Mail Configuration

Table of Contents


yay -S mbsync msmtp mu neomutt lynx

mbsync - Synchronize Mailboxes

Global Defaults

# Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the server
Create Both
# Save the synchronization state files in the relevant directory
SyncState *
# Permanently remove all messages [on the Master/Slave] marked for deletion.
Expunge Both

Gmail Account

IMAPAccount gmail
Host imap.gmail.com
User dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com
PassCmd "pass email/dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com"
AuthMechs LOGIN
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore gmail-remote
Account gmail

MaildirStore gmail-local
Path ~/.mail/gmail/
Inbox ~/.mail/gmail/Inbox

Channel gmail-Home
Master :gmail-remote:"INBOX"
Slave :gmail-local:Inbox

Channel gmail-Drafts
Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Drafts"
Slave :gmail-local:Drafts

Channel gmail-Sent
Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
Slave :gmail-local:Sent

Channel gmail-Trash
Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Trash"
Slave :gmail-local:Trash

Channel gmail-All
Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/All Mail"
Slave :gmail-local:Archive
# Catch-all for everything else: note that the `Patterns` have to exclude both
# the remote and local names for all the folders we want to exclude (except
# "INBOX", which is special-cased, it would seem).
Channel gmail
Master :gmail-remote:
Slave :gmail-local:
# Exclude everything under the internal [Gmail] folder, except the interesting folders
Patterns *
Patterns !INBOX
Patterns ![Gmail]*
Patterns !Archive
Patterns !Drafts
Patterns !Sent Mail
Patterns !Trash
Patterns !Spam
Patterns !Starred
# For doing a quick sync of just the INBOX with `mbsync gmail-download`.
Channel gmail-download
Master :gmail-remote:"INBOX"
Slave :gmail-local:Inbox
Create Slave
Expunge Slave
Sync Pull

ESRF Account

IMAPAccount esrf
Host imaps.esrf.fr
User dehaeze
PassCmd "pass email/thomas.dehaeze@esrf.fr"
AuthMechs LOGIN
IMAPStore esrf-remote
Account esrf

MaildirStore esrf-local
Path ~/.mail/esrf/
Inbox ~/.mail/esrf/Inbox

Channel esrf-Home
Master :esrf-remote:"Inbox"
Slave :esrf-local:Inbox

Channel esrf-Drafts
Master :esrf-remote:"Drafts"
Slave :esrf-local:Drafts

Channel esrf-Archive
Master :esrf-remote:"Archive"
Slave :esrf-local:Archive

Channel esrf-Sent
Master :esrf-remote:"Sent"
Slave :esrf-local:Sent

Channel esrf-Trash
Master :esrf-remote:"Trash"
Slave :esrf-local:Trash
Channel esrf
Master :esrf-remote:
Slave :esrf-local:

For doing a quick sync of just the INBOX with `mbsync esrf-download`.

Channel esrf-download
Master :esrf-remote:"INBOX"
Slave :esrf-local:Inbox
Create Slave
Expunge Slave
Sync Pull

ULG Student Account

IMAPAccount ulg
Host mail.ulg.ac.be
User thomas.dehaeze@doct.uliege.be
PassCmd "pass email/thomas.dehaeze@doct.uliege.be"
AuthMechs LOGIN
IMAPStore ulg-remote
Account ulg

MaildirStore ulg-local
Path ~/.mail/ulg/
Inbox ~/.mail/ulg/Inbox

Channel ulg-Home
Master :ulg-remote:"Inbox"
Slave :ulg-local:Inbox

Channel ulg-Drafts
Master :ulg-remote:"Drafts"
Slave :ulg-local:Drafts

Channel ulg-Archive
Master :ulg-remote:"Archive"
Slave :ulg-local:Archive

Channel ulg-Sent
Master :ulg-remote:"Sent"
Slave :ulg-local:Sent

Channel ulg-Trash
Master :ulg-remote:"Trash"
Slave :ulg-local:Trash
Channel ulg
Master :ulg-remote:
Slave :ulg-local:

For doing a quick sync of just the INBOX with `mbsync ulg-download`.

