#+TITLE: Dotfiles - Manjaro Linux on Macbook Pro #+SETUPFILE: https://fniessen.github.io/org-html-themes/setup/theme-readtheorg.setup * Ressources ** Dotfiles - https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/voidrice - https://github.com/wincent/wincent - https://github.com/korolr/dotfiles - https://github.com/Shougo/shougo-s-github ** Linux Softwares - [[https://github.com/k4m4/terminals-are-sexy][terminalare.sexy]] - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/3tluqr/my_list_of_applications_with_vi_keybindings/][the big list of vim like software]] - https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - https://github.com/herrbischoff/awesome-command-line-apps - https://github.com/luongvo209/Awesome-Linux-Software - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/List_of_applications - https://ambrevar.xyz/power-apps/ - https://enchiridion.red/2019/1/18/desktop-apps/ ** Macbook Pro - https://medium.com/@philpl/arch-linux-running-on-my-macbook-2ea525ebefe3 - https://lobotuerto.com/blog/how-to-setup-manjaro-linux-i3-on-a-macbook-pro/ - https://mchladek.me/post/arch-mbp/ - https://0xadada.pub/2016/03/05/install-encrypted-arch-linux-on-apple-macbook-pro/ - https://loicpefferkorn.net/2015/01/arch-linux-sur-macbook-pro-retina-2014-avec-dm-crypt-lvm-et-hibernation/ ** Ricing - https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/8monwi/i3gapspolybar_my_first_attempt_at_ricing/ ** Others - Font Art: http://www.patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=ANSI%20Shadow&t=config - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2eYFnH61tmytImy1mTYvhA ** TODO to read http://www.howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/literate-devops.html * Package Manager: yay https://github.com/Jguer/yay ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh sudo pacman -S yay #+END_SRC ** CheatSheet | Command | Usage | |---------------------+-----------------------------| | =yay= | Perform system upgrade | | =yay -Ss = | Search | | =yay -S = | Install | | =yay -Si = | Get informations | | =yay -Rs = | Uninstall | | =yay -Yc = | Clean unneeded dependencies | * Git Setup https://git-scm.com/ ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S git #+END_SRC ** Configuration - =~/.gitconfig= - =~/.gitignore_global= ** Diff-So-Fancy https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S diff-so-fancy #+end_src *** Configuration #+begin_src bash git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX" #+end_src ** TODO Github interface - Hub *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S hub #+end_src ** Credential Helper setup with Pass This is explained in a further part: [[*Integration with Git][Integration of Pass with Git]]. * TODO [#A] Dotfile Manager: yadm https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S yadm-git #+END_SRC ** TODO [#A] Managing Yadm with Magit on Emacs https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/09a018ea5a081923a8d39f5f0bb02b138284230a/yadm.md ** TODO [#A] Switch from YADM to litterate dotfiles SCHEDULED: <2019-01-07 lun.> * Terminal https://github.com/thestinger/termite ** Termite *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S termite #+END_SRC *** Configuration - =~/.config/termite/config= *** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |--------------------+----------------------------| | =ctrl-shift-x= | activate url hints mode | | =ctrl-shift-c= | copy to CLIPBOARD | | =ctrl-shift-v= | paste from CLIPBOARD | | =ctrl-shift-space= | start selection mode | | =ctrl-shift-up= | scroll up a line | | =ctrl-shift-down= | scroll down a line | | =ctrl-+= | increase font size | | =ctrl--= | decrease font size | | =ctrl-== | reset font size to default | ** TODO [#C] Unicode Rxvt *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S rxvt-unicode #+END_SRC *** Configuration Most of Urxvt configuration is done in =~/.Xresources= * TODO [#B] Shell: Bash https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bash ** Bash Completion #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S bash-completion #+END_SRC ** TODO [#B] Configuration - =~/.bashrc= - =~/.bash_profile= - =~/.config/bash/= - =~/.profile= * TODO [#B] Terminal Multiplexer: Tmux https://github.com/tmux/tmux ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S tmux #+END_SRC ** Session Manager - Tmuxinator https://github.com/tmuxinator/tmuxinator *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S tmuxinator #+END_SRC *** Special sessions Sessions are created using =tmuxinator new session_name= and edited using =tmuxinator edit session_name=. *** Mux: run terminal and tmux session =~/bin/mux= To open a terminal and run tmux session automatically, run =mux =. This is used with rofi. ** TODO [#A] Multiple