#+TITLE: Installation #+SETUPFILE: ./setup/org-setup-file.org * =yay= - Package Manager https://github.com/Jguer/yay Installation: #+begin_src bash sudo pacman -S yay #+end_src #+caption: =yay= - Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |---------------------+-----------------------------| | =yay= | Perform system upgrade | | =yay -Ss = | Search | | =yay -S = | Install | | =yay -Si = | Get informations | | =yay -Rs = | Uninstall | | =yay -Yc= | Clean unneeded dependencies | To check all installed packages: #+begin_src bash pacman -Qq | fzf --preview 'pacman -Qil {}' --layout=reverse --bind 'enter:execute(pacman -Qil {} | less)' #+end_src * =git= - Version Control System Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S git #+end_src [[file:git.org][Git]] Configuration: - =~/.gitconfig= - =~/.gitignore_global= [[https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy][Diff-So-Fancy]] is a nice addition to have good-looking diffs. It can be installed like so: #+begin_src bash yay -S diff-so-fancy #+end_src And configured with the following command: #+begin_src bash git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX" #+end_src =pass= can be used as credential helper for git repositories. * =termite= - Terminal [[https://github.com/thestinger/termite][Termite]] is a very nice keyboard-centric terminal. It can be installed like so: #+begin_src bash yay -S termite #+end_src Its configuration file is described [[file:termite.org][here]]. #+caption: =termite= - Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |--------------------+-------------------------| | =ctrl-shift-x= | activate url hints mode | | =ctrl-shift-c= | copy to CLIPBOARD | | =ctrl-shift-v= | paste from CLIPBOARD | | =ctrl-shift-space= | start selection mode | | =ctrl += | increase font size | | =ctrl -= | decrease font size | * =bash= - Shell https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bash Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S bash bash-completion zsh #+end_src [[file:bash.org][Bash]] configuration: - =~/.bashrc= - =~/.bash_profile= - =~/.config/bash/= - =~/.profile= * =tmux= - Terminal Multiplexer https://github.com/tmux/tmux Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S tmux #+end_src [[file:tmux.org][TMUX]] configuration Ressources: - https://github.com/gpakosz/.tmux - https://gist.github.com/MohamedAlaa/2961058 - https://blog.bugsnag.com/tmux-and-vim/ - https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect - https://github.com/rothgar/awesome-tmux - https://thoughtbot.com/upcase/tmux #+caption: =tmux= - Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |----------------+-------------------------------| | =ctrl-spc= | Prefix | | =c= | New pane | | =/=, =-= | Split Vertically/Horizontally | | =s= | Change session | | =p=, =n= | Previous/Next Pane | | =ctrl-h,j,k,l= | Move between windows | * Fonts My font of choice is =nerd-fonts-hack= which can be installed as so: #+begin_src bash yay -S nerd-fonts-hack #+end_src For emojis, use: #+begin_src bash yay -S noto-fonts-emoji #+end_src Default font used: - Monospace Font: =Hack Nerd Font Mono= - Serif Font: =Hack Nerd Font= - Sans Font: =Hack Nerd Font= To list all fonts available: #+begin_src bash fc-list #+end_src To select fonts using a GUI, =gtk2fontsel= can be used: #+begin_src bash yay -S gtk2fontsel #+end_src * =emacs= and =vim= - Text Editors ** Neovim I use [[https://github.com/neovim/neovim][Neovim]] for all the small edits. Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S neovim #+end_src The Neovim configuration can be found [[file:vim.org][here]]. Then install the plugin manager [[https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug][plug]]: #+begin_src bash sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim' #+end_src And to install/setup all the plugins: #+begin_src bash nvim +PlugInstall nvim +UpdateRemotePlugins #+end_src ** Emacs I use [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][Emacs]] and the [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs][Doom]] framework. Install Emacs: #+begin_src bash yay -S emacs #+end_src And then the Doom framework: #+begin_src bash