Channel ulg-download
Master :ulg-remote:"Inbox"
Slave :ulg-local:Inbox
Create Slave
Expunge Slave
Sync Pull

ULG Personal Account

IMAPAccount uliege
Host mail.ulg.ac.be
User tdehaeze@uliege.be
PassCmd "pass email/tdehaeze@uliege.be"
AuthMechs LOGIN
IMAPStore uliege-remote
Account uliege

MaildirStore uliege-local
Path ~/.mail/uliege/
Inbox ~/.mail/uliege/Inbox

Channel uliege-Home
Master :uliege-remote:"Inbox"
Slave :uliege-local:Inbox

Channel uliege-Drafts
Master :uliege-remote:"Drafts"
Slave :uliege-local:Drafts

Channel uliege-Archive
Master :uliege-remote:"Archive"
Slave :uliege-local:Archive

Channel uliege-Sent
Master :uliege-remote:"Sent"
Slave :uliege-local:Sent

Channel uliege-Trash
Master :uliege-remote:"Trash"
Slave :uliege-local:Trash
Channel uliege
Master :uliege-remote:
Slave :uliege-local:

For doing a quick sync of just the INBOX with `mbsync uliege-download`.

Channel uliege-download
Master :uliege-remote:"Inbox"
Slave :uliege-local:Inbox
Create Slave
Expunge Slave
Sync Pull

msmtp - Send Mails


auth          on
tls           on
tls_certcheck off

Gmail Account

account      gmail
host         smtp.gmail.com
port         587
protocol     smtp
from         dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com
user         dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com
passwordeval "pass email/dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com"

ESRF Account

account        esrf
host           smtps.esrf.fr
port           465
protocol       smtp
from           thomas.dehaeze@esrf.fr
user           dehaeze
tls_starttls   off
passwordeval   "pass email/thomas.dehaeze@esrf.fr"

ULG Account

account        ulg
host           smtp.ulg.ac.be
port           587
protocol       smtp
from           thomas.dehaeze@doct.uliege.be
user           s177313
tls_starttls   on
passwordeval   "pass email/thomas.dehaeze@doct.uliege.be"

ULIEGE Account

account        uliege
host           smtp.ulg.ac.be
port           587
protocol       smtp
from           tdehaeze@uliege.be
user           u231244
tls_starttls   on
passwordeval   "pass email/tdehaeze@uliege.be"

Default Account

account default : gmail

mu - Mail Indexer

Mu (github) it used as a “maildir indexer/searcher”. Useful commands are described in the Cheat-sheet.

For instance, to find mails with pdf attachments:

mu find 'mime:application/pdf'

neomutt - Mail Client



man neomutt
man neomuttrc


Unding all the key bindings

bind generic,pager,editor,index a noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index b noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index c noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index d noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index e noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index f noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index g noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index h noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index i noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index j noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index k noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index l noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index m noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index n noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index o noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index p noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index q noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index r noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index s noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index t noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index u noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index v noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index w noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index x noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index y noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index z noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index A noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index B noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index C noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index D noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index E noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index F noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index G noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index H noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index I noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index J noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index K noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index L noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index M noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index N noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index O noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index P noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index Q noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index R noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index S noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index T noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index U noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index V noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index W noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index X noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index Y noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index Z noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index <Tab>      noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Space>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <PageUp>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <PageDown> noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Home>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <End>      noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Insert>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Delete>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Up>       noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Down>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Left>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Right>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Enter>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Return>   noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index | noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index 1 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 2 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 3 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 4 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 5 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 6 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 7 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 8 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 9 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index 0 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index ! noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index @ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index $ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index % noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index ^ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index & noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index * noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index ( noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index ) noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index \Ca noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cb noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cc noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cd noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Ce noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cf noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cg noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Ch noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Ci noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cj noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Ck noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cl noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cm noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cn noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Co noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cp noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cq noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cr noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cs noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Ct noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cu noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cv noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cw noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cx noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cy noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \Cz noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CA noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CB noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CC noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CD noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CE noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CF noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CG noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CH noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CI noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CJ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CK noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CL noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CM noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CN noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CO noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CP noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CQ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CR noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CS noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CT noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CU noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CV noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CW noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CX noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CY noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \CZ noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Tab>      noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Space>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<PageUp>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<PageDown> noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Home>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<End>      noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Insert>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Delete>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Up>       noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Down>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Left>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Right>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Enter>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C<Return>   noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index \C1 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C2 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C3 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C4 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C5 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C6 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C7 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C8 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C9 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C0 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C! noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C$ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C% noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C^ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C& noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C* noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C( noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index \C) noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>a noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>b noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>c noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>d noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>e noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>f noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>g noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>h noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>i noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>j noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>k noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>l noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>m noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>n noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>o noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>p noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>q noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>r noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>s noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>t noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>u noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>v noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>w noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>x noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>y noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>z noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>A noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>B noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>C noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>D noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>E noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>F noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>G noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>H noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>I noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>J noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>K noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>L noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>M noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>N noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>O noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>P noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>Q noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>R noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>S noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>T noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>U noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>V noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>W noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>X noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>Y noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>Z noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Tab>      noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Space>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><PageUp>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><PageDown> noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Home>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><End>      noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Insert>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Delete>   noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Up>       noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Down>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Left>     noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Right>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Enter>    noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc><Return>   noop

bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>1 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>2 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>3 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>4 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>5 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>6 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>7 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>8 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>9 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>0 noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>! noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>@ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>$ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>% noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>^ noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>& noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>* noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>( noop
bind generic,pager,editor,index <Esc>) noop

Quit Neomutt

bind index,pager,compose Q exit
macro index q "<shell-escape>if [ $TMUX ]; then tmux detach; fi<enter>"


bind generic Q exit

bind generic <Return> select-entry
bind generic l select-entry

bind generic,index k previous-entry
bind generic,index j next-entry

bind generic,index 0 first-entry
bind generic,index $ last-entry

bind generic,index \031 previous-entry # Mouse wheel
bind generic,index \005 next-entry # Mouse wheel

bind generic,index gg first-entry
bind generic,index G last-entry

bind generic,index,pager \Cu half-up
bind generic,index,pager \Cd half-down

bind generic,index,pager \Ce next-line
bind generic,index,pager \Cy previous-line

Index and Pager

bind pager k  previous-line
bind pager j  next-line

bind index <space> collapse-thread

bind index,pager K previous-entry
bind index,pager J next-entry

bind index l  display-message
bind index <Return> display-message
bind pager l view-attachments

bind pager gg top
bind pager 0 top

bind pager G bottom
bind pager $ bottom

macro index h "<change-folder>?" "Go back to the list of mailboxes"
bind pager h exit
bind pager q exit

macro index c "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "change folder"

bind index,pager u undelete-message

bind index,pager P print-message

# Compose a new email (not a reply) to the sender
bind index,pager @ compose-to-sender

# Marl All message as read
macro index \Cr \
    "<tag-pattern>~N<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>N<untag-pattern>.<enter>" \
    "mark all new as read"
bind index za collapse-thread
bind index zA collapse-all # Missing :folddisable/foldenable

Write/Reply/Forward mail

bind index,pager p recall-message
bind index,pager m mail
bind index,pager M resend-message
bind index,pager r reply
bind index,pager R group-reply
bind index,pager b bounce-message
bind index,pager f forward-message

Sync Mailbox

bind index,pager s sync-mailbox

Sync email

macro index,pager o "<shell-escape>$HOME/.config/neomutt/bin/get_new_mail.sh<enter>"
macro index,pager O "<shell-escape>$HOME/.config/neomutt/bin/get_new_mail.sh -a<enter>"

Make quick html view macro

macro index,pager H "<view-attachments><search>html<enter><view-mailcap><exit>"

Open mail with Vim

macro index,pager V "<view-attachments><search>plain<enter><view-mailcap><exit>"
# bind index,pager U toggle-new


bind index,pager y edit-label
bind index,pager Y modify-labels


bind index L limit
macro index a <limit>all<enter>


bind generic,index,pager / search

bind index,pager n search-next
bind index,pager N search-opposite


bind attach l view-attach

bind attach h exit
bind attach q exit

bind attach <return> view-mailcap

macro attach W <save-entry><kill-line>~/Downloads/<enter>y "Save entry"


bind compose p postpone-message

bind compose R rename-attachment

bind compose a attach-file

Open another instance of neomutt in readonly mode while composing

macro compose M "<shell-escape>$TERMINAL -e \"neomutt -R\"<enter>"

Attach multiple files using ranger

macro compose A "<shell-escape>bash $HOME/.config/neomutt/bin/rangerpick<enter><enter-command>source /tmp/rangerpick<enter><shell-escape>bash $HOME/.config/neomutt/bin/rangerpick clean<enter>" "Attach with Ranger"

