#+TITLE: Scripts :DRAWER: #+STARTUP: overview #+LANGUAGE: en #+EMAIL: dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com #+AUTHOR: Dehaeze Thomas #+HTML_LINK_HOME: ./index.html #+HTML_LINK_UP: ./index.html #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+PROPERTY: header-args:conf :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: * Nerd Fonts #+begin_src conf :tangle ~/.local/share/nerd-fonts  - i_dev_bing_small  - i_dev_css_tricks  - i_dev_git  - i_dev_bitbucket  - i_dev_mysql  - i_dev_streamline  - i_dev_database  - i_dev_dropbox  - i_dev_github_alt  - i_dev_github_badge  - i_dev_github  - i_dev_wordpress  - i_dev_visualstudio  - i_dev_jekyll_small  - i_dev_android  - i_dev_windows  - i_dev_stackoverflow  - i_dev_apple  - i_dev_linux  - i_dev_appstore  - i_dev_ghost_small  - i_dev_yahoo  - i_dev_codepen  - i_dev_github_full  - i_dev_nodejs_small  - i_dev_nodejs  - i_dev_hackernews  - i_dev_ember  - i_dev_dojo  - i_dev_django  - i_dev_npm  - i_dev_ghost  - 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i_dev_sqllite  - i_dev_vim  - i_fae_smaller  - i_fae_snowing  - i_fae_soda  - i_fae_sofa  - i_fae_soup  - i_fae_spermatozoon  - i_fae_spin_double  - i_fae_stomach  - i_fae_storm  - i_fae_telescope  - i_fae_thermometer  - i_fae_thermometer_high  - i_fae_thermometer_low  - i_fae_thin_close  - i_fae_toilet  - i_fae_tools  - i_fae_tooth  - i_fae_uterus  - i_fae_w3c  - i_fae_walking  - i_fae_virus  - i_fae_telegram_circle  - i_fae_slash  - i_fae_telegram  - i_fae_shirt  - i_fae_tacos  - i_fae_sushi  - i_fae_triangle_ruler  - i_fae_tree  - i_fae_sun_cloud  - i_fae_ruby_o  - i_fae_ruler  - i_fae_umbrella  - i_fae_medicine  - i_fae_microscope  - i_fae_milk_bottle  - i_fae_minimize  - i_fae_molecule  - i_fae_moon_cloud  - i_fae_mushroom  - i_fae_mustache  - i_fae_mysql  - i_fae_nintendo  - i_fae_palette_color  - i_fae_pi  - i_fae_pizza  - i_fae_planet  - i_fae_plant  - i_fae_playstation  - i_fae_poison  - i_fae_popcorn  - i_fae_popsicle  - i_fae_pulse  - i_fae_python  - i_fae_quora_circle  - i_fae_quora_square  - i_fae_radioactive  - i_fae_raining  - i_fae_real_heart  - i_fae_refrigerator  - i_fae_restore  - i_fae_ring  - i_fae_ruby  - i_fae_fingerprint  - i_fae_floppy  - i_fae_footprint  - i_fae_freecodecamp  - i_fae_galaxy  - i_fae_galery  - i_fae_glass  - i_fae_google_drive  - i_fae_google_play  - i_fae_gps  - i_fae_grav  - i_fae_guitar  - i_fae_gut  - i_fae_halter  - i_fae_hamburger  - i_fae_hat  - i_fae_hexagon  - i_fae_high_heel  - i_fae_hotdog  - i_fae_ice_cream  - i_fae_id_card  - i_fae_imdb  - i_fae_infinity  - i_fae_java  - i_fae_layers  - i_fae_lips  - i_fae_lipstick  - i_fae_liver  - i_fae_lung  - i_fae_makeup_brushes  - i_fae_maximize  - i_fae_wallet  - i_fae_chess_horse  - i_fae_chess_king  - i_fae_chess_pawn  - i_fae_chess_queen  - i_fae_chess_tower  - i_fae_chesse  - i_fae_chilli  - i_fae_chip  - i_fae_cicling  - i_fae_cloud  - i_fae_cockroach  - i_fae_coffe_beans  - i_fae_coins  - i_fae_comb  - i_fae_comet  - i_fae_crown  - i_fae_cup_coffe  - i_fae_dice  - i_fae_disco  - i_fae_dna  - i_fae_donut  - i_fae_dress  - i_fae_drop  - i_fae_ello  - i_fae_envelope_open  - i_fae_envelope_open_o  - i_fae_equal  - i_fae_equal_bigger  - i_fae_feedly  - i_fae_file_export  - i_fae_file_import  - i_fae_wind  - i_fae_atom  - i_fae_bacteria  - i_fae_banana  - i_fae_bath  - i_fae_bed  - i_fae_benzene  - i_fae_bigger  - i_fae_biohazard  - i_fae_blogger_circle  - i_fae_blogger_square  - i_fae_bones  - i_fae_book_open  - i_fae_book_open_o  - i_fae_brain  - i_fae_bread  - i_fae_butterfly  - i_fae_carot  - i_fae_cc_by  - i_fae_cc_cc  - i_fae_cc_nc  - i_fae_cc_nc_eu  - i_fae_cc_nc_jp  - i_fae_cc_nd  - i_fae_cc_remix  - i_fae_cc_sa  - i_fae_cc_share  - i_fae_cc_zero  - i_fae_checklist_o  - i_fae_cherry  - i_fae_chess_bishop  - i_fae_xbox  - i_fae_apple_fruit  - i_fae_chicken_thigh  - i_fae_gift_card  - i_fae_injection  - i_fae_isle  - i_fae_lollipop  - i_fae_loyalty_card  - i_fae_meat  - i_fae_mountains  - i_fae_orange  - i_fae_peach  - i_fae_pear  - i_fa_glass  - i_fa_music  - i_fa_search  - i_fa_envelope_o  - i_fa_heart  - i_fa_star  - i_fa_star_o  - i_fa_user  - i_fa_film  - i_fa_th_large  - i_fa_th  - i_fa_th_list  - i_fa_check  - i_fa_times  - i_fa_search_plus  - i_fa_search_minus  - i_fa_power_off  - i_fa_signal  - i_fa_cog  - i_fa_trash_o  - i_fa_home  - i_fa_file_o  - i_fa_clock_o  - i_fa_road  - i_fa_download  - i_fa_arrow_circle_o_down  - i_fa_arrow_circle_o_up  - i_fa_inbox  - i_fa_play_circle_o  - i_fa_repeat  - i_fa_refresh  - i_fa_list_alt  - i_fa_lock  - i_fa_flag  - i_fa_headphones  - i_fa_volume_off  - i_fa_volume_down  - i_fa_volume_up  - i_fa_qrcode  - i_fa_barcode  - i_fa_tag  - i_fa_tags  - i_fa_book  - i_fa_bookmark  - i_fa_print  - i_fa_camera  - i_fa_font  - i_fa_bold  - i_fa_italic  - 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- i_fa_jpy  - i_fa_rub  - i_fa_krw  - i_fa_btc  - i_fa_file  - i_fa_file_text  - i_fa_sort_alpha_asc  - i_fa_sort_alpha_desc  - i_fa_sort_amount_asc  - i_fa_sort_amount_desc  - i_fa_sort_numeric_asc  - i_fa_sort_numeric_desc  - i_fa_thumbs_up  - i_fa_thumbs_down  - i_fa_youtube_square  - i_fa_youtube  - i_fa_xing  - i_fa_xing_square  - i_fa_youtube_play  - i_fa_dropbox  - i_fa_stack_overflow  - i_fa_instagram  - i_fa_flickr  - i_fa_adn  - i_fa_bitbucket  - i_fa_bitbucket_square  - i_fa_tumblr  - i_fa_tumblr_square  - i_fa_long_arrow_down  - i_fa_long_arrow_up  - i_fa_long_arrow_left  - i_fa_long_arrow_right  - i_fa_apple  - i_fa_windows  - i_fa_android  - i_fa_linux  - i_fa_dribbble  - i_fa_skype  - i_fa_foursquare  - i_fa_trello  - i_fa_female  - i_fa_male  - i_fa_gratipay  - i_fa_sun_o  - i_fa_moon_o  - i_fa_archive  - i_fa_bug  - i_fa_vk  - i_fa_weibo  - i_fa_renren  - i_fa_pagelines  - i_fa_stack_exchange  - i_fa_arrow_circle_o_right  - i_fa_arrow_circle_o_left  - i_fa_caret_square_o_left  - i_fa_dot_circle_o  - i_fa_wheelchair  - i_fa_vimeo_square  - i_fa_try  - i_fa_plus_square_o  - i_fa_space_shuttle  - i_fa_slack  - i_fa_envelope_square  - i_fa_wordpress  - i_fa_openid  - i_fa_university  - i_fa_graduation_cap  - i_fa_yahoo  - i_fa_google  - i_fa_reddit  - i_fa_reddit_square  - i_fa_stumbleupon_circle  - i_fa_stumbleupon  - i_fa_delicious  - i_fa_digg  - i_fa_pied_piper_pp  - i_fa_pied_piper_alt  - i_fa_drupal  - i_fa_joomla  - i_fa_language  - i_fa_fax  - i_fa_building  - i_fa_child  - i_fa_paw  - i_fa_spoon  - i_fa_cube  - i_fa_cubes  - i_fa_behance  - i_fa_behance_square  - i_fa_steam  - i_fa_steam_square  - i_fa_recycle  - i_fa_car  - i_fa_taxi  - i_fa_tree  - i_fa_spotify  - i_fa_deviantart  - i_fa_soundcloud  - i_fa_database  - i_fa_file_pdf_o  - i_fa_file_word_o  - i_fa_file_excel_o  - i_fa_file_powerpoint_o  - i_fa_file_image_o  - i_fa_file_archive_o  - i_fa_file_audio_o  - i_fa_file_video_o  - i_fa_file_code_o  - i_fa_vine  - i_fa_codepen  - i_fa_jsfiddle  - i_fa_life_ring  - i_fa_circle_o_notch  - i_fa_rebel  - i_fa_empire  - i_fa_git_square  - i_fa_git  - i_fa_hacker_news  - i_fa_tencent_weibo  - i_fa_qq  - i_fa_weixin  - i_fa_paper_plane  - i_fa_paper_plane_o  - i_fa_history  - i_fa_circle_thin  - i_fa_header  - i_fa_paragraph  - i_fa_sliders  - i_fa_share_alt  - i_fa_share_alt_square  - i_fa_bomb  - i_fa_futbol_o  - i_fa_tty  - i_fa_binoculars  - i_fa_plug  - i_fa_slideshare  - i_fa_twitch  - i_fa_yelp  - i_fa_newspaper_o  - i_fa_wifi  - i_fa_calculator  - i_fa_paypal  - i_fa_google_wallet  - i_fa_cc_visa  - i_fa_cc_mastercard  - i_fa_cc_discover  - i_fa_cc_amex  - i_fa_cc_paypal  - i_fa_cc_stripe  - i_fa_bell_slash  - i_fa_bell_slash_o  - i_fa_trash  - i_fa_copyright  - i_fa_at  - i_fa_eyedropper  - i_fa_paint_brush  - i_fa_birthday_cake  - 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i_fa_subway  - i_fa_medium  - i_fa_y_combinator  - i_fa_optin_monster  - i_fa_opencart  - i_fa_expeditedssl  - i_fa_battery_full  - i_fa_battery_three_quarters  - i_fa_battery_half  - i_fa_battery_quarter  - i_fa_battery_empty  - i_fa_mouse_pointer  - i_fa_i_cursor  - i_fa_object_group  - i_fa_object_ungroup  - i_fa_sticky_note  - i_fa_sticky_note_o  - i_fa_cc_jcb  - i_fa_cc_diners_club  - i_fa_clone  - i_fa_balance_scale  - i_fa_hourglass_o  - i_fa_hourglass_start  - i_fa_hourglass_half  - i_fa_hourglass_end  - i_fa_hourglass  - i_fa_hand_rock_o  - i_fa_hand_paper_o  - i_fa_hand_scissors_o  - i_fa_hand_lizard_o  - i_fa_hand_spock_o  - i_fa_hand_pointer_o  - i_fa_hand_peace_o  - i_fa_trademark  - i_fa_registered  - i_fa_creative_commons  - i_fa_gg  - i_fa_gg_circle  - i_fa_tripadvisor  - i_fa_odnoklassniki  - i_fa_odnoklassniki_square  - i_fa_get_pocket  - i_fa_wikipedia_w  - i_fa_safari  - i_fa_chrome  - i_fa_firefox  - i_fa_opera  - i_fa_internet_explorer  - i_fa_television  - i_fa_contao  - i_fa_500px  - i_fa_amazon  - i_fa_calendar_plus_o  - i_fa_calendar_minus_o  - i_fa_calendar_times_o  - i_fa_calendar_check_o  - i_fa_industry  - i_fa_map_pin  - i_fa_map_signs  - i_fa_map_o  - i_fa_map  - i_fa_commenting  - i_fa_commenting_o  - i_fa_houzz  - i_fa_vimeo  - i_fa_black_tie  - i_fa_fonticons  - i_fa_reddit_alien  - i_fa_edge  - i_fa_credit_card_alt  - i_fa_codiepie  - i_fa_modx  - i_fa_fort_awesome  - i_fa_usb  - i_fa_product_hunt  - i_fa_mixcloud  - i_fa_scribd  - i_fa_pause_circle  - i_fa_pause_circle_o  - i_fa_stop_circle  - i_fa_stop_circle_o  - i_fa_shopping_bag  - i_fa_shopping_basket  - i_fa_hashtag  - i_fa_bluetooth  - i_fa_bluetooth_b  - i_fa_percent  - i_fa_gitlab  - i_fa_wpbeginner  - i_fa_wpforms  - i_fa_envira  - i_fa_universal_access  - i_fa_wheelchair_alt  - i_fa_question_circle_o  - i_fa_blind  - i_fa_audio_description  - i_fa_volume_control_phone  - i_fa_braille  - i_fa_assistive_listening_systems  - i_fa_american_sign_language_interpreting  - i_fa_deaf  - i_fa_glide  - i_fa_glide_g  - i_fa_sign_language  - i_fa_low_vision  - i_fa_viadeo  - i_fa_viadeo_square  - i_fa_snapchat  - i_fa_snapchat_ghost  - i_fa_snapchat_square  - i_fa_pied_piper  - i_fa_first_order  - i_fa_yoast  - i_fa_themeisle  - i_fa_google_plus_official  - i_fa_font_awesome  - i_fa_handshake_o  - i_fa_envelope_open  - i_fa_envelope_open_o  - i_fa_linode  - i_fa_address_book  - i_fa_address_book_o  - i_fa_address_card  - i_fa_address_card_o  - i_fa_user_circle  - i_fa_user_circle_o  - i_fa_user_o  - i_fa_id_badge  - i_fa_id_card  - i_fa_id_card_o  - i_fa_quora  - i_fa_free_code_camp  - i_fa_telegram  - i_fa_thermometer_full  - i_fa_thermometer_three_quarters  - i_fa_thermometer_half  - i_fa_thermometer_quarter  - i_fa_thermometer_empty  - i_fa_shower  - i_fa_bath  - i_fa_podcast  - i_fa_window_maximize  - i_fa_window_minimize  - i_fa_window_restore  - i_fa_window_close  - i_fa_window_close_o  - i_fa_bandcamp  - i_fa_grav  - i_fa_etsy  - i_fa_imdb  - i_fa_ravelry  - i_fa_eercast  - i_fa_microchip  - i_fa_snowflake_o  - i_fa_superpowers  - i_fa_wpexplorer  - i_fa_meetup # IEC Power Symbols (5 icons) # Codepoints: 23FB-23FE 2B58 ⏻ - i_iec_power ⏼ - i_iec_toggle_power ⏽ - i_iec_power_on ⏾ - i_iec_sleep_mode ⭘ - i_iec_power_off  - i_linux_archlinux  - i_linux_centos  - i_linux_debian  - i_linux_fedora  - i_linux_linuxmint  - i_linux_linuxmint_inverse  - i_linux_mageia  - i_linux_mandriva  - i_linux_opensuse  - i_linux_redhat  - i_linux_slackware  - i_linux_slackware_inverse  - i_linux_ubuntu  - i_linux_ubuntu_inverse  - i_linux_freebsd  - i_linux_coreos  - i_linux_gentoo  - i_linux_elementary  - i_linux_fedora_inverse  - i_linux_sabayon ♥ - i_oct_heart ⚡ - i_oct_zap  - i_oct_light_bulb  - i_oct_repo  - i_oct_repo_forked  - i_oct_repo_push  - i_oct_repo_pull  - i_oct_book  - i_oct_octoface  - i_oct_git_pull_request  - i_oct_mark_github  - i_oct_cloud_download  - i_oct_cloud_upload  - i_oct_keyboard  - i_oct_gist  - i_oct_file_code  - i_oct_file_text  - i_oct_file_media  - i_oct_file_zip  - i_oct_file_pdf  - i_oct_tag  - i_oct_file_directory  - i_oct_file_submodule  - i_oct_person  - i_oct_jersey  - i_oct_git_commit  - i_oct_git_branch  - i_oct_git_merge  - i_oct_mirror  - i_oct_issue_opened  - i_oct_issue_reopened  - i_oct_issue_closed  - i_oct_star  - i_oct_comment  - i_oct_question  - i_oct_alert  - i_oct_search  - i_oct_gear  - i_oct_radio_tower  - i_oct_tools  - i_oct_sign_out  - i_oct_rocket  - i_oct_rss  - i_oct_clippy  - i_oct_sign_in  - i_oct_organization  - i_oct_device_mobile  - i_oct_unfold  - i_oct_check  - i_oct_mail  - i_oct_mail_read  - i_oct_arrow_up  - i_oct_arrow_right  - i_oct_arrow_down  - i_oct_arrow_left  - i_oct_pin  - i_oct_gift  - i_oct_graph  - i_oct_triangle_left  - i_oct_credit_card  - i_oct_clock  - i_oct_ruby  - i_oct_broadcast  - i_oct_key  - i_oct_repo_force_push  - i_oct_repo_clone  - i_oct_diff  - i_oct_eye  - i_oct_comment_discussion  - i_oct_mail_reply  - i_oct_primitive_dot  - i_oct_primitive_square  - i_oct_device_camera  - i_oct_device_camera_video  - i_oct_pencil  - i_oct_info  - i_oct_triangle_right  - i_oct_triangle_down  - i_oct_link  - i_oct_plus  - i_oct_three_bars  - i_oct_code  - i_oct_location  - i_oct_list_unordered  - i_oct_list_ordered  - i_oct_quote  - i_oct_versions  - i_oct_calendar  - i_oct_lock  - i_oct_diff_added  - i_oct_diff_removed  - i_oct_diff_modified  - i_oct_diff_renamed  - i_oct_horizontal_rule  - i_oct_arrow_small_right  - i_oct_milestone  - i_oct_checklist  - i_oct_megaphone  - i_oct_chevron_right  - i_oct_bookmark  - i_oct_settings  - i_oct_dashboard  - i_oct_history  - i_oct_link_external  - i_oct_mute  - i_oct_x  - i_oct_circle_slash  - i_oct_pulse  - i_oct_sync  - i_oct_telescope  - i_oct_gist_secret  - i_oct_home  - i_oct_stop  - i_oct_bug  - i_oct_logo_github  - i_oct_file_binary  - i_oct_database  - i_oct_server  - i_oct_diff_ignored  - i_oct_ellipsis  - i_oct_no_newline  - i_oct_hubot  - i_oct_arrow_small_up  - i_oct_arrow_small_down  - i_oct_arrow_small_left  - i_oct_chevron_up  - i_oct_chevron_down  - i_oct_chevron_left  - i_oct_triangle_up  - i_oct_git_compare  - i_oct_logo_gist  - i_oct_file_symlink_file  - i_oct_file_symlink_directory  - i_oct_squirrel  - i_oct_globe  - i_oct_unmute  - i_oct_mention  - i_oct_package  - i_oct_browser  - i_oct_terminal  - i_oct_markdown  - i_oct_dash  - i_oct_fold  - i_oct_inbox  - i_oct_trashcan  - i_oct_paintcan  - i_oct_flame  - i_oct_briefcase  - i_oct_plug  - i_oct_circuit_board  - i_oct_mortar_board  - i_oct_law  - i_oct_thumbsup  - i_oct_thumbsdown  - i_oct_desktop_download  - i_oct_beaker  - i_oct_bell  - i_oct_watch  - i_oct_shield  - i_oct_bold  - i_oct_text_size  - i_oct_italic  - i_oct_tasklist  - i_oct_verified  - i_oct_smiley  - i_oct_unverified  - i_oct_ellipses  - i_oct_file  - i_oct_grabber  - i_oct_plus_small  - i_oct_reply  - i_oct_device_desktop  - i_custom_folder_npm  - i_custom_folder_git  - i_custom_folder_config  - i_custom_folder_github  - i_custom_folder_open  - i_custom_folder  - i_seti_stylus  - i_seti_project  - i_seti_sass  - i_seti_rails  - i_seti_ruby  - i_seti_python  - i_seti_heroku  - i_seti_php  - i_seti_markdown  - i_seti_license  - i_seti_json  - i_seti_javascript  - i_seti_image  - i_seti_html  - i_seti_mustache  - i_seti_gulp  - i_seti_grunt  - i_seti_folder  - i_seti_css  - i_seti_config  - i_seti_npm  - i_seti_ejs  - i_seti_xml  - i_seti_bower  - i_seti_coffee  - i_seti_twig  - i_custom_cpp  - i_custom_c  - i_seti_haskell  - i_seti_lua  - i_seti_karma  - i_seti_favicon  - i_seti_julia  - i_seti_react  - i_custom_go  - i_seti_go  - i_seti_typescript  - i_custom_msdos  - i_custom_windows  - i_custom_vim #+end_src * Emojis #+begin_src conf :tangle ~/.local/share/emojis😀 grinning face; U+1F600 😃 grinning face with big eyes; U+1F603 😄 grinning face with smiling eyes; U+1F604 😁 beaming face with smiling eyes; U+1F601 😆 grinning squinting face; U+1F606 😅 grinning face with sweat; U+1F605 🤣 rolling on the floor laughing; U+1F923 😂 face with tears of joy; U+1F602 🙂 slightly smiling face; U+1F642 🙃 upside-down face; U+1F643 😉 winking face; U+1F609 😊 smiling face with smiling eyes; U+1F60A 😇 smiling face with halo; U+1F607 🥰 smiling face with 3 hearts; U+1F970 😍 smiling face with heart-eyes; U+1F60D 🤩 star-struck; U+1F929 😘 face blowing a kiss; U+1F618 😗 kissing face; U+1F617 ☺ smiling face; U+263A 😚 kissing face with closed eyes; U+1F61A 😙 kissing face with smiling eyes; U+1F619 😋 face savoring food; U+1F60B 😛 face with tongue; U+1F61B 😜 winking face with tongue; U+1F61C 🤪 zany face; U+1F92A 😝 squinting face with tongue; U+1F61D 🤑 money-mouth face; U+1F911 🤗 hugging face; U+1F917 🤭 face with hand over mouth; U+1F92D 🤫 shushing face; U+1F92B 🤔 thinking face; U+1F914 🤐 zipper-mouth face; U+1F910 🤨 face with raised eyebrow; U+1F928 😐 neutral face; U+1F610 😑 expressionless face; U+1F611 😶 face without mouth; U+1F636 😏 smirking face; U+1F60F 😒 unamused face; U+1F612 🙄 face with rolling eyes; U+1F644 😬 grimacing face; U+1F62C 🤥 lying face; U+1F925 😌 relieved face; U+1F60C 😔 pensive face; U+1F614 😪 sleepy face; U+1F62A 🤤 drooling face; U+1F924 😴 sleeping face; U+1F634 😷 face with medical mask; U+1F637 🤒 face with thermometer; U+1F912 🤕 face with head-bandage; U+1F915 🤢 nauseated face; U+1F922 🤮 face vomiting; U+1F92E 🤧 sneezing face; U+1F927 🥵 hot face; U+1F975 🥶 cold face; U+1F976 🥴 woozy face; U+1F974 😵 dizzy face; U+1F635 🤯 exploding head; U+1F92F 🤠 cowboy hat face; U+1F920 🥳 partying face; U+1F973 😎 smiling face with sunglasses; U+1F60E 🤓 nerd face; U+1F913 🧐 face with monocle; U+1F9D0 😕 confused face; U+1F615 😟 worried face; U+1F61F 🙁 slightly frowning face; U+1F641 ☹ frowning face; U+2639 😮 face with open mouth; U+1F62E 😯 hushed face; U+1F62F 😲 astonished face; U+1F632 😳 flushed face; U+1F633 🥺 pleading face; U+1F97A 😦 frowning face with open mouth; U+1F626 😧 anguished face; U+1F627 😨 fearful face; U+1F628 😰 anxious face with sweat; U+1F630 😥 sad but relieved face; U+1F625 😢 crying face; U+1F622 😭 loudly crying face; U+1F62D 😱 face screaming in fear; U+1F631 😖 confounded face; U+1F616 😣 persevering face; U+1F623 😞 disappointed face; U+1F61E 😓 downcast face with sweat; U+1F613 😩 weary face; U+1F629 😫 tired face; U+1F62B 😤 face with steam from nose; U+1F624 😡 pouting face; U+1F621 😠 angry face; U+1F620 🤬 face with symbols on mouth; U+1F92C 😈 smiling face with horns; U+1F608 👿 angry face with horns; U+1F47F 💀 skull; U+1F480 ☠ skull and crossbones; U+2620 💩 pile of poo; U+1F4A9 🤡 clown face; U+1F921 👹 ogre; U+1F479 👺 goblin; U+1F47A 👻 ghost; U+1F47B 👽 alien; U+1F47D 👾 alien monster; U+1F47E 🤖 robot face; U+1F916 😺 grinning cat face; U+1F63A 😸 grinning cat face with smiling eyes; U+1F638 😹 cat face with tears of joy; U+1F639 😻 smiling cat face with heart-eyes; U+1F63B 😼 cat face with wry smile; U+1F63C 😽 kissing cat face; U+1F63D 🙀 weary cat face; U+1F640 😿 crying cat face; U+1F63F 😾 pouting cat face; U+1F63E 🙈 see-no-evil monkey; U+1F648 🙉 hear-no-evil monkey; U+1F649 🙊 speak-no-evil monkey; U+1F64A 💋 kiss mark; U+1F48B 💌 love letter; U+1F48C 💘 heart with arrow; U+1F498 💝 heart with ribbon; U+1F49D 💖 sparkling heart; U+1F496 💗 growing heart; U+1F497 💓 beating heart; U+1F493 💞 revolving hearts; U+1F49E 💕 two hearts; U+1F495 💟 heart decoration; U+1F49F ❣ heavy heart exclamation; U+2763 💔 broken heart; U+1F494 ❤ red heart; U+2764 🧡 orange heart; U+1F9E1 💛 yellow heart; U+1F49B 💚 green heart; U+1F49A 💙 blue heart; U+1F499 💜 purple heart; U+1F49C 🖤 black heart; U+1F5A4 💯 hundred points; U+1F4AF 💢 anger symbol; U+1F4A2 💥 collision; U+1F4A5 💫 dizzy; U+1F4AB 💦 sweat droplets; U+1F4A6 💨 dashing away; U+1F4A8 🕳 hole; U+1F573 💣 bomb; U+1F4A3 💬 speech balloon; U+1F4AC 👁️‍🗨️ eye in speech bubble; U+1F441 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F5E8 U+FE0F 🗨 left speech bubble; U+1F5E8 🗯 right anger bubble; U+1F5EF 💭 thought balloon; U+1F4AD 💤 zzz; U+1F4A4 👋 waving hand; U+1F44B 🤚 raised back of hand; U+1F91A 🖐 hand with fingers splayed; U+1F590 ✋ raised hand; U+270B 🖖 vulcan salute; U+1F596 👌 OK hand; U+1F44C ✌ victory hand; U+270C 🤞 crossed fingers; U+1F91E 🤟 love-you gesture; U+1F91F 🤘 sign of the horns; U+1F918 🤙 call me hand; U+1F919 👈 backhand index pointing left; U+1F448 👉 backhand index pointing right; U+1F449 👆 backhand index pointing up; U+1F446 🖕 middle finger; U+1F595 👇 backhand index pointing down; U+1F447 ☝ index pointing up; U+261D 👍 thumbs up; U+1F44D 👎 thumbs down; U+1F44E ✊ raised fist; U+270A 👊 oncoming fist; U+1F44A 🤛 left-facing fist; U+1F91B 🤜 right-facing fist; U+1F91C 👏 clapping hands; U+1F44F 🙌 raising hands; U+1F64C 👐 open hands; U+1F450 🤲 palms up together; U+1F932 🤝 handshake; U+1F91D 🙏 folded hands; U+1F64F ✍ writing hand; U+270D 💅 nail polish; U+1F485 🤳 selfie; U+1F933 💪 flexed biceps; U+1F4AA 🦵 leg; U+1F9B5 🦶 foot; U+1F9B6 👂 ear; U+1F442 👃 nose; U+1F443 🧠 brain; U+1F9E0 🦷 tooth; U+1F9B7 🦴 bone; U+1F9B4 👀 eyes; U+1F440 👁 eye; U+1F441 👅 tongue; U+1F445 👄 mouth; U+1F444 👶 baby; U+1F476 🧒 child; U+1F9D2 👦 boy; U+1F466 👧 girl; U+1F467 🧑 person; U+1F9D1 👱 person: blond hair; U+1F471 👨 man; U+1F468 👱‍♂️ man: blond hair; U+1F471 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 👨‍🦰 man: red hair; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B0 👨‍🦱 man: curly hair; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B1 👨‍🦳 man: white hair; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B3 👨‍🦲 man: bald; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B2 🧔 man: beard; U+1F9D4 👩 woman; U+1F469 👱‍♀️ woman: blond hair; U+1F471 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 👩‍🦰 woman: red hair; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B0 👩‍🦱 woman: curly hair; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B1 👩‍🦳 woman: white hair; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B3 👩‍🦲 woman: bald; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B2 🧓 older person; U+1F9D3 👴 old man; U+1F474 👵 old woman; U+1F475 🙍 person frowning; U+1F64D 🙍‍♂️ man frowning; U+1F64D U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🙍‍♀️ woman frowning; U+1F64D U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🙎 