git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install #+end_src The Emacs configuration can be found [[./doom.org][here]]. SpellCheck with Aspell: #+begin_src bash yay -S aspell aspell-en aspell-fr #+end_src * SSH setup Generate a new SSH key: #+begin_src bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com" #+end_src Start the ssh-agent in the background: #+begin_src bash eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" #+end_src Add the SSH key to the ssh-agent: #+begin_src bash ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa #+end_src * GnuPG https://gnupg.org/ Install the gnupg package: #+begin_src bash yay -S gnupg #+end_src Create a key pair: #+begin_src bash gpg --full-gen-key #+end_src To configure the =gpg-agent= to cache the passphrase, edit the following file =~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf=: #+begin_src conf default-cache-ttl 60480000 max-cache-ttl 60480000 #+end_src Install =Gnome-Keyring= to automatically unlock the GnuPG keys: #+begin_src bash yay -S gnome-keyring #+end_src * =rofi= - Application Launcher [[https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi][Rofi]] is a very nice alternative to [[https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/][dmenu]]. Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S dmenu rofi rofi-calc #+end_src To be able to run sudo commands with =rofi= ([[https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/issues/584#issuecomment-384555551][github issue]]), the command =sudo -A= can be used: it opens a =rofi= prompt to ask for the password. For that to work, we need to add the following code to =~/.profile=: #+begin_src bash export SUDO_ASKPASS=~/.local/bin/askpass-rofi #+end_src The =askpass= script is: #+begin_src bash #!/bin/sh rofi -dmenu \ -password \ -no-fixed-num-lines \ -p "$(printf "$1" | sed s/://)" #+end_src * =pass= - Password Manager https://www.passwordstore.org/ Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S pass #+end_src Initialize the password store as a git repository #+begin_src bash pass git init pass git remote add origin https://github.com/tdehaeze/pass.git #+end_src Gui Manager: [[https://github.com/IJHack/qtpass][qtpass]] #+begin_src bash yay -S qtpass #+end_src Integration with Rofi: [[https://github.com/carnager/rofi-pass][rofi-pass]] #+begin_src bash yay -S rofi-pass #+end_src Then we can add a shortcut to =rofi-pass= on i3 config. Integration with Git: [[https://github.com/languitar/pass-git-helper][pass-git-helper]] #+begin_src bash yay -S pass-git-helper #+end_src First, add the relation between repository addresses and entries in =pass=. This is done in the following config file =.config/pass-git-helper/git-pass-mapping.ini=: #+begin_src [github.com*] target=github.com/tdehaeze #+end_src Then, add the credential helper on the git configuration file =~/.gitconfig= and add the default username for the repositories adresses. #+begin_src [credential] helper = !pass-git-helper $@ [credential "https://github.com"] username = tdehaeze #+end_src ** Integration with other programs Integrate pass in other programs is usually very easy, here are few examples: - =~/.msmtprc=: - =passwordeval "pass email/dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com"= - =~/.mbsyncrc= - =PassCmd "pass email/dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com"= ** Alternative - Bitwarden Bitwarden https://github.com/bitwarden/cli #+begin_src bash yay -Ss bitwarden-bin bitwarden-cli-bin #+end_src * =buku= - Bookmark Manager https://github.com/jarun/Buku ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S buku #+end_src ** Integration with Rofi https://github.com/carnager/buku_run *** Installation #+begin_src bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carnager/buku_run/master/buku_run -o ~/.local/bin/buku_run chmod +x ~/.local/bin/buku_run #+end_src *** Configuration The configuration file is here: =~/.config/buku_run/config= ** Integration with qutebrowser [[*Integration with Buku][Integration with Buku]] ** Synchronization with a git repository The database is stored in =~/.local/share/buku/bookmarks.db=. We initialize a git repository in this