Attach file by drooping from GUI

macro compose B "<shell-escape>bash $HOME/.config/neomutt/bin/rangerpick dragon<enter><enter-command>source /tmp/rangerpick<enter><shell-escape>bash $HOME/.config/neomutt/bin/rangerpick clean<enter>" "Attach with Ranger"
Attach with Ranger Script
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    ranger --choosefiles $tmpfile && sed -i 's/\s/\\ /g' $tmpfile && echo "$(awk 'BEGIN {printf "%s", "push "} {printf "%s", "<attach-file>"$0"<enter>"}'  $tmpfile)" > $tmpfile
elif [ $1 == "dragon" ]; then
    dragon-drag-and-drop --target --print-path --keep > $tmpfile && sed -i 's/\s/\\ /g' $tmpfile && echo "$(awk 'BEGIN {printf "%s", "push "} {printf "%s", "<attach-file>"$0"<enter>"}' $tmpfile)" > $tmpfile
elif [ $1 == "clean" ]; then
    ls $tmpfile
Send HTML mails using Markdown

Write html emails using markdown

# macro compose M "F pandoc -s -f markdown -t html \ny^T^Utext/html; charset=us-ascii\n"


bind browser l select-entry
macro browser h "<top-page><select-entry>"

bind browser t tag-entry

bind browser q exit


Enter Command

bind generic,index,pager : enter-command

Copy and move mails

macro index C "<copy-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "copy a message to a mailbox"
macro index M "<save-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "move a message to a mailbox"


bind index,pager \Cp sidebar-prev
bind index,pager \Cn sidebar-next
bind index,pager \Co sidebar-open

bind index,pager \Ch sidebar-toggle-visible

Reload Configuration

macro generic,index,pager,editor ,<Space> ":source ~/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc\n" "Reload mutt's configuration file"

urlview - Open URL in emails

Use urlview to extract urls from the mail.

macro attach,compose,index,pager \cw "\
  :set my_tmp_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode\n\
  :set pipe_decode\n\
  :set pipe_decode=\$my_tmp_pipe_decode\n\
  :unset my_tmp_pipe_decode\n" \
  'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'

Searching using Mu

macro index,pager \Cf "<shell-escape>mu find --clearlinks --format=links --linksdir=~/.mail/search " \
                         "mu find"
macro index,pager gf "<change-folder-readonly>~/.mail/search<enter>" \
                         "mu find results"

Link to Orgmode

https://www.donarmstrong.com/posts/org_mode_mutt_capture/ https://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/posts/2010/02/integrating_Mutt_with_Org-mode/

macro index,pager S "<pipe-message>$HOME/.config/neomutt/bin/mutt-save-org-link.py\n"
Link mail to orgmode - Script
import sys
import email
import subprocess
import urllib.parse

# Parse the email from standard input
message_bytes = sys.stdin.buffer.read()
message = email.message_from_bytes(message_bytes)

# Grab the relevant message headers
message_id = urllib.parse.quote(message['message-id'].strip()[1:-1])
subject = message['subject'].replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}').replace('\n', ' ')
subject = (subject[:75] + '..') if len(subject) > 75 else subject

# Ask emacsclient to save a link to the message
p = subprocess.Popen([



Basic colors

color normal      color021       color000
color error       color021       color000
color tilde       color021       color000
color message     color021       color000
color markers     color021       color000
color attachment  color021       color000
color search      color000       color003
color status      color016       color000
color indicator   color000       color021
color tree        color021       color000
color progress    color000       color021

# basic monocolor screen
mono  bold      bold
mono  underline underline
mono  indicator reverse
mono  error     bold


color index color021       color000 "~A"      # All messages
color index brightcolor006 color000 "~N"      # New messages
color index color020       color000 "~O"      # Old messages
color index color020       color000 "~Q"      # messages that have been replied to
color index color021       color000 "~R"      # read messages
color index color006       color000 "~U"      # unread messages
color index color021       color000 "~R~p!~F" # messages to me
color index brightcolor006 color000 "~N~p!~F" # new messages to me
color index brightcolor006 color000 "~U~p!~F" # unread messages to me
color index color005       color000 "~F"      # flagged messages
color index color005       color000 "~F~p"    # flagged messages to me
color index brightcolor006 color000 "~N~F"    # new flagged messages
color index brightcolor006 color000 "~N~F~p"  # new flagged messages to me
color index brightcolor006 color000 "~U~F~p"  # new flagged messages to me
color index brightcolor000 color001 "~D"      # deleted messages