person pouting; U+1F64E 🙎‍♂️ man pouting; U+1F64E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🙎‍♀️ woman pouting; U+1F64E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🙅 person gesturing NO; U+1F645 🙅‍♂️ man gesturing NO; U+1F645 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🙅‍♀️ woman gesturing NO; U+1F645 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🙆 person gesturing OK; U+1F646 🙆‍♂️ man gesturing OK; U+1F646 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🙆‍♀️ woman gesturing OK; U+1F646 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 💁 person tipping hand; U+1F481 💁‍♂️ man tipping hand; U+1F481 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 💁‍♀️ woman tipping hand; U+1F481 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🙋 person raising hand; U+1F64B 🙋‍♂️ man raising hand; U+1F64B U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🙋‍♀️ woman raising hand; U+1F64B U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🙇 person bowing; U+1F647 🙇‍♂️ man bowing; U+1F647 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🙇‍♀️ woman bowing; U+1F647 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤦 person facepalming; U+1F926 🤦‍♂️ man facepalming; U+1F926 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🤦‍♀️ woman facepalming; U+1F926 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤷 person shrugging; U+1F937 🤷‍♂️ man shrugging; U+1F937 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🤷‍♀️ woman shrugging; U+1F937 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 👨‍⚕️ man health worker; U+1F468 U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F 👩‍⚕️ woman health worker; U+1F469 U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F 👨‍🎓 man student; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F393 👩‍🎓 woman student; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F393 👨‍🏫 man teacher; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3EB 👩‍🏫 woman teacher; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3EB 👨‍⚖️ man judge; U+1F468 U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F 👩‍⚖️ woman judge; U+1F469 U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F 👨‍🌾 man farmer; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F33E 👩‍🌾 woman farmer; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F33E 👨‍🍳 man cook; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F373 👩‍🍳 woman cook; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F373 👨‍🔧 man mechanic; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F527 👩‍🔧 woman mechanic; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F527 👨‍🏭 man factory worker; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3ED 👩‍🏭 woman factory worker; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3ED 👨‍💼 man office worker; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F4BC 👩‍💼 woman office worker; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F4BC 👨‍🔬 man scientist; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F52C 👩‍🔬 woman scientist; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F52C 👨‍💻 man technologist; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F4BB 👩‍💻 woman technologist; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F4BB 👨‍🎤 man singer; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3A4 👩‍🎤 woman singer; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3A4 👨‍🎨 man artist; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3A8 👩‍🎨 woman artist; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3A8 👨‍✈️ man pilot; U+1F468 U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F 👩‍✈️ woman pilot; U+1F469 U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F 👨‍🚀 man astronaut; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F680 👩‍🚀 woman astronaut; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F680 👨‍🚒 man firefighter; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F692 👩‍🚒 woman firefighter; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F692 👮 police officer; U+1F46E 👮‍♂️ man police officer; U+1F46E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 👮‍♀️ woman police officer; U+1F46E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🕵 detective; U+1F575 🕵️‍♂️ man detective; U+1F575 U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🕵️‍♀️ woman detective; U+1F575 U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 💂 guard; U+1F482 💂‍♂️ man guard; U+1F482 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 💂‍♀️ woman guard; U+1F482 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 👷 construction worker; U+1F477 👷‍♂️ man construction worker; U+1F477 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 👷‍♀️ woman construction worker; U+1F477 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤴 prince; U+1F934 👸 princess; U+1F478 👳 person wearing turban; U+1F473 👳‍♂️ man wearing turban; U+1F473 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 👳‍♀️ woman wearing turban; U+1F473 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 👲 man with Chinese cap; U+1F472 🧕 woman with headscarf; U+1F9D5 🤵 man in tuxedo; U+1F935 👰 bride with veil; U+1F470 🤰 pregnant woman; U+1F930 🤱 breast-feeding; U+1F931 👼 baby angel; U+1F47C 🎅 Santa Claus; U+1F385 🤶 Mrs. Claus; U+1F936 🦸 superhero; U+1F9B8 🦸‍♂️ man superhero; U+1F9B8 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🦸‍♀️ woman superhero; U+1F9B8 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🦹 supervillain; U+1F9B9 🦹‍♂️ man supervillain; U+1F9B9 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🦹‍♀️ woman supervillain; U+1F9B9 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧙 mage; U+1F9D9 🧙‍♂️ man mage; U+1F9D9 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧙‍♀️ woman mage; U+1F9D9 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧚 fairy; U+1F9DA 🧚‍♂️ man fairy; U+1F9DA U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧚‍♀️ woman fairy; U+1F9DA U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧛 vampire; U+1F9DB 🧛‍♂️ man vampire; U+1F9DB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧛‍♀️ woman vampire; U+1F9DB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧜 merperson; U+1F9DC 🧜‍♂️ merman; U+1F9DC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧜‍♀️ mermaid; U+1F9DC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧝 elf; U+1F9DD 🧝‍♂️ man elf; U+1F9DD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧝‍♀️ woman elf; U+1F9DD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧞 genie; U+1F9DE 🧞‍♂️ man genie; U+1F9DE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧞‍♀️ woman genie; U+1F9DE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧟 zombie; U+1F9DF 🧟‍♂️ man zombie; U+1F9DF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧟‍♀️ woman zombie; U+1F9DF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 💆 person getting massage; U+1F486 💆‍♂️ man getting massage; U+1F486 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 💆‍♀️ woman getting massage; U+1F486 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 💇 person getting haircut; U+1F487 💇‍♂️ man getting haircut; U+1F487 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 💇‍♀️ woman getting haircut; U+1F487 