Tmux configuration - one with no line for neomutt - one complete for coding ** TODO [#B] Configuration: theme https://github.com/seebi/tmux-colors-solarized ** TODO [#A] To check - https://github.com/gpakosz/.tmux - https://gist.github.com/MohamedAlaa/2961058 - https://blog.bugsnag.com/tmux-and-vim/ - https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect - https://github.com/rothgar/awesome-tmux - https://thoughtbot.com/upcase/tmux ** TODO [#B] Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |---------+-------| | | | * TODO [#C] Fonts ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S ttf-inconsolata nerd-font-complete ttf-linux-libertine #+END_SRC ** TODO [#C] Default fonts SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono Maybe use: - Monospace Font: Inconsolata - Serif Font: Libertine - Sans Font: Linux Biolinum ** Nice fonts - https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka ** Emojis #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S ttf-emojione #+END_SRC ** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |-----------+--------------------------| | =fc-list= | List all fonts available | * Text Editors ** Neovim https://github.com/neovim/neovim *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S neovim #+END_SRC *** Configuration [[file:.vim/readme.org]] *** Vim Anywhere with i3 https://github.com/cknadler/vim-anywhere #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S vim-anywhere-git #+END_SRC Then, add the following to the i3 config: =bindsym $mod+t exec vim-anywhere nvim termite= *** Matlab Setup https://github.com/daeyun/vim-matlab/ *** Ressources - https://thoughtbot.com/upcase/dive-into-neovim - https://github.com/liuchengxu/vim-better-default - https://github.com/liuchengxu/space-vim ** Emacs https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S emacs #+END_SRC *** TODO Emacs Client/Server - I removed the systemd service to just run it with i3 startup Add a systemd service to automatically run Emacs deamon in the background on startup: =~/.config/systemd/user/emacs.service= Then run: #+BEGIN_SRC bash systemctl enable --user emacs systemctl start --user emacs #+END_SRC In order to open the emacs client: =emacsclient -create-frame --alternate-editor=""= Then, add a shortcut to i3 config to open an emacsclient. *** Configuration [[file:~/.spacemacs.d/spacemacs.org][file:~/.spacemacs.d/spacemacs.org]] *** SpellCheck with Aspell #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/dotfiles-install.sh yay -S aspell aspell-en aspell-fr #+END_SRC * SSH setup ** Generating a new SSH key #+BEGIN_SRC bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com" #+END_SRC ** Start the ssh-agent in the background #+BEGIN_SRC bash eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" #+END_SRC ** Add the SSH key to the ssh-agent #+BEGIN_SRC bash ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa #+END_SRC * GnuPG https://gnupg.org/ ** Install the gnupg package: #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S gnupg #+END_SRC ** Create a key pair #+BEGIN_SRC bash gpg --full-gen-key #+END_SRC ** Configure the gpg-agent to cache the passphrase Edit the following file =~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf= #+BEGIN_SRC max-cache-ttl 60480000 default-cache-ttl 60480000 #+END_SRC * Password Manager: Pass https://www.passwordstore.org/ ** Install the pass package #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S pass #+END_SRC ** TODO Connect the GPG key ** Initialize the password store as a git repository #+BEGIN_SRC bash pass git init pass git remote add origin https://github.com/tdehaeze/pass.git #+END_SRC ** Gui Manager https://github.com/IJHack/qtpass #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S qtpass #+END_SRC ** Integration with Rofi https://github.com/carnager/rofi-pass *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S rofi-pass #+END_SRC Then we can add a shortcut to =rofi-pass= on i3 config. *** Alternative https://github.com/ibizaman/pass-clip #+begin_src bash yay -S pass-clip #+end_src ** Integration with Browsers This is explained [[*Integration with Pass: the password manager][here]]. ** Integration with Git https://github.com/languitar/pass-git-helper *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S pass-git-helper #+END_SRC *** Configuration First, add the relation between repository addresses and entries in =pass=. This is done in the following config file =.config/pass-git-helper/git-pass-mapping.ini=: #+BEGIN_SRC [github.com*] target=github.com/tdehaeze #+END_SRC Then, add the credential helper on the git configuration file =~/.gitconfig= and add the default username for the repositories adresses. #+BEGIN_SRC [credential] helper = !pass-git-helper $@ [credential "https://github.com"] username = tdehaeze #+END_SRC ** Integration with other programs Integrate pass in other programs is usually very easy, here are few examples: - =~/.msmtprc=: - =passwordeval "pass email/dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com"= - =~/.mbsyncrc= - =PassCmd "pass email/dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com"= * Bookmark Manager: Buku https://github.com/jarun/Buku ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yaourt -S buku #+END_SRC ** Integration with Rofi https://github.com/carnager/buku_run *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carnager/buku_run/master/buku_run -o ~/bin/buku_run chmod +x ~/bin/buku_run #+END_SRC *** Configuration The configuration file is here: =~/.config/buku_run/config= *** Key binding with i3 Custom key binding in i3 config file =~/.i3/config=: #+BEGIN_SRC bindsym $mod+Shift+f exec --no-startup-id buku_run #+END_SRC ** Integration with qutebrowser [[*Integration with Buku][Integration with Buku]] ** Synchronization with a git repository The database is stored in =~/.local/share/buku/bookmarks.db=. We initialize a git repository in this folder: #+BEGIN_SRC bash cd ~/.local/share/buku/bookmarks.db git init #+END_SRC Then we create a script that will automatically add =bookmarks.db= and push to some repository: =~/scripts/buku_git_push.sh=. To automatically run the script every day, a systemd unit is used: =~/.config/systemd/user/bukugit.timer= and =~/.config/systemd/user/bukugit.service= #+BEGIN_SRC bash systemctl start --user bukugit.timer systemctl enable --user bukugit.timer #+END_SRC ** Import Bookmarks from Firefox and Chrome From Firefox, export the bookmarks as html file. Then import the bookmark file using =buku -i bookmarks.html=. This will add a tag with current date to all bookmarks imported. To remove them, use: =buku --replace '2018dec20' ''= ** Web Interface Run: #+begin_src bash bukuserver run --host --port 5001 #+end_src And then browse to = ** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |--------------+------------------------| | =buku= | Run buku interactively | | =buku -p= | List all bookmarks | | =buku -w id= | Edit bookmark | | =buku -d id= | Delete bookmark | | =buku -s <>= | Search bookmarks | ** TODO Alternatives - https://github.com/RadhiFadlillah/shiori - https://karl-voit.at/2014/08/10/bookmarks-with-orgmode/ * TODO Browser: qutebrowser https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S qutebrowser #+END_SRC ** View Pdf inside qutebrowser with pdfjs *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S pdfjs #+END_SRC *** Usage When opening a pdf file on qutebrowser, you'll be ask for options: | Command | Usage | |------------+-------------------| | == | Download the file | | =Ctrl-x= | Download and open | | =Ctrl-p= | Open with pdf.js | | =Alt-y= | Yank the url | ** TODO Make it default browser ** Integration with Pass: the password manager Add the key-binding on =~/.config/qutebrowser/config.py= #+BEGIN_SRC config.bind('', 'spawn --userscript password_fill') #+END_SRC The =password_fill= script can be found on [[https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/misc/userscripts/password_fill][github.com]]. It is configured using the =~/.config/qutebrowser/password_fill_rc= file. ** TODO Integration with Buku Custom key binding in =~/.config/qutebrowser/config.py= #+BEGIN_SRC # Add current page to Buku (Bookmark Manager) config.bind('B', 'spawn buku -a {url}') #+END_SRC *** TODO Add an option to specify title, modify url? add tags? ** TODO Save Bookmarks to Emacs Org Mode https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/9ze1ln/capture_orgmode_bookmarks_from_qutebrowser_with/ ** TODO Cast youtube to chromecast ** Spell Checking #+begin_src bash /usr/share/qutebrowser/scripts/dictcli.py install fr-FR /usr/share/qutebrowser/scripts/dictcli.py install en-US #+end_src ** TODO Adblocker https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/29 https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts ** TODO Ressources - [[https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/tree/master/misc/userscripts][Userscript]] * Monitors https://github.com/Ventto/mons https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xrandr gui: https://christian.amsuess.com/tools/arandr/ ** TODO cscreen script * Music Setup ** Sound Server - Pulse Audio https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio If sound is not working, should run =pulseaudio --kill= to kill the deamon and then =pulseaudio --daemonize= to run it again. https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Running/ ** Audio Server - MPD https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Music_Player_Daemon *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S mpd #+END_SRC *** Automatic Startup #+BEGIN_SRC bash systemctl start --user mpd.service systemctl enable --user mpd.service #+END_SRC *** Command line interface to MPD - MPC https://github.