color index brightcolor021 color019 "~v~(!~N)"    # collapsed thread with no unread
color index brightcolor006 color019 "~v~(~N)"     # collapsed thread with some unread
color index brightcolor006 color019 "~N~v~(~N)"   # collapsed thread with unread parent
color index brightcolor005 color019 "~v~(~F)!~N"  # collapsed thread with flagged, no unread
color index brightcolor006 color019 "~v~(~F~N)"   # collapsed thread with some unread & flagged
color index brightcolor006 color019 "~N~v~(~F~N)" # collapsed thread with unread parent & flagged
color index brightcolor005 color019 "~N~v~(~F)"   # collapsed thread with unread parent, no unread inside, but some flagged
color index brightcolor000 color001 "~v~(~D)"     # thread with deleted (doesn't differentiate between all or partial)


 color sidebar_indicator color000       color021  # Mailbox is open
 color sidebar_highlight color000       color003  # Mailbox is highlighted
 color sidebar_new       brightcolor006 color000  # Mailbox contains new mail
 color sidebar_ordinary  color021       color000  # Mailbox contains new mail

Message headers

color hdrdefault color006       color000
color header     brightcolor006 color000 "^(From)"
color header     brightcolor004 color000 "^(Subject)"


# Color if the attachment is autoviewed
color   attach_headers     brightgreen     default    "Autoview"
# Color only the brackets around the headers
color   attach_headers     brightyellow    default    "^\\[--"
color   attach_headers     brightyellow    default    "--]$"
# Color the mime type and the size
color   attach_headers     green           default    "Type: [a-z]+/[a-z0-9\-]+"
color   attach_headers     green           default    "Size: [0-9\.]+[KM]"
# Color GPGME signature checks
color   attach_headers     brightgreen     default    "Good signature from.*"
color   attach_headers     brightred       default    "Bad signature from.*"
color   attach_headers     brightred       default    "BAD signature from.*"
color   attach_headers     brightred       default    "Note: This key has expired!"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "Problem signature from.*"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "         There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner."
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "can't handle these multiple signatures"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "signature verification suppressed"
color   attach_headers     brightmagenta   default    "invalid node with packet of type"


color quoted        color002       color000
color quoted1       color003       color000
color quoted2       color004       color000
color quoted3       color005       color000
color quoted4       color006       color000

color signature     color021       color000
color bold          brightcolor021 color000
color underline     brightcolor021 color000
color normal        color021       color000


color body  color001 color000         "(BAD signature)"
color body  color002 color000         "(Good signature)"
color body  color002 color000         "^gpg: Good signature .*"
color body  color002 color000         "^gpg: "
color body  color002 color000         "^gpg: BAD signature from.*"


color body color006 color000         "([a-z][a-z0-9+-]*://(((([a-z0-9_.!~*'();:&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*@)?((([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.)*([a-z]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.?|[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)(:[0-9]+)?)|([a-z0-9_.!~*'()$,;:@&=+-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])+)(/([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*(/([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*)*)?(\\?([a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?(#([a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?|(www|ftp)\\.(([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.)*([a-z]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.?(:[0-9]+)?(/([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*(/([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*)*)?(\\?([-a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?(#([-a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?)[^].,:;!)? \t\r\n<>\"]"


color body color006 color000 "((@(([0-9a-z-]+\\.)*[0-9a-z-]+\\.?|#[0-9]+|\\[[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\]),)*@(([0-9a-z-]+\\.)*[0-9a-z-]+\\.?|#[0-9]+|\\[[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\]):)?[0-9a-z_.+%$-]+@(([0-9a-z-]+\\.)*[0-9a-z-]+\\.?|#[0-9]+|\\[[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\])"

Contacts with Mu

set query_command="mu cfind '%s' -o mutt-ab"

bind editor <Tab> complete-query


set folder           = ~/.mail                         # mail location
set alias_file       = ~/.config/neomutt/alias         # where to store aliases
set header_cache     = ~/.config/neomutt/cache/headers # where to store headers
set message_cachedir = ~/.config/neomutt/cache/bodies  # where to store bodies
set certificate_file = ~/.config/neomutt/certificates  # where to store certs
set mailcap_path     = ~/.config/neomutt/mailcap       # entries for filetypes
set tmpdir           = ~/.config/neomutt/temp          # where to keep temp files