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🚶 person walking; U+1F6B6 🚶‍♂️ man walking; U+1F6B6 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🚶‍♀️ woman walking; U+1F6B6 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🏃 person running; U+1F3C3 🏃‍♂️ man running; U+1F3C3 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🏃‍♀️ woman running; U+1F3C3 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 💃 woman dancing; U+1F483 🕺 man dancing; U+1F57A 🕴 man in suit levitating; U+1F574 👯 people with bunny ears; U+1F46F 👯‍♂️ men with bunny ears; U+1F46F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 👯‍♀️ women with bunny ears; U+1F46F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧖 person in steamy room; U+1F9D6 🧖‍♂️ man in steamy room; U+1F9D6 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧖‍♀️ woman in steamy room; U+1F9D6 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧗 person climbing; U+1F9D7 🧗‍♂️ man climbing; U+1F9D7 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧗‍♀️ woman climbing; U+1F9D7 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤺 person fencing; U+1F93A 🏇 horse racing; U+1F3C7 ⛷ skier; U+26F7 🏂 snowboarder; U+1F3C2 🏌 person golfing; U+1F3CC 🏌️‍♂️ man golfing; U+1F3CC U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🏌️‍♀️ woman golfing; U+1F3CC U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🏄 person surfing; U+1F3C4 🏄‍♂️ man surfing; U+1F3C4 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🏄‍♀️ woman surfing; U+1F3C4 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🚣 person rowing boat; U+1F6A3 🚣‍♂️ man rowing boat; U+1F6A3 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🚣‍♀️ woman rowing boat; U+1F6A3 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🏊 person swimming; U+1F3CA 🏊‍♂️ man swimming; U+1F3CA U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🏊‍♀️ woman swimming; U+1F3CA U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F ⛹ person bouncing ball; U+26F9 ⛹️‍♂️ man bouncing ball; U+26F9 U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F ⛹️‍♀️ woman bouncing ball; U+26F9 U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🏋 person lifting weights; U+1F3CB 🏋️‍♂️ man lifting weights; U+1F3CB U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🏋️‍♀️ woman lifting weights; U+1F3CB U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🚴 person biking; U+1F6B4 🚴‍♂️ man biking; U+1F6B4 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🚴‍♀️ woman biking; U+1F6B4 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🚵 person mountain biking; U+1F6B5 🚵‍♂️ man mountain biking; U+1F6B5 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🚵‍♀️ woman mountain biking; U+1F6B5 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤸 person cartwheeling; U+1F938 🤸‍♂️ man cartwheeling; U+1F938 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🤸‍♀️ woman cartwheeling; U+1F938 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤼 people wrestling; U+1F93C 🤼‍♂️ men wrestling; U+1F93C U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🤼‍♀️ women wrestling; U+1F93C U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤽 person playing water polo; U+1F93D 🤽‍♂️ man playing water polo; U+1F93D U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🤽‍♀️ woman playing water polo; U+1F93D U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤾 person playing handball; U+1F93E 🤾‍♂️ man playing handball; U+1F93E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🤾‍♀️ woman playing handball; U+1F93E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🤹 person juggling; U+1F939 🤹‍♂️ man juggling; U+1F939 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🤹‍♀️ woman juggling; U+1F939 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🧘 person in lotus position; U+1F9D8 🧘‍♂️ man in lotus position; U+1F9D8 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 🧘‍♀️ woman in lotus position; U+1F9D8 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F 🛀 person taking bath; U+1F6C0 🛌 person in bed; U+1F6CC 👭 women holding hands; U+1F46D 👫 woman and man holding hands; U+1F46B 👬 men holding hands; U+1F46C 💏 kiss; U+1F48F 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 kiss: woman, man; U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 kiss: man, man; U+1F468 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 kiss: woman, woman; U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 💑 couple with heart; U+1F491 👩‍❤️‍👨 couple with heart: woman, man; U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 👨‍❤️‍👨 couple with heart: man, man; U+1F468 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 👩‍❤️‍👩 couple with heart: woman, woman; U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 👪 family; U+1F46A 👨‍👩‍👦 family: man, woman, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👩‍👧 family: man, woman, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 family: man, woman, girl, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 family: man, woman, boy, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 family: man, woman, girl, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467 👨‍👨‍👦 family: man, man, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👨‍👧 family: man, man, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 family: man, man, girl, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 family: man, man, boy, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 family: man, man, girl, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467 👩‍👩‍👦 family: woman, woman, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 👩‍👩‍👧 family: woman, woman, girl; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 family: woman, woman, girl, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 family: woman, woman, boy, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 family: woman, woman, girl, girl; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467 👨‍👦 family: man, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👦‍👦 family: man, boy, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👧 family: man, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 👨‍👧‍👦 family: man, girl, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466 👨‍👧‍👧 family: man, girl, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467 👩‍👦 family: woman, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 👩‍👦‍👦 family: woman, boy, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466 👩‍👧 family: woman, girl; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 👩‍👧‍👦 family: woman, girl, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466 👩‍👧‍👧 family: woman, girl, girl; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467 🗣 speaking head; U+1F5E3 👤 bust in silhouette; U+1F464 👥 busts in silhouette; U+1F465 👣 footprints; U+1F463 🦰 red hair; U+1F9B0 🦱 curly hair; U+1F9B1 🦳 white hair; U+1F9B3 🦲 bald; U+1F9B2 🐵 monkey face; U+1F435 🐒 monkey; U+1F412 🦍 gorilla; U+1F98D 🐶 dog face; U+1F436 🐕 dog; U+1F415 🐩 poodle; U+1F429 🐺 wolf face; U+1F43A 🦊 fox face; U+1F98A 🦝 raccoon; U+1F99D 🐱 cat face; U+1F431 🐈 cat; U+1F408 🦁 lion face; U+1F981 🐯 tiger face; U+1F42F 🐅 tiger; U+1F405 🐆 leopard; U+1F406 🐴 horse face; U+1F434 🐎 horse; U+1F40E 🦄 unicorn