folder: #+begin_src bash cd ~/.local/share/buku/bookmarks.db git init #+end_src Then we create a script that will automatically add =bookmarks.db= and push to some repository: =buku_git_push=. To automatically run the script every day, a systemd unit is used: =~/.config/systemd/user/bukugit.timer= and =~/.config/systemd/user/bukugit.service= #+begin_src bash systemctl --user start --now bukugit.timer #+end_src ** Import Bookmarks from Firefox and Chrome From Firefox, export the bookmarks as html file. Then import the bookmark file using =buku -i bookmarks.html=. This will add a tag with current date to all bookmarks imported. To remove them, use: =buku --replace '2018dec20' ''= ** Web Interface Run: #+begin_src bash bukuserver run --host --port 5001 #+end_src And then browse to ** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |--------------+------------------------| | =buku= | Run buku interactively | | =buku -p= | List all bookmarks | | =buku -w id= | Edit bookmark | | =buku -d id= | Delete bookmark | | =buku -s <>= | Search bookmarks | ** Alternatives - https://github.com/RadhiFadlillah/shiori - https://karl-voit.at/2014/08/10/bookmarks-with-orgmode/ * =qutebrowser= - Browser https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S qutebrowser #+end_src ** View Pdf inside qutebrowser with pdfjs *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S pdfjs #+end_src *** Usage When opening a pdf file on qutebrowser, you'll be ask for options: | Command | Usage | |------------+-------------------| | == | Download the file | | =Ctrl-x= | Download and open | | =Ctrl-p= | Open with pdf.js | | =Alt-y= | Yank the url | ** Integration with Pass: the password manager Add the key-binding on =~/.config/qutebrowser/config.py= #+begin_src config.bind(',p', 'spawn --userscript password_fill') #+end_src The =password_fill= script can be found on [[https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/misc/userscripts/password_fill][github.com]]. It is configured using the =~/.config/qutebrowser/password_fill_rc= file. ** Integration with Buku Custom key binding in =~/.config/qutebrowser/config.py= #+begin_src # Add current page to Buku (Bookmark Manager) config.bind('B', 'spawn buku -a {url}') #+end_src ** Spell Checking #+begin_src bash /usr/share/qutebrowser/scripts/dictcli.py install fr-FR /usr/share/qutebrowser/scripts/dictcli.py install en-US #+end_src ** =firefox= #+begin_src bash yay -S firefox-developer-edition #+end_src Addons: - [[https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/][uBlock Origin]] - [[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/][Adblock Plus]] - [[https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/bukubrow/][Bukurow]] - [[https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/i-dont-care-about-cookies/][I don't care about cookies]] * =xrandr= - Monitor Manager #+begin_src bash yay -S xorg-xrandr arandr #+end_src [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xrandr][Xrandr]] is used in shell scripts ([[https://github.com/Ventto/mons][mons]] could be used as a layer on top of Xrandr). [[https://christian.amsuess.com/tools/arandr/][Arandr]] is a GUI application to manage monitors. * Music Setup ** =pulseaudio= - Sound Server https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth #+end_src If sound is not working, should run =pulseaudio --kill= to kill the deamon and then =pulseaudio --daemonize= to run it again. https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Running/ ** =pavucontrol= - Sound Manager =pavucontrol= is used as a sound manager: #+begin_src bash yay -S pavucontrol #+end_src ** =mopidy= - Audio Server https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy https://medium.com/@theos.space/using-mopidy-with-spotify-and-ncmpcpp-44352f4a2ce8 #+begin_src bash yay -S mopidy #+end_src #+begin_src bash python3 -m pip install --user mopidy-mpd mopidy-jellyfin mopidy-spotify #+end_src To update local files: #+begin_src bash mopidy local scan #+end_src If mopidy is used, MPD should be disabled. (=systemctl disable --user mpd.service=) ** =ncmpcpp= - MPD Client