# set print_command="/usr/bin/muttprint %s -p ctb110c1u"


set spoolfile = "+gmail/Inbox" # Default inbox
set realname = "Dehaeze Thomas"
set from = "dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com"

folder-hook gmail/* source ~/.config/neomutt/accounts/gmail
folder-hook esrf/*  source ~/.config/neomutt/accounts/esrf
folder-hook ulg/*   source ~/.config/neomutt/accounts/ulg
folder-hook uliege/*   source ~/.config/neomutt/accounts/uliege

macro index,pager gl "<change-folder>+uliege/Inbox<enter>" "go to inbox"
macro index,pager gu "<change-folder>+ulg/Inbox<enter>" "go to inbox"
macro index,pager ge "<change-folder>+esrf/Inbox<enter>" "go to inbox"
macro index,pager gm "<change-folder>+gmail/Inbox<enter>" "go to inbox"


set from     = "dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com"
set sendmail = "~/.config/neomutt/bin/send_mail.sh gmail"

# Other special folders.
set mbox      = "+gmail/Archive"
unset record # Don't copy send message to Sent folder: Gmail does that for us
set postponed = "+gmail/Drafts"

set signature = "~/.config/neomutt/accounts/gmail.signature"

macro index,pager d \
  "<save-message>+gmail/Archive<enter>" \
  "Move message to the Archive"

macro index,pager D \
  "<save-message>+gmail/Trash<enter>" \
  "Move message to the Trash"
Thomas Dehaeze

This empty code block is used to add a new line after signature


set from     = "thomas.dehaeze@esrf.fr"
set sendmail = "~/.config/neomutt/bin/send_mail.sh esrf"

# Other special folders.
set mbox      = "+esrf/Archive"
set record    = "+esrf/Sent"
set postponed = "+esrf/Drafts"

set signature = "~/.config/neomutt/accounts/esrf.signature"

macro index,pager d \
  "<save-message>+esrf/Archive<enter>" \
  "Move message to the Archive"

macro index,pager D \
  "<save-message>+esrf/Trash<enter>" \
  "Move message to the Trash"
Thomas Dehaeze

This empty code block is used to add a new line after signature


set from     = "thomas.dehaeze@doct.uliege.be"
set sendmail = "~/.config/neomutt/bin/send_mail.sh ulg"

# Other special folders.
set mbox      = "+ulg/Archive"
set record    = "+ulg/Sent"
set postponed = "+ulg/Drafts"

set signature = "~/.config/neomutt/accounts/ulg.signature"

macro index,pager d \
  "<save-message>+ulg/Archive<enter>" \
  "Move message to the Archive"

macro index,pager D \
  "<save-message>+ulg/Trash<enter>" \
  "Move message to the Trash"
Thomas Dehaeze

This empty code block is used to add a new line after signature


set from     = "tdehaeze@uliege.be"
set sendmail = "~/.config/neomutt/bin/send_mail.sh uliege"

# Other special folders.
set mbox      = "+uliege/Archive"
set record    = "+uliege/Sent"
set postponed = "+uliege/Drafts"

set signature = "~/.config/neomutt/accounts/uliege.signature"

macro index,pager d \
  "<save-message>+uliege/Archive<enter>" \
  "Move message to the Archive"

macro index,pager D \
  "<save-message>+uliege/Trash<enter>" \
  "Move message to the Trash"
Thomas Dehaeze

This empty code block is used to add a new line after signature

Basic Options

set wait_key = no        # shut up, mutt
set mbox_type = Maildir  # mailbox type
set help = no            # No top bar
set timeout = 3          # idle time before scanning
set sleep_time = 0       # how long NeoMutt may wait after an error message
set mail_check = 0       # minimum time between scans
set delete               # don't ask, just do
unset confirmappend      # don't ask, just do!
set quit                 # don't ask, just do!!
set mark_old = no        # read/new is good enough for me
set beep_new             # bell on new mails
# set pipe_decode          # strip headers and eval mimes when piping
set thorough_search      # strip headers and eval mimes before searching
set send_charset="us-ascii:utf-8:iso-8859-1"
set sendmail_wait = 0 # no please don't silently fail, email is important
set use_from             # respect the From: address the editor sends back