face; U+1F984 🦓 zebra; U+1F993 🦌 deer; U+1F98C 🐮 cow face; U+1F42E 🐂 ox; U+1F402 🐃 water buffalo; U+1F403 🐄 cow; U+1F404 🐷 pig face; U+1F437 🐖 pig; U+1F416 🐗 boar; U+1F417 🐽 pig nose; U+1F43D 🐏 ram; U+1F40F 🐑 ewe; U+1F411 🐐 goat; U+1F410 🐪 camel; U+1F42A 🐫 two-hump camel; U+1F42B 🦙 llama; U+1F999 🦒 giraffe; U+1F992 🐘 elephant; U+1F418 🦏 rhinoceros; U+1F98F 🦛 hippopotamus; U+1F99B 🐭 mouse face; U+1F42D 🐁 mouse; U+1F401 🐀 rat; U+1F400 🐹 hamster face; U+1F439 🐰 rabbit face; U+1F430 🐇 rabbit; U+1F407 🐿 chipmunk; U+1F43F 🦔 hedgehog; U+1F994 🦇 bat; U+1F987 🐻 bear face; U+1F43B 🐨 koala; U+1F428 🐼 panda face; U+1F43C 🦘 kangaroo; U+1F998 🦡 badger; U+1F9A1 🐾 paw prints; U+1F43E 🦃 turkey; U+1F983 🐔 chicken; U+1F414 🐓 rooster; U+1F413 🐣 hatching chick; U+1F423 🐤 baby chick; U+1F424 🐥 front-facing baby chick; U+1F425 🐦 bird; U+1F426 🐧 penguin; U+1F427 🕊 dove; U+1F54A 🦅 eagle; U+1F985 🦆 duck; U+1F986 🦢 swan; U+1F9A2 🦉 owl; U+1F989 🦚 peacock; U+1F99A 🦜 parrot; U+1F99C 🐸 frog face; U+1F438 🐊 crocodile; U+1F40A 🐢 turtle; U+1F422 🦎 lizard; U+1F98E 🐍 snake; U+1F40D 🐲 dragon face; U+1F432 🐉 dragon; U+1F409 🦕 sauropod; U+1F995 🦖 T-Rex; U+1F996 🐳 spouting whale; U+1F433 🐋 whale; U+1F40B 🐬 dolphin; U+1F42C 🐟 fish; U+1F41F 🐠 tropical fish; U+1F420 🐡 blowfish; U+1F421 🦈 shark; U+1F988 🐙 octopus; U+1F419 🐚 spiral shell; U+1F41A 🐌 snail; U+1F40C 🦋 butterfly; U+1F98B 🐛 bug; U+1F41B 🐜 ant; U+1F41C 🐝 honeybee; U+1F41D 🐞 lady beetle; U+1F41E 🦗 cricket; U+1F997 🕷 spider; U+1F577 🕸 spider web; U+1F578 🦂 scorpion; U+1F982 🦟 mosquito; U+1F99F 🦠 microbe; U+1F9A0 💐 bouquet; U+1F490 🌸 cherry blossom; U+1F338 💮 white flower; U+1F4AE 🏵 rosette; U+1F3F5 🌹 rose; U+1F339 🥀 wilted flower; U+1F940 🌺 hibiscus; U+1F33A 🌻 sunflower; U+1F33B 🌼 blossom; U+1F33C 🌷 tulip; U+1F337 🌱 seedling; U+1F331 🌲 evergreen tree; U+1F332 🌳 deciduous tree; U+1F333 🌴 palm tree; U+1F334 🌵 cactus; U+1F335 🌾 sheaf of rice; U+1F33E 🌿 herb; U+1F33F ☘ shamrock; U+2618 🍀 four leaf clover; U+1F340 🍁 maple leaf; U+1F341 🍂 fallen leaf; U+1F342 🍃 leaf fluttering in wind; U+1F343 🍇 grapes; U+1F347 🍈 melon; U+1F348 🍉 watermelon; U+1F349 🍊 tangerine; U+1F34A 🍋 lemon; U+1F34B 🍌 banana; U+1F34C 🍍 pineapple; U+1F34D 🥭 mango; U+1F96D 🍎 red apple; U+1F34E 🍏 green apple; U+1F34F 🍐 pear; U+1F350 🍑 peach; U+1F351 🍒 cherries; U+1F352 🍓 strawberry; U+1F353 🥝 kiwi fruit; U+1F95D 🍅 tomato; U+1F345 🥥 coconut; U+1F965 🥑 avocado; U+1F951 🍆 eggplant; U+1F346 🥔 potato; U+1F954 🥕 carrot; U+1F955 🌽 ear of corn; U+1F33D 🌶 hot pepper; U+1F336 🥒 cucumber; U+1F952 🥬 leafy green; U+1F96C 🥦 broccoli; U+1F966 🍄 mushroom; U+1F344 🥜 peanuts; U+1F95C 🌰 chestnut; U+1F330 🍞 bread; U+1F35E 🥐 croissant; U+1F950 🥖 baguette bread; U+1F956 🥨 pretzel; U+1F968 🥯 bagel; U+1F96F 🥞 pancakes; U+1F95E 🧀 cheese wedge; U+1F9C0 🍖 meat on bone; U+1F356 🍗 poultry leg; U+1F357 🥩 cut of meat; U+1F969 🥓 bacon; U+1F953 🍔 hamburger; U+1F354 🍟 french fries; U+1F35F 🍕 pizza; U+1F355 🌭 hot dog; U+1F32D 🥪 sandwich; U+1F96A 🌮 taco; U+1F32E 🌯 burrito; U+1F32F 🥙 stuffed flatbread; U+1F959 🥚 egg; U+1F95A 🍳 cooking; U+1F373 🥘 shallow pan of food; U+1F958 🍲 pot of food; U+1F372 🥣 bowl with spoon; U+1F963 🥗 green salad; U+1F957 🍿 popcorn; U+1F37F 🧂 salt; U+1F9C2 🥫 canned food; U+1F96B 🍱 bento box; U+1F371 🍘 rice cracker; U+1F358 🍙 rice ball; U+1F359 🍚 cooked rice; U+1F35A 🍛 curry rice; U+1F35B 🍜 steaming bowl; U+1F35C 🍝 spaghetti; U+1F35D 🍠 roasted sweet potato; U+1F360 🍢 oden; U+1F362 🍣 sushi; U+1F363 🍤 fried shrimp; U+1F364 🍥 fish cake with swirl; U+1F365 🥮 moon cake; U+1F96E 🍡 dango; U+1F361 🥟 dumpling; U+1F95F 🥠 fortune cookie; U+1F960 🥡 takeout box; U+1F961 🦀 crab; U+1F980 🦞 lobster; U+1F99E 🦐 shrimp; U+1F990 🦑 squid; U+1F991 🍦 soft ice cream; U+1F366 🍧 shaved ice; U+1F367 🍨 ice cream; U+1F368 🍩 doughnut; U+1F369 🍪 cookie; U+1F36A 🎂 birthday cake; U+1F382 🍰 shortcake; U+1F370 🧁 cupcake; U+1F9C1 🥧 pie; U+1F967 🍫 chocolate bar; U+1F36B 🍬 candy; U+1F36C 🍭 lollipop; U+1F36D 🍮 custard; U+1F36E 🍯 honey pot; U+1F36F 🍼 baby bottle; U+1F37C 🥛 glass of milk; U+1F95B ☕ hot beverage; U+2615 🍵 teacup without handle; U+1F375 🍶 sake; U+1F376 🍾 bottle with popping cork; U+1F37E 🍷 wine glass; U+1F377 🍸 cocktail glass; U+1F378 🍹 tropical drink; U+1F379 🍺 beer mug; U+1F37A 🍻 clinking beer mugs; U+1F37B 🥂 clinking glasses; U+1F942 🥃 tumbler glass; U+1F943 🥤 cup with straw; U+1F964 🥢 chopsticks; U+1F962 🍽 fork and knife with plate; U+1F37D 🍴 fork and knife; U+1F374 🥄 spoon; U+1F944 🔪 kitchen knife; U+1F52A 🏺 amphora; U+1F3FA 🌍 globe showing Europe-Africa; U+1F30D 🌎 globe showing Americas; U+1F30E 🌏 globe showing Asia-Australia; U+1F30F 🌐 globe with meridians; U+1F310 🗺 world map; U+1F5FA 🗾 map of Japan; U+1F5FE 🧭 compass; U+1F9ED 🏔 snow-capped mountain; U+1F3D4 ⛰ mountain; U+26F0 🌋 volcano; U+1F30B 🗻 mount fuji; U+1F5FB 🏕 camping; U+1F3D5 🏖 beach with umbrella; U+1F3D6 🏜 desert; U+1F3DC 🏝 desert island; U+1F3DD 🏞 national park; U+1F3DE 🏟 stadium; U+1F3DF 🏛 classical building; U+1F3DB 🏗 building construction; U+1F3D7 🧱 brick; U+1F9F1 🏘 houses; U+1F3D8 🏚 derelict house; U+1F3DA 🏠 house; U+1F3E0 🏡 house with garden; U+1F3E1 🏢 office building; U+1F3E2 🏣 Japanese post office; U+1F3E3 🏤 post office; U+1F3E4 🏥 hospital; U+1F3E5 🏦 bank; U+1F3E6 🏨 hotel; U+1F3E8 🏩 love hotel; U+1F3E9 🏪 convenience store; U+1F3EA 🏫 school; U+1F3EB 🏬 department store; U+1F3EC 🏭 factory; U+1F3ED 🏯 Japanese castle; U+1F3EF 🏰 castle; U+1F3F0 💒 wedding; U+1F492 🗼 Tokyo tower; U+1F5FC 🗽 Statue of Liberty; U+1F5FD ⛪ church; U+26EA 🕌 mosque; U+1F54C 🕍 synagogue; U+1F54D ⛩ shinto shrine; U+26E9 🕋 kaaba; U+1F54B ⛲ fountain; U+26F2 ⛺ tent; U+26FA 🌁 foggy; U+1F301 🌃 night with stars; U+1F303 🏙 cityscape; U+1F3D9 🌄 sunrise over mountains; U+1F304 🌅 sunrise; U+1F305 🌆 cityscape at dusk; U+1F306 🌇 sunset; U+1F307 🌉 bridge at night; U+1F309 ♨ hot springs; U+2668 🌌 milky way; U+1F30C 🎠 carousel horse; U+1F3A0 🎡 ferris wheel; U+1F3A1 🎢 roller coaster; U+1F3A2 💈 barber pole; U+1F488 🎪 circus tent; U+1F3AA 🚂 locomotive; U+1F682 🚃 railway car; U+1F683 🚄 high-speed train; U+1F684 🚅 bullet train; U+1F685 🚆 train; U+1F686 🚇 metro; U+1F687 🚈 light rail; U+1F688 🚉 station; U+1F689 🚊 tram; U+1F68A 🚝 monorail; U+1F69D 🚞 mountain railway; U+1F69E 🚋 tram car; U+1F68B 🚌 bus; U+1F68C 🚍 oncoming bus; U+1F68D 🚎 trolleybus; U+1F68E 🚐 minibus; U+1F690 🚑 ambulance; U+1F691 🚒 fire engine; U+1F692 🚓 police car; U+1F693 🚔 oncoming police car; U+1F694 🚕 taxi; U+1F695 🚖 oncoming taxi; U+1F696 🚗 automobile; U+1F697 🚘 oncoming automobile; U+1F698 🚙 sport utility vehicle; U+1F699 🚚 delivery truck; U+1F69A 🚛 articulated lorry; U+1F69B 🚜 tractor; U+1F69C 🏎 racing car; U+1F3CE 🏍 motorcycle; U+1F3CD 🛵 motor scooter; U+1F6F5 🚲 bicycle; U+1F6B2 🛴 kick scooter; U+1F6F4 🛹 skateboard; U+1F6F9 🚏 bus stop; U+1F68F 🛣 motorway; U+1F6E3 🛤 railway track; U+1F6E4 🛢 oil drum; U+1F6E2 ⛽ fuel pump; U+26FD 🚨 police car light; U+1F6A8 🚥 horizontal traffic light; U+1F6A5 🚦 vertical traffic light; U+1F6A6 🛑 stop sign; U+1F6D1 🚧 construction; U+1F6A7 ⚓ anchor; U+2693 ⛵ sailboat; U+26F5 🛶 canoe; U+1F6F6 🚤 speedboat; U+1F6A4 🛳 passenger ship; U+1F6F3 ⛴ ferry; U+26F4 🛥 motor boat; U+1F6E5 🚢 ship; U+1F6A2 ✈ airplane; U+2708 🛩 small airplane; U+1F6E9 🛫 airplane departure; U+1F6EB 🛬 airplane arrival; U+1F6EC 💺 seat; U+1F4BA 🚁 helicopter; U+1F681 🚟 suspension railway; U+1F69F 🚠 mountain cableway; U+1F6A0 🚡 aerial