https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ncmpcpp Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S ncmpcpp #+end_src The main config is located here: =~/.ncmpcpp/config=. The key bindings can be configured here: =~/.ncmpcpp/bindings=. ** =beets= - Library Manager https://github.com/beetbox/beets Installation; #+begin_src bash yay -S beets #+end_src Configuration folder: =~/.config/beets/= | Command | Usage | |------------------------+-------------------------------| | =beet import = | Import folder to Music folder | * Movies ** =mpv= - Media Player Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S mpv #+end_src The configuration is set in =/.config/mpv/input.conf=. ** =catt= - Chromecast https://github.com/skorokithakis/catt Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S catt #+end_src Usage to cast videos to chromecast | Command | Usage | |----------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | catt cast "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ" | Cast youtube video | | catt cast ./myvideo.mp4 | Cast local video | | catt add ./myvideo.mp4 | Add a video to the queue | | catt cast -s ./mysubtitle.srt /myvideo.mp4 | Add sub title | | catt cast_site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickrolling | Cast website | Usage for controlling the device | Command | Usage | |--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------| | ffwd | Fastforward a video by TIME duration | | rewind | Rewind a video by TIME duration | | seek | Seek the video to TIME position | | scan | Scan the local network and show all Chromecasts and their IPs | | status | Show some information about the currently-playing video | | pause | Pause a video | | play | Resume a video after it has been paused | | stop | Stop playing | | skip | Skip to end of content | | save | Save the current state of the Chromecast for later use | | restore | Return Chromecast to saved state | | volume | Set the volume to LVL [0-100] | | volumedown | Turn down volume by a DELTA increment | | volumeup | Turn up volume by a DELTA increment | * Contact Manager ** =khard= - Google Conctacts https://github.com/scheibler/khard #+begin_src bash yay -Ss khard #+end_src This is the command line interface for contact management. Contact synchronization: Vdirsyncer is used for contact synchronization with Google. To search with Khard: =khard = ** =mu= - Index Emails #+begin_src bash yay -Ss mu #+end_src This looks for contacts in all indexed emails. =mu cfind = * =weechat= - Chat Application https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WeeChat https://gist.github.com/pascalpoitras/8406501 ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S weechat #+end_src Then we install some dependencies #+begin_src bash yay -S tcl lua ruby #+end_src ** Enable mouse support #+begin_src text /mouse enable #+end_src ** Scripts | highmon.pl | | | colorize_nicks.py | | | go.py | | | autosort.py | | | buddylist.pl | | | colorize_lines.pl | | | multiline.pl | | ** Theme https://www.bfoliver.com/technology/2017/07/15/weechat/ https://alexjj.com/blog/2016/9/setting-up-weechat/ #+begin_src conf /set weechat.look.prefix_same_nick "⤷" /set weechat.look.prefix_error "⚠" /set weechat.look.prefix_action "⚡" /set weechat.look.bar_more_down "▼▼" /set weechat.look.bar_more_left "◀◀" /set weechat.look.bar_more_right "▶▶" /set weechat.look.bar_more_up "▲▲" /set weechat.look.prefix_suffix "╡" /set weechat.color.chat_nick_colors red,green,brown,blue,magenta,cyan,white,lightred,lightgreen,yellow,lightblue,lightmagenta,lightcyan /set weechat.color.separator 31 /set buffers.color.current_fg 31 /set buffers.color.current_bg white /set buffers.color.hotlist_message_fg 229 /set buffers.color.hotlist_private_fg 121 /set buffers.color.hotlist_highlight_fg 163 /set buffers.color.number 239 /set buffers.color.number_char 245 /set weechat.bar.title.conditions "${inactive}" /set weechat.bar.title.color_fg black /set weechat.bar.title.color_bg 31 #Or white if 31 does nothing #+end_src ** Configuration https://hugo.md/post/the-perfect-weechat-setup-2/ https://robots.thoughtbot.com/weechat-for-slacks-irc-gateway Use the command =/fset= ** Multi-line messages Solution is provided here: https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack/issues/118 It uses [[https://weechat.org/scripts/source/multiline.pl.html/][multiline.pl]] script. Then alt-enter is bound to insert a new line: #+begin_src conf /set plugins.var.perl.multiline.magic_paste_only on /key bind meta-ctrl-M /input insert \x0a #+end_src And enter is bound to =magic_enter= that directly sends the message if its one line, and if its multiple line, waits a little bit and then sends the message: #+begin_src conf /key bind ctrl-M /input magic_enter #+end_src ** Send message using =$EDITOR= https://github.com/keith/edit-weechat #+begin_src bash mkdir -p ~/.weechat/python/autoload cd ~/.weechat/python/autoload wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keith/edit-weechat/master/edit.py #+end_src Then, on weechat, type =/edit=. ** CheatSheet | Command | Usage | |-----------+------------------| | =Ctlr-N= | Next channel | | =Ctlr-P= | Previous channel | | =Esc-n= | Toggle nicklist | | =alt-ent= | New line | ** Slack Integration https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S python2-websocket-client #+end_src #+begin_src bash cd ~/.weechat/python wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wee-slack/wee-slack/master/wee_slack.py ln -s ../wee_slack.py autoload #+end_src *** Add your Slack API key(s) Log in to Slack: #+begin_src conf /slack register #+end_src This command prints a link you should open in your browser to authorize WeeChat with Slack. Once you've accomplished this, copy the "code" portion of the URL in the browser and pass it to this command: #+begin_src conf /slack register [CODE_FROM_URL] #+end_src Your Slack team is now added, and you can complete setup by restarting the wee-slack script. #+begin_src conf /python reload slack #+end_src If you don't want to store your API token in plaintext you can use the secure features of weechat: #+begin_src conf /secure passphrase this is a super secret password /secure set slack_token [YOUR_SLACK_TOKEN] /set plugins.var.python.slack.slack_api_token ${sec.data.slack_token} #+end_src ** Aspell https://blog.qoba.lt/using_aspell_in_weechat.html ** Notifications https://github.com/s3rvac/weechat-notify-send ** Deamon and Client Weechat is started with the systemd service =weechat=. It runs weechat inside tmux. * =redshift= http://jonls.dk/redshift/ #+begin_src bash yay -S redshift #+end_src * Mail Setup [[file:mail.org][Link]] to the mail setup. ** =mbsync= - Synchronize Mailboxes http://isync.sourceforge.net/ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Isync *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S isync #+end_src *** Configuration =~/.mbsyncrc= *** Automation using systemd **** Retreive New mails - =checkmail= - =~/.config/systemd/user/checkmail.service= - =~/.config/systemd/user/checkmail.timer= #+begin_src bash systemctl --user enable checkmail.timer systemctl --user start checkmail.timer #+end_src **** Synchronize all the mailboxes - =~/.config/systemd/user/syncmail.service= - =~/.config/systemd/user/syncmail.timer= #+begin_src bash systemctl --user enable syncmail.timer systemctl --user start syncmail.timer #+end_src ** =msmtp= - Send Mails https://marlam.de/msmtp/ *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S msmtp #+end_src ** =mu= - Mail Index, Search and Tagging https://github.com/djcb/mu ** =neomutt= - Mail Client https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S neomutt #+end_src *** Display html mails #+begin_src bash yay -S w3m #+end_src *** Open Url from mail #+begin_src bash yay -S urlview #+end_src *** Ressources - http://therandymon.com/woodnotes/mutt/using-mutt.html - https://ankursinha.in/2017/12/16/transitioning-to-neomutt-and-friends-for-e-mail.html - https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/mutt-wizard ** Notification system A script (=checkmail=) is used to retreive new mails and use =notify=send= is there are new received mails. * =ranger=/=pcmanfm= - File Manager Configuration files: - GUI: [[file:pcmanfm.org][Pcmanfm]] - Terminal based: [[file:ranger.org][Ranger]] ** Ranger https://github.com/ranger/ranger *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S