# Use Vim to compose email, with a few default options.
set editor = "nvim -c '/\\n--' -c ':noh' -c 'startinsert'"

View Options

Status Bar

set status_on_top = no
set status_chars  = " *%A"
set status_format = "───[ Folder: %f ]───[%r%m messages%?n? (%n new)?%?d? (%d to delete)?%?t? (%t tagged)? ]───%>─%?p?( %p postponed )?───"

Index View Options

set date_format = "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"
set index_format = "[%Z] %D %-20.20F %s"

set sort = threads                         # like gmail
set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received  # like gmail
set uncollapse_jump                        # don't collapse on an unread message
set sort_re                                # thread based on regex
set reply_regexp = "^(([Rr][Ee]?(\[[0-9]+\])?: *)?(\[[^]]+\] *)?)*"
set folder_format = "%2C %t %N %8s %f"

Pager View Options

set pager_index_lines = 10 # number of index lines to show
set pager_context = 3      # number of context lines to show
set pager_stop             # don't go to next message automatically
set menu_scroll            # scroll in menus
set tilde                  # show tildes like in vim
set markers = no           # no ugly plus signs
set quote_regexp = "^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+"

auto_view text/html                                      # view html automatically
alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html     # save html for last

Compose View Options

set sig_dashes                       # dashes before sig
set sig_on_top                       # the signature is just below the response
set edit_headers                     # show headers when composing
set fast_reply                       # skip to compose when replying
set fcc_attach                       # save attachments with the body
set attribution = "On %d, %n wrote:" # format of quoting header
set reply_to                         # reply to Reply to: field
set reverse_name                     # reply as whomever it was to
set include                          # include message in replies


set forward_format = "Fwd: %s"       # format of subject when forwarding
set forward_decode                   # decode when forwarding
set forward_quote                    # include message in forwards


ignore *                                # ignore all headers
unignore from: to: cc: date: subject:   # show only these
unhdr_order *
hdr_order from: to: cc: date: subject:  # and in this order


General Config

# Should the Sidebar be shown?
set sidebar_visible = yes

# How wide should the Sidebar be in screen columns?
# Note: Some characters, e.g. Chinese, take up two columns each.
set sidebar_width = 20

# Should the mailbox paths be abbreviated?
set sidebar_short_path = yes

# When abbreviating mailbox path names, use any of these characters as path
# separators.  Only the part after the last separators will be shown.
# For file folders '/' is good.  For IMAP folders, often '.' is useful.
set sidebar_delim_chars = '/.'

# If the mailbox path is abbreviated, should it be indented?
set sidebar_folder_indent = yes

# Indent mailbox paths with this string.
set sidebar_indent_string = '  '

# Make the Sidebar only display mailboxes that contain new, or flagged,
# mail.
set sidebar_new_mail_only = no

# Any mailboxes that are whitelisted will always be visible, even if the
# sidebar_new_mail_only option is enabled.
# sidebar_whitelist '/home/user/mailbox1'
# sidebar_whitelist '/home/user/mailbox2'

# When searching for mailboxes containing new mail, should the search wrap
# around when it reaches the end of the list?
set sidebar_next_new_wrap = no

# Show the Sidebar on the right-hand side of the screen
set sidebar_on_right = no

# The character to use as the divider between the Sidebar and the other Mutt
# panels.
# Note: Only the first character of this string is used.
set sidebar_divider_char = '│'

# Enable extended buffy mode to calculate total, new, and flagged
# message counts for each mailbox.
set mail_check_stats

# Display the Sidebar mailboxes using this format string.
set sidebar_format = '%D %* %?N?[%N]?'

# Sort the mailboxes in the Sidebar using this method:
#       count    - total number of messages
#       flagged  - number of flagged messages
#       new      - number of new messages
#       path     - mailbox path
#       unsorted - do not sort the mailboxes
set sidebar_sort_method = 'unsorted'

Mailboxes to show in the sidebar.