tramway; U+1F6A1 🛰 satellite; U+1F6F0 🚀 rocket; U+1F680 🛸 flying saucer; U+1F6F8 🛎 bellhop bell; U+1F6CE 🧳 luggage; U+1F9F3 ⌛ hourglass done; U+231B ⏳ hourglass not done; U+23F3 ⌚ watch; U+231A ⏰ alarm clock; U+23F0 ⏱ stopwatch; U+23F1 ⏲ timer clock; U+23F2 🕰 mantelpiece clock; U+1F570 🕛 twelve o’clock; U+1F55B 🕧 twelve-thirty; U+1F567 🕐 one o’clock; U+1F550 🕜 one-thirty; U+1F55C 🕑 two o’clock; U+1F551 🕝 two-thirty; U+1F55D 🕒 three o’clock; U+1F552 🕞 three-thirty; U+1F55E 🕓 four o’clock; U+1F553 🕟 four-thirty; U+1F55F 🕔 five o’clock; U+1F554 🕠 five-thirty; U+1F560 🕕 six o’clock; U+1F555 🕡 six-thirty; U+1F561 🕖 seven o’clock; U+1F556 🕢 seven-thirty; U+1F562 🕗 eight o’clock; U+1F557 🕣 eight-thirty; U+1F563 🕘 nine o’clock; U+1F558 🕤 nine-thirty; U+1F564 🕙 ten o’clock; U+1F559 🕥 ten-thirty; U+1F565 🕚 eleven o’clock; U+1F55A 🕦 eleven-thirty; U+1F566 🌑 new moon; U+1F311 🌒 waxing crescent moon; U+1F312 🌓 first quarter moon; U+1F313 🌔 waxing gibbous moon; U+1F314 🌕 full moon; U+1F315 🌖 waning gibbous moon; U+1F316 🌗 last quarter moon; U+1F317 🌘 waning crescent moon; U+1F318 🌙 crescent moon; U+1F319 🌚 new moon face; U+1F31A 🌛 first quarter moon face; U+1F31B 🌜 last quarter moon face; U+1F31C 🌡 thermometer; U+1F321 ☀ sun; U+2600 🌝 full moon face; U+1F31D 🌞 sun with face; U+1F31E ⭐ star; U+2B50 🌟 glowing star; U+1F31F 🌠 shooting star; U+1F320 ☁ cloud; U+2601 ⛅ sun behind cloud; U+26C5 ⛈ cloud with lightning and rain; U+26C8 🌤 sun behind small cloud; U+1F324 🌥 sun behind large cloud; U+1F325 🌦 sun behind rain cloud; U+1F326 🌧 cloud with rain; U+1F327 🌨 cloud with snow; U+1F328 🌩 cloud with lightning; U+1F329 🌪 tornado; U+1F32A 🌫 fog; U+1F32B 🌬 wind face; U+1F32C 🌀 cyclone; U+1F300 🌈 rainbow; U+1F308 🌂 closed umbrella; U+1F302 ☂ umbrella; U+2602 ☔ umbrella with rain drops; U+2614 ⛱ umbrella on ground; U+26F1 ⚡ high voltage; U+26A1 ❄ snowflake; U+2744 ☃ snowman; U+2603 ⛄ snowman without snow; U+26C4 ☄ comet; U+2604 🔥 fire; U+1F525 💧 droplet; U+1F4A7 🌊 water wave; U+1F30A 🎃 jack-o-lantern; U+1F383 🎄 Christmas tree; U+1F384 🎆 fireworks; U+1F386 🎇 sparkler; U+1F387 🧨 firecracker; U+1F9E8 ✨ sparkles; U+2728 🎈 balloon; U+1F388 🎉 party popper; U+1F389 🎊 confetti ball; U+1F38A 🎋 tanabata tree; U+1F38B 🎍 pine decoration; U+1F38D 🎎 Japanese dolls; U+1F38E 🎏 carp streamer; U+1F38F 🎐 wind chime; U+1F390 🎑 moon viewing ceremony; U+1F391 🧧 red envelope; U+1F9E7 🎀 ribbon; U+1F380 🎁 wrapped gift; U+1F381 🎗 reminder ribbon; U+1F397 🎟 admission tickets; U+1F39F 🎫 ticket; U+1F3AB 🎖 military medal; U+1F396 🏆 trophy; U+1F3C6 🏅 sports medal; U+1F3C5 1st place medal; U+1F947 🥇 2nd place medal; U+1F948 🥈 3rd place medal; U+1F949 🥉 ⚽ soccer ball; U+26BD ⚾ baseball; U+26BE 🥎 softball; U+1F94E 🏀 basketball; U+1F3C0 🏐 volleyball; U+1F3D0 🏈 american football; U+1F3C8 🏉 rugby football; U+1F3C9 🎾 tennis; U+1F3BE 🥏 flying disc; U+1F94F 🎳 bowling; U+1F3B3 🏏 cricket game; U+1F3CF 🏑 field hockey; U+1F3D1 🏒 ice hockey; U+1F3D2 🥍 lacrosse; U+1F94D 🏓 ping pong; U+1F3D3 🏸 badminton; U+1F3F8 🥊 boxing glove; U+1F94A 🥋 martial arts uniform; U+1F94B 🥅 goal net; U+1F945 ⛳ flag in hole; U+26F3 ⛸ ice skate; U+26F8 🎣 fishing pole; U+1F3A3 🎽 running shirt; U+1F3BD 🎿 skis; U+1F3BF 🛷 sled; U+1F6F7 🥌 curling stone; U+1F94C 🎯 direct hit; U+1F3AF 🎱 pool 8 ball; U+1F3B1 🔮 crystal ball; U+1F52E 🧿 nazar amulet; U+1F9FF 🎮 video game; U+1F3AE 🕹 joystick; U+1F579 🎰 slot machine; U+1F3B0 🎲 game die; U+1F3B2 🧩 jigsaw; U+1F9E9 🧸 teddy bear; U+1F9F8 ♠ spade suit; U+2660 ♥ heart suit; U+2665 ♦ diamond suit; U+2666 ♣ club suit; U+2663 ♟ chess pawn; U+265F 🃏 joker; U+1F0CF 🀄 mahjong red dragon; U+1F004 🎴 flower playing cards; U+1F3B4 🎭 performing arts; U+1F3AD 🖼 framed picture; U+1F5BC 🎨 artist palette; U+1F3A8 🧵 thread; U+1F9F5 🧶 yarn; U+1F9F6 👓 glasses; U+1F453 🕶 sunglasses; U+1F576 🥽 goggles; U+1F97D 🥼 lab coat; U+1F97C 👔 necktie; U+1F454 👕 t-shirt; U+1F455 👖 jeans; U+1F456 🧣 scarf; U+1F9E3 🧤 gloves; U+1F9E4 🧥 coat; U+1F9E5 🧦 socks; U+1F9E6 👗 dress; U+1F457 👘 kimono; U+1F458 👙 bikini; U+1F459 👚 woman’s clothes; U+1F45A 👛 purse; U+1F45B 👜 handbag; U+1F45C 👝 clutch bag; U+1F45D 🛍 shopping bags; U+1F6CD 🎒 backpack; U+1F392 👞 man’s shoe; U+1F45E 👟 running shoe; U+1F45F 🥾 hiking boot; U+1F97E 🥿 flat shoe; U+1F97F 👠 high-heeled shoe; U+1F460 👡 woman’s sandal; U+1F461 👢 woman’s boot; U+1F462 👑 crown; U+1F451 👒 woman’s hat; U+1F452 🎩 top hat; U+1F3A9 🎓 graduation cap; U+1F393 🧢 billed cap; U+1F9E2 ⛑ rescue worker’s helmet; U+26D1 📿 prayer beads; U+1F4FF 💄 lipstick; U+1F484 💍 ring; U+1F48D 💎 gem stone; U+1F48E 🔇 muted speaker; U+1F507 🔈 speaker low volume; U+1F508 🔉 speaker medium volume; U+1F509 🔊 speaker high volume; U+1F50A 📢 loudspeaker; U+1F4E2 📣 megaphone; U+1F4E3 📯 postal horn; U+1F4EF 🔔 bell; U+1F514 🔕 bell with slash; U+1F515 🎼 musical score; U+1F3BC 🎵 musical note; U+1F3B5 🎶 musical notes; U+1F3B6 🎙 studio microphone; U+1F399 🎚 level slider; U+1F39A 🎛 control knobs; U+1F39B 🎤 microphone; U+1F3A4 🎧 headphone; U+1F3A7 📻 radio; U+1F4FB 🎷 saxophone; U+1F3B7 🎸 guitar; U+1F3B8 🎹 musical keyboard; U+1F3B9 🎺 trumpet; U+1F3BA 🎻 violin; U+1F3BB 🥁 drum; U+1F941 📱 mobile phone; U+1F4F1 📲 mobile phone with arrow; U+1F4F2 ☎ telephone; U+260E 📞 telephone receiver; U+1F4DE 📟 pager; U+1F4DF 📠 fax machine; U+1F4E0 🔋 battery; U+1F50B 🔌 electric plug; U+1F50C 💻 laptop computer; U+1F4BB 🖥 desktop computer; U+1F5A5 🖨 printer; U+1F5A8 ⌨ keyboard; U+2328 🖱 computer mouse; U+1F5B1 🖲 trackball; U+1F5B2 💽 computer disk; U+1F4BD 💾 floppy disk; U+1F4BE 💿 optical disk; U+1F4BF 📀 dvd; U+1F4C0 🧮 abacus; U+1F9EE 🎥 movie camera; U+1F3A5 🎞 film frames; U+1F39E 📽 film projector; U+1F4FD 🎬 clapper board; U+1F3AC 📺 television; U+1F4FA 📷 camera; U+1F4F7 📸 camera with flash; U+1F4F8 📹 video camera; U+1F4F9 📼 videocassette; U+1F4FC 🔍 magnifying glass tilted left; U+1F50D 🔎 magnifying glass tilted right; U+1F50E 🕯 candle; U+1F56F 💡 light bulb; U+1F4A1 🔦 flashlight; U+1F526 🏮 red paper lantern; U+1F3EE 📔 notebook with decorative cover; U+1F4D4 📕 closed book; U+1F4D5 📖 open book; U+1F4D6 📗 green book; U+1F4D7 📘 blue book; U+1F4D8 📙 orange book; U+1F4D9 📚 books; U+1F4DA 📓 notebook; U+1F4D3 📒 ledger; U+1F4D2 📃 page with curl; U+1F4C3 📜 scroll; U+1F4DC 📄 page facing up; U+1F4C4 📰 newspaper; U+1F4F0 🗞 rolled-up newspaper; U+1F5DE 📑 bookmark tabs; U+1F4D1 🔖 bookmark; U+1F516 🏷 label; U+1F3F7 💰 money bag; U+1F4B0 💴 yen banknote; U+1F4B4 💵 dollar banknote; U+1F4B5 💶 euro banknote; U+1F4B6 💷 pound banknote; U+1F4B7 💸 money with wings; U+1F4B8 💳 credit card; U+1F4B3 🧾 receipt; U+1F9FE 💹 chart increasing with yen; U+1F4B9 💱 currency exchange; U+1F4B1 💲 heavy dollar sign; U+1F4B2 ✉ envelope; U+2709 📧 e-mail; U+1F4E7 📨 incoming envelope; U+1F4E8 📩 envelope with arrow; U+1F4E9 📤 outbox tray; U+1F4E4 📥 inbox tray; U+1F4E5 📦 package; U+1F4E6 📫 closed mailbox with raised flag; U+1F4EB 📪 closed mailbox with lowered flag; U+1F4EA 📬 open mailbox with raised flag; U+1F4EC 📭 open mailbox with lowered flag; U+1F4ED 📮 postbox; U+1F4EE 🗳 ballot box with ballot; U+1F5F3 ✏ pencil; U+270F ✒ black nib; U+2712 🖋 fountain pen; U+1F58B 🖊 pen; U+1F58A 🖌 paintbrush; U+1F58C 🖍 crayon; U+1F58D 📝 memo; U+1F4DD 💼 briefcase; U+1F4BC 📁 file folder; U+1F4C1 📂 open file folder; U+1F4C2 🗂 card index dividers; U+1F5C2 📅 calendar; U+1F4C5 📆 tear-off calendar; U+1F4C6 🗒 spiral notepad; U+1F5D2 🗓 spiral calendar; U+1F5D3 