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/mpc To install mpc: =yay -S mpc=. | Command | Usage | |--------------+--------------------| | =mpc update= | Update the library | | =mpc rescan= | Rescan the library | ** TODO Audio Server with Spotify - Mopidy https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy https://medium.com/@theos.space/using-mopidy-with-spotify-and-ncmpcpp-44352f4a2ce8 ** MPD Client - ncmpcpp https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ncmpcpp *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S ncmpcpp #+END_SRC *** Config The main config is located here: =~/.ncmpcpp/config=. The key bindings can be configured here: =~/.ncmpcpp/bindings=. *** Cheatsheet https://pkgbuild.com/~jelle/ncmpcpp/ | Command | Usage | |---------+-------| ** Library Manager - beets https://github.com/beetbox/beets *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S beets #+END_SRC *** Configuration Configuration folder: =~/.config/beets/= *** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |------------------------+-------------------------------| | =beet import = | Import folder to Music folder | * TODO [#C] Movies ** Media Player - MPV *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S mpv #+END_SRC *** Key Bindings The configuration is set in =/.config/mpv/input.conf=. *** TODO CheatSheet | Command | Usage | |---------+-------| ** TODO Chromecast with CATT https://github.com/skorokithakis/catt *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S catt #+end_src *** Usage to cast videos to chromecast | Command | Usage | |----------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | catt cast "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ" | Cast youtube video | | catt cast ./myvideo.mp4 | Cast local video | | catt add ./myvideo.mp4 | Add a video to the queue | | catt cast -s ./mysubtitle.srt /myvideo.mp4 | Add sub title | | catt cast_site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickrolling | Cast website | *** Usage for controlling the device | Command | Usage | |--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------| | ffwd | Fastforward a video by TIME duration | | rewind | Rewind a video by TIME duration | | seek | Seek the video to TIME position | | scan | Scan the local network and show all Chromecasts and their IPs | | status | Show some information about the currently-playing video | | pause | Pause a video | | play | Resume a video after it has been paused | | stop | Stop playing | | skip | Skip to end of content | | save | Save the current state of the Chromecast for later use | | restore | Return Chromecast to saved state | | volume | Set the volume to LVL [0-100] | | volumedown | Turn down volume by a DELTA increment | | volumeup | Turn up volume by a DELTA increment | *** TODO Cast from qutebrowser on youtube This is explained here: [[*Chromecast integration][Chromecast integration]]. ** TODO Popcorn Time or similar ** TODO [#C] Movie Collection Manager - Filebot https://github.com/filebot/filebot *This is paid software, I should uninstall it and find alternative* *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S bilebot #+END_SRC When runing =filebot=, if you obtain the following error: =/usr/bin/filebot: line 22: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/bin/java: No such file or directory=. You can simlink the java binary: #+BEGIN_SRC bash sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/bin/java /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/bin/java #+END_SRC *** Usage *** Configuration Configuration folder: =~/.config/filebot/= *** Documentation https://www.filebot.net/cli.html *** TODO Alternative https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr https://github.com/tinyMediaManager/tinyMediaManager ** Subtitle Manager *** subdl ** TODO Youtube https://github.com/mps-youtube/mps-youtube * TODO [#A] Contact Manager https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/mutt#Contact_management https://gitlab.com/goobook/goobook https://github.com/hensmith/ppl https://github.com/scheibler/khard http://abook.sourceforge.net/ ** GooBook - Contacts from Google *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S goobook-git #+END_SRC And Then #+BEGIN_SRC bash goobook authenticate #+END_SRC *** Usage #+BEGIN_SRC bash goobook query name #+END_SRC ** TODO lbdb *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S lbdb #+END_SRC ** TODO Use Vdirsyncer for contact synchronization ** TODO Mu This looks for contacts in your emails. =mu