named-mailboxes "   Search" =search
named-mailboxes " GMAIL" =empty/gmail
named-mailboxes "   Inbox" =gmail/Inbox
named-mailboxes "   Sent" =gmail/Sent
named-mailboxes "   Drafts" =gmail/Drafts
named-mailboxes " ﮊ  Archive" =gmail/Archive
named-mailboxes "   Trash" =gmail/Trash
named-mailboxes " ESRF" =empty/esrf
named-mailboxes "   Inbox" =esrf/Inbox
named-mailboxes "   Sent" =esrf/Sent
named-mailboxes "   Drafts" =esrf/Drafts
named-mailboxes " ﮊ  Archive" =esrf/Archive
named-mailboxes "   Trash" =esrf/Trash
named-mailboxes " ULG" =empty/ulg
named-mailboxes "   Inbox" =ulg/Inbox
named-mailboxes "   Sent" =ulg/Sent
named-mailboxes "   Drafts" =ulg/Drafts
named-mailboxes " ﮊ  Archive" =ulg/Archive
named-mailboxes "   Trash" =ulg/Trash
named-mailboxes " ULIEGE" =empty/uliege
named-mailboxes "   Inbox" =uliege/Inbox
named-mailboxes "   Sent" =uliege/Sent
named-mailboxes "   Drafts" =uliege/Drafts
named-mailboxes " ﮊ  Archive" =uliege/Archive
named-mailboxes "   Trash" =uliege/Trash
unset move


Attachment View Options

set attach_format = "[%D %t] %2n [%-7.7m/%10.10M] %.40d %> [%s] "

Open Attachment

Program to open is defined in the mailcap file.

A script openfile.sh is used to open files with the default application using xdg-open.

Attach multiple files at once

First, tag the files you want to send using t, then ; to apply the action on all tagged files and finally <enter> to add them all.

Of ranger can be used with the A keybinding.

Forgotten Attachment

set abort_noattach = ask-yes
set abort_noattach_regex = "\\<(attach(|ed|ments?)|(attaché|attachés|attache|attachons|joint|jointe|joints|jointes|joins|joignons))\\>"

Scripts and other config files

Send Mail Script

msmtp -a $1 ${@:2} && \
    if [ $TMUX ]; then
        tmux split -v -l 1 mbsync $1-Sent && tmux select-pane -U
        mbsync $1-Sent

Sync Mail Script

if [ $TMUX ]; then
    tmux split -v -l 1 checkmail $1 && tmux select-pane -U
    checkmail $1

Openfile Scripts

base=$(basename "$1")

file=$(mktemp -u --suffix=".$ext")

rm -f "$file"

cp "$1" "$file"

setsid xdg-open "$file" >/dev/null 2>&1 &

urlview Config

REGEXP (((http|https|ftp|gopher)|mailto)[.:][^ >"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t>">\):]

COMMAND nohup qutebrowser %s </dev/null &>/dev/null &



text/plain; nvim %s
video/*; setsid mpv --quiet %s &
image/*; sxiv -a -b %s &
application/pdf; zathura %s &
audio/*; /usr/bin/xdg-open %s; copiousoutput
text/html; export DISPLAY=:0 && setsid qutebrowser %s; nametemplate=%s.html
text/html; lynx -width ${COLUMNS:-80} -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput;
text/calendar; khal import --batch -a home %s && khal printics %s; copiousoutput;
application/ics; khal import --batch -a home %s && khal printics %s; copiousoutput;


application/docx; libreoffice %s --nologo &; copiousoutput;
application/doc; libreoffice --nologo %s &; copiousoutput;

application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database; libreoffice --nologo --base '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics; libreoffice --nologo --draw '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template; libreoffice --nologo --draw '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula; libreoffice --nologo --math '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master; libreoffice --nologo -global '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web; libreoffice --nologo -web '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.base; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw; libreoffice --nologo --draw '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template; libreoffice --nologo --draw '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.stardivision.calc; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.stardivision.chart; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.stardivision.draw; libreoffice --nologo --draw '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.stardivision.impress; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.stardivision.math; libreoffice --nologo --math '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.stardivision.writer; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.math; libreoffice --nologo --math '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global; libreoffice --nologo -global '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
text/csv; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
text/spreadsheet; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/x-quattropro; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/x-dbf; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-excel; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/msexcel; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/x-dbase; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
text/x-csv; libreoffice --nologo --calc '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroEnabled.12; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroEnabled.12; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
application/mspowerpoint; libreoffice --nologo --impress '%s'; copiousoutput
text/mathml; libreoffice --nologo --math '%s'; copiousoutput
application/rtf; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/x-t602; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.wordperfect; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/vnd.ms-works; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/msword; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
application/wordperfect; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput
text/rtf; libreoffice --nologo --writer '%s'; copiousoutput

Author: Dehaeze Thomas

Created: 2021-01-08 ven. 01:43