📇 card index; U+1F4C7 📈 chart increasing; U+1F4C8 📉 chart decreasing; U+1F4C9 📊 bar chart; U+1F4CA 📋 clipboard; U+1F4CB 📌 pushpin; U+1F4CC 📍 round pushpin; U+1F4CD 📎 paperclip; U+1F4CE 🖇 linked paperclips; U+1F587 📏 straight ruler; U+1F4CF 📐 triangular ruler; U+1F4D0 ✂ scissors; U+2702 🗃 card file box; U+1F5C3 🗄 file cabinet; U+1F5C4 🗑 wastebasket; U+1F5D1 🔒 locked; U+1F512 🔓 unlocked; U+1F513 🔏 locked with pen; U+1F50F 🔐 locked with key; U+1F510 🔑 key; U+1F511 🗝 old key; U+1F5DD 🔨 hammer; U+1F528 ⛏ pick; U+26CF ⚒ hammer and pick; U+2692 🛠 hammer and wrench; U+1F6E0 🗡 dagger; U+1F5E1 ⚔ crossed swords; U+2694 🔫 pistol; U+1F52B 🏹 bow and arrow; U+1F3F9 🛡 shield; U+1F6E1 🔧 wrench; U+1F527 🔩 nut and bolt; U+1F529 ⚙ gear; U+2699 🗜 clamp; U+1F5DC ⚖ balance scale; U+2696 🔗 link; U+1F517 ⛓ chains; U+26D3 🧰 toolbox; U+1F9F0 🧲 magnet; U+1F9F2 ⚗ alembic; U+2697 🧪 test tube; U+1F9EA 🧫 petri dish; U+1F9EB 🧬 dna; U+1F9EC 🔬 microscope; U+1F52C 🔭 telescope; U+1F52D 📡 satellite antenna; U+1F4E1 💉 syringe; U+1F489 💊 pill; U+1F48A 🚪 door; U+1F6AA 🛏 bed; U+1F6CF 🛋 couch and lamp; U+1F6CB 🚽 toilet; U+1F6BD 🚿 shower; U+1F6BF 🛁 bathtub; U+1F6C1 🧴 lotion bottle; U+1F9F4 🧷 safety pin; U+1F9F7 🧹 broom; U+1F9F9 🧺 basket; U+1F9FA 🧻 roll of paper; U+1F9FB 🧼 soap; U+1F9FC 🧽 sponge; U+1F9FD 🧯 fire extinguisher; U+1F9EF 🛒 shopping cart; U+1F6D2 🚬 cigarette; U+1F6AC ⚰ coffin; U+26B0 ⚱ funeral urn; U+26B1 🗿 moai; U+1F5FF 🏧 ATM sign; U+1F3E7 🚮 litter in bin sign; U+1F6AE 🚰 potable water; U+1F6B0 ♿ wheelchair symbol; U+267F 🚹 men’s room; U+1F6B9 🚺 women’s room; U+1F6BA 🚻 restroom; U+1F6BB 🚼 baby symbol; U+1F6BC 🚾 water closet; U+1F6BE 🛂 passport control; U+1F6C2 🛃 customs; U+1F6C3 🛄 baggage claim; U+1F6C4 🛅 left luggage; U+1F6C5 ⚠ warning; U+26A0 🚸 children crossing; U+1F6B8 ⛔ no entry; U+26D4 🚫 prohibited; U+1F6AB 🚳 no bicycles; U+1F6B3 🚭 no smoking; U+1F6AD 🚯 no littering; U+1F6AF 🚱 non-potable water; U+1F6B1 🚷 no pedestrians; U+1F6B7 📵 no mobile phones; U+1F4F5 🔞 no one under eighteen; U+1F51E ☢ radioactive; U+2622 ☣ biohazard; U+2623 ⬆ up arrow; U+2B06 ↗ up-right arrow; U+2197 ➡ right arrow; U+27A1 ↘ down-right arrow; U+2198 ⬇ down arrow; U+2B07 ↙ down-left arrow; U+2199 ⬅ left arrow; U+2B05 ↖ up-left arrow; U+2196 ↕ up-down arrow; U+2195 ↔ left-right arrow; U+2194 ↩ right arrow curving left; U+21A9 ↪ left arrow curving right; U+21AA ⤴ right arrow curving up; U+2934 ⤵ right arrow curving down; U+2935 🔃 clockwise vertical arrows; U+1F503 🔄 counterclockwise arrows button; U+1F504 🔙 BACK arrow; U+1F519 🔚 END arrow; U+1F51A 🔛 ON! arrow; U+1F51B 🔜 SOON arrow; U+1F51C 🔝 TOP arrow; U+1F51D 🛐 place of worship; U+1F6D0 ⚛ atom symbol; U+269B 🕉 om; U+1F549 ✡ star of David; U+2721 ☸ wheel of dharma; U+2638 ☯ yin yang; U+262F ✝ latin cross; U+271D ☦ orthodox cross; U+2626 ☪ star and crescent; U+262A ☮ peace symbol; U+262E 🕎 menorah; U+1F54E 🔯 dotted six-pointed star; U+1F52F ♈ Aries; U+2648 ♉ Taurus; U+2649 ♊ Gemini; U+264A ♋ Cancer; U+264B ♌ Leo; U+264C ♍ Virgo; U+264D ♎ Libra; U+264E ♏ Scorpio; U+264F ♐ Sagittarius; U+2650 ♑ Capricorn; U+2651 ♒ Aquarius; U+2652 ♓ Pisces; U+2653 ⛎ Ophiuchus; U+26CE 🔀 shuffle tracks button; U+1F500 🔁 repeat button; U+1F501 🔂 repeat single button; U+1F502 ▶ play button; U+25B6 ⏩ fast-forward button; U+23E9 ⏭ next track button; U+23ED ⏯ play or pause button; U+23EF ◀ reverse button; U+25C0 ⏪ fast reverse button; U+23EA ⏮ last track button; U+23EE 🔼 upwards button; U+1F53C ⏫ fast up button; U+23EB 🔽 downwards button; U+1F53D ⏬ fast down button; U+23EC ⏸ pause button; U+23F8 ⏹ stop button; U+23F9 ⏺ record button; U+23FA ⏏ eject button; U+23CF 🎦 cinema; U+1F3A6 🔅 dim button; U+1F505 🔆 bright button; U+1F506 📶 antenna bars; U+1F4F6 📳 vibration mode; U+1F4F3 📴 mobile phone off; U+1F4F4 ♀ female sign; U+2640 ♂ male sign; U+2642 ⚕ medical symbol; U+2695 ♾ infinity; U+267E ♻ recycling symbol; U+267B ⚜ fleur-de-lis; U+269C 🔱 trident emblem; U+1F531 📛 name badge; U+1F4DB 🔰 Japanese symbol for beginner; U+1F530 ⭕ heavy large circle; U+2B55 ✅ white heavy check mark; U+2705 ☑ ballot box with check; U+2611 ✔ heavy check mark; U+2714 ✖ heavy multiplication x; U+2716 ❌ cross mark; U+274C ❎ cross mark button; U+274E ➕ heavy plus sign; U+2795 ➖ heavy minus sign; U+2796 ➗ heavy division sign; U+2797 ➰ curly loop; U+27B0 ➿ double curly loop; U+27BF 〽 part alternation mark; U+303D ✳ eight-spoked asterisk; U+2733 ✴ eight-pointed star; U+2734 ❇ sparkle; U+2747 ‼ double exclamation mark; U+203C ⁉ exclamation question mark; U+2049 ❓ question mark; U+2753 ❔ white question mark; U+2754 ❕ white exclamation mark; U+2755 ❗ exclamation mark; U+2757 〰 wavy dash; U+3030 © copyright; U+00A9 ® registered; U+00AE ™ trade mark; U+2122 #️⃣ keycap: #; U+0023 U+FE0F U+20E3 ,*️⃣ keycap: *; U+002A U+FE0F U+20E3 0️⃣ keycap: 0; U+0030 U+FE0F U+20E3 1️⃣ keycap: 1; U+0031 U+FE0F U+20E3 2️⃣ keycap: 2; U+0032 U+FE0F U+20E3 3️⃣ keycap: 3; U+0033 U+FE0F U+20E3 4️⃣ keycap: 4; U+0034 U+FE0F U+20E3 5️⃣ keycap: 5; U+0035 U+FE0F U+20E3 6️⃣ keycap: 6; U+0036 U+FE0F U+20E3 7️⃣ keycap: 7; U+0037 U+FE0F U+20E3 8️⃣ keycap: 8; U+0038 U+FE0F U+20E3 9️⃣ keycap: 9; U+0039 U+FE0F U+20E3 🔟 keycap: 10; U+1F51F 🔠 input latin uppercase; U+1F520 🔡 input latin lowercase; U+1F521 🔢 input numbers; U+1F522 🔣 input symbols; U+1F523 🔤 input latin letters; U+1F524 🅰 A button (blood type); U+1F170 🆎 AB button (blood type); U+1F18E 🅱 B button (blood type); U+1F171 🆑 CL button; U+1F191 🆒 COOL button; U+1F192 🆓 FREE button; U+1F193 ℹ information; U+2139 🆔 ID button; U+1F194 Ⓜ circled M; U+24C2 🆕 NEW button; U+1F195 🆖 NG button; U+1F196 🅾 O button (blood type); U+1F17E 🆗 OK button; U+1F197 🅿 P button; U+1F17F 🆘 SOS button; U+1F198 🆙 UP! button; U+1F199 🆚 VS button; U+1F19A 🈁 Japanese “here” button; U+1F201 🈂 Japanese “service charge” button; U+1F202 🈷 Japanese “monthly amount” button; U+1F237 🈶 Japanese “not free of charge” button; U+1F236 🈯 Japanese “reserved” button; U+1F22F 🉐 Japanese “bargain” button; U+1F250 🈹 Japanese “discount” button; U+1F239 🈚 Japanese “free of charge” button; U+1F21A 🈲 Japanese “prohibited” button; U+1F232 🉑 Japanese “acceptable” button; U+1F251 🈸 Japanese “application” button; U+1F238 🈴 Japanese “passing grade” button; U+1F234 🈳 Japanese “vacancy” button; U+1F233 ㊗ Japanese “congratulations” button; U+3297 ㊙ Japanese “secret” button; U+3299 🈺 Japanese “open for business” button; U+1F23A 🈵 Japanese “no vacancy” button; U+1F235 🔴 red circle; U+1F534 🔵 blue circle; U+1F535 ⚪ white circle; U+26AA ⚫ black circle; U+26AB ⬜ white large square; U+2B1C ⬛ black large square; U+2B1B ◼ black medium square; U+25FC ◻ white medium square; U+25FB ◽ white medium-small square; U+25FD ◾ black medium-small square; U+25FE ▫ white small square; U+25AB ▪ black small square; U+25AA 🔶 large orange diamond; U+1F536 🔷 large blue diamond; U+1F537 🔸 small orange diamond; U+1F538 🔹 small blue diamond; U+1F539 🔺 red triangle pointed up; U+1F53A 🔻 red triangle pointed down; U+1F53B 💠 diamond with a dot; U+1F4A0 🔘 radio button; U+1F518 🔲 black square button; U+1F532 🔳 white square button; U+1F533 🏁 chequered flag; U+1F3C1 🚩 triangular flag; U+1F6A9 🎌 crossed flags; U+1F38C 🏴 black flag; U+1F3F4 🏳 white flag; U+1F3F3 🏳️‍🌈 rainbow flag; U+1F3F3 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F308 🏴‍☠️ pirate flag; U+1F3F4 U+200D U+2620 U+FE0F #+end_src