cfind = ** TODO Integration with Mutt * TODO Chat Application ** Gui Chat Application - Franz https://github.com/meetfranz/franz *** Installation Download the AppImage and run it. ** Weechat https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S weechat #+end_src Then we install some dependencies #+begin_src bash yay -S tcl lua ruby #+end_src Enable mouse support: #+begin_src text /mouse enable #+end_src *** TODO Theme https://www.bfoliver.com/technology/2017/07/15/weechat/ https://alexjj.com/blog/2016/9/setting-up-weechat/ #+begin_src conf /set weechat.look.prefix_same_nick "⤷" /set weechat.look.prefix_error "⚠" /set weechat.look.prefix_action "⚡" /set weechat.look.bar_more_down "▼▼" /set weechat.look.bar_more_left "◀◀" /set weechat.look.bar_more_right "▶▶" /set weechat.look.bar_more_up "▲▲" /set weechat.look.prefix_suffix "╡" /set weechat.color.chat_nick_colors red,green,brown,blue,magenta,cyan,white,lightred,lightgreen,yellow,lightblue,lightmagenta,lightcyan /set weechat.color.separator 31 /set buffers.color.current_fg 31 /set buffers.color.current_bg white /set buffers.color.hotlist_message_fg 229 /set buffers.color.hotlist_private_fg 121 /set buffers.color.hotlist_highlight_fg 163 /set buffers.color.number 239 /set buffers.color.number_char 245 /set weechat.bar.title.conditions "${inactive}" /set weechat.bar.title.color_fg black /set weechat.bar.title.color_bg 31 #Or white if 31 does nothing #+end_src *** TODO Configuration https://hugo.md/post/the-perfect-weechat-setup-2/ https://robots.thoughtbot.com/weechat-for-slacks-irc-gateway Use the command =/fset= *** CheatSheet | Command | Usage | |----------+------------------| | =Ctlr-N= | Next channel | | =Ctlr-P= | Previous channel | | =Esc-n= | Toggle nicklist | *** Slack Integration https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack Dependency: #+begin_src bash yay -S python2-websocket-client #+end_src ** TODO Terminal Based - Slack-Term https://github.com/erroneousboat/slack-term *** Installation ** TODO Using Emacs * Redshift http://jonls.dk/redshift/ ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S redshift #+END_SRC * TODO [#A] Mail Setup ** Synchronize Mailboxes - Mbsync http://isync.sourceforge.net/ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Isync *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S isync #+END_SRC *** TODO Configuration =~/.mbsyncrc= *** Automation using systemd **** Retreive New mails - =~/scripts/checkmail.sh= - =~/.config/systemd/user/checkmail.service= - =~/.config/systemd/user/checkmail.timer= #+BEGIN_SRC bash systemctl --user enable checkmail.timer systemctl --user start checkmail.timer #+END_SRC **** Synchronize all the mailboxes - =~/.config/systemd/user/syncmail.service= - =~/.config/systemd/user/syncmail.timer= #+BEGIN_SRC bash systemctl --user enable syncmail.timer systemctl --user start syncmail.timer #+END_SRC **** Alternative https://github.com/rlue/little_red_flag *** Documentation https://bostonenginerd.com/posts/notmuch-of-a-mail-setup-part-1-mbsync-msmtp-and-systemd/ https://bostonenginerd.com/posts/notmuch-of-a-mail-setup-part-2-notmuch-and-emacs/ ** Send Mails - Msmtp https://marlam.de/msmtp/ *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S msmtp #+END_SRC ** Mail Indexer - Notmuch https://notmuchmail.org/ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Notmuch *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S notmuch #+END_SRC *** Configuration Configuration file: =~/.notmuch-config= *** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |-----------------+---------------------------------------------| | =notmuch setup= | Initial Setup | | =notmuch new= | Incorporate new email into notmuch database | ** TODO [#B] Mail Index, Search and Tagging - Mu https://github.com/djcb/mu ** TODO [#A] Mail Client - NeoMutt https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S neomutt #+END_SRC *** TODO Vim Bindings Unding toutes les touches (https://github.com/iagox86/mutt/blob/master/keybindings.conf) et rebind tout pour faire un truc coherent et documenté Rajouter les keybindings de vim https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt/issues/56#issuecomment-250780838 *** TODO Mailcap configuration *** Display html mails #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S w3m #+END_SRC *** Open PDF from mail =~/scripts/openfile.sh= *** TODO [#B] Integrate with contact manager *** TODO Integration with org-mode https://www.donarmstrong.com/posts/org_mode_mutt_capture/ https://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/posts/2010/02/integrating_Mutt_with_Org-mode/ *** TODO Send HTML mails using Markdown https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/108485/send-email-written-in-markdown-using-mutt/424162 https://github.com/Roguelazer/muttdown *** Attachments **** Attach multiple files at once First, tag the files you want to send using =t=, then =;= to apply the action on all tagged files and finally == to add them all **** TODO Add attachment using GUI file manager **** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |---------+---------------| | == | Open the file | *** Open Url from mail #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S urlview #+END_SRC *** TODO View emails while composing https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mutt#Display_another_email_while_composing *** TODO Searching mails with notmuch https://github.com/tsto/notmuchfs *** TODO Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |---------+-------| | | | *** TODO Integration with calendar application http://jasonwryan.com/blog/2014/04/05/calendar/ https://gist.github.com/guiniol/5109c5bd953af950e0530b720507d704 =~/scripts/printics.sh= *** Ressources - http://therandymon.com/woodnotes/mutt/using-mutt.html - https://ankursinha.in/2017/12/16/transitioning-to-neomutt-and-friends-for-e-mail.html - https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/mutt-wizard ** TODO [#C] Mu4e ** TODO [#C] Notification system A script (=~/scripts/checkmail.sh=) is used to retreive new mails and use =notify=send= is there are new received mails. * TODO [#A] File Manager ** TODO [#A] Ranger https://github.com/ranger/ranger *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S ranger #+END_SRC *** Configuration The configuration file is =~/.config/ranger/rc.conf=. *** Display pdf All the display of the files are defined in =~/.config/ranger/scope.sh=. It seems that Ranger is not working well with Termite. The screen is not refreshing after viewing one image ([[https://github.com/ranger/ranger/issues/859][Github Issue]]). It works better with Urxvt. *** TODO [#B] Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |---------+-------------------------| | =X= | Extract archive | | =Z= | Compress file or folder | ** TODO nnn https://github.com/jarun/nnn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2n5aGqou9E *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S nnn #+END_SRC ** TODO [#C] GUI File Manager: pcmanfm https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PCManFM * TODO [#B] Image viewer ** TODO Write a script to open any type of image using the corresponding program | Filetype | png | pdf | svg | |----------+-----+---------+---------| | Program | feh | zathura | inkview | ** Feh - Minimal Image Viewer https://feh.finalrewind.org/ *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S feh #+END_SRC *** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |---------+----------------| | =f= | Fullscreen | | =m= | Show menu | | =spc= | next image | | =bspc= | previous image | | =w= | Fit image | ** TODO Vimiv https://github.com/karlch/vimiv *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S vimiv #+END_SRC *** TODO Cheatsheet http://karlch.github.io/vimiv/docs/keybindings_commands#keybinding-cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |---------+-------| ** TODO sxiv https://github.com/muennich/sxiv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYW9i_u5PYs *** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S sxiv #+END_SRC * TODO [#B] Windows Manager - i3 ** TODO Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S i3-gaps #+END_SRC ** TODO Packages to install/understand artwork-i3 i3-wallpapers ** TODO Configuration =~/.i3/config= ** TODO [#C] Specific config per workspace https://github.com/i3/i3/blob/next/contrib/per-workspace-layout.pl For instance, default to tabbed windows for workspace dealing with matlab figures. *** Figures / Matlab ** TODO [#C] Scratchpad This mode is activated using =cmd-s=. | Command | Usage | |---------+------------------------| | =p= | Music Player - ncmpcpp | | =m= | Mail Reader - neomutt | | =c= | Calculator - insect | To close the current Scratchpad, use =cmd-bsp= ** TODO [#B] CheatSheet | Command | Usage | |---------+-------| * TODO [#B] Custom bar - Polybar https://polybar.github.io/ ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC bash yay -S polybar #+END_SRC ** TODO [#C] Configuration =~/.config/polybar/config= Polybar is launched automatically from i3 config. ** TODO [#B] Add custom modules - [ ] show passwords - [ ] show bibliography - [ ] show bookmarks - [ ] switch theme (dark/light) - [ ] suspend, restart, hibernate, lock ** Display unread emails Let's say we want to display unread emails, and when clicking on that we open our mail client. #+BEGIN_SRC [module/unread_mail] type = custom/script label-font = 2 format-underline = ${colors.background} click-left = termite -e "tmuxinator start neomutt" & format =