ranger #+end_src *** Configuration The configuration file is =~/.config/ranger/rc.conf=. *** Display pdf All the display of the files are defined in =~/.config/ranger/scope.sh=. It seems that Ranger is not working well with Termite. The screen is not refreshing after viewing one image ([[https://github.com/ranger/ranger/issues/859][Github Issue]]). It works better with Urxvt. ** GUI File Manager: pcmanfm https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PCManFM * =sxiv= - Image viewer https://github.com/muennich/sxiv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYW9i_u5PYs ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S sxiv #+end_src ** Open Gif #+begin_src bash sxiv -a file.gif #+end_src ** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |--------------+--------------------------| | =-t= | Start in Thumbmail mode | | =f= | Toggle fullscreen | | =Return= | Switch to thumbmail mode | | =<=, =>= | Rotate the image | | =\vert=, =_= | Flip the image | | =n=, =p= | Next, Previous image | * =sxhkd= - HotKey Manager #+begin_src bash yay -S sxhkd #+end_src Configuration file: [[file:sxhkd.org][SXHKD]]. * =i3= - Windows Manager [[file:i3.org][Link]] to the documentation ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S i3-gaps #+end_src ** Configuration =~/.i3/config= * =polybar= - Top Bar https://polybar.github.io/ [[file:polybar.org][Link]] to the documentation. ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S polybar #+end_src * =picom= - Compositor https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Picom [[file:compositor.org][Link]] to the documentation. ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S picom #+end_src ** Configuration =~/.config/picom/picom.conf= ** Automatic run as daemon Compton is run from =.xprofile= config in the background: #+begin_src bash picom --daemon #+end_src * =dunst= - Notification Manager https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dunst ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S dunst dunstify #+end_src ** Configuration =~/.config/dunst/dunstrc= ** Usage #+begin_src bash dunstify --replace=16549 "AppName" "Message" #+end_src The number =--replace= can be used with an ID to merge notifications from the same application for instance. * Office Suite ** =libreoffice= #+begin_src bash yay -S libreoffice-fresh libreoffice-fresh-fr #+end_src ** =wps= Office #+begin_src bash yay -S wps-office wps-office-extension-french-dictionary ttf-wps-fonts #+end_src ** =sc-im= - Minimap SpreadSheet https://github.com/andmarti1424/sc-im https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_8_gazN7h0 It permits to open Excel files on the terminal very quickly. #+begin_src bash yay -S sc-im #+end_src * =blueman= - Bluetooth Manager Bluetooth manager: https://github.com/blueman-project/blueman #+begin_src bash yay -Ss blueman #+end_src * =udiskie= - Automatically Mount devices udiskie - Mount and unmount disks (https://github.com/coldfix/udiskie) #+begin_src bash yay -S udiskie #+end_src Automatically run =udiskie= on startup. * LaTeX Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S texlive-most #+end_src Biber support for the bibliography: #+begin_src bash yay -S biber #+end_src Support for source code using minted: #+begin_src bash yay -S minted #+end_src Every custom class or packages can be put under =~/.local/share/texmf/tex/latex/local/= folder. In order for LaTeX to be aware of new packages/classes, run =sudo texhash= each time a new custom package is added. * Mathematical Software ** Insect https://github.com/sharkdp/insect Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S insect #+end_src | Command | Usage | |-----------------+--------------| | =3 m/s to km/h= | Convert Unit | ** Matlab https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MATLAB#Installation [[file:matlab.org][Link]] to the configuration. Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S matlab #+end_src If there is a problem when opening a Simulink file, check the solution [[https://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/361053-can-t-reload-usr-local-matlab-r2017b-bin-glnxa64-libmwdastudio-so][here]]. ** