x1b[24;3~" } - { key: NumpadEnter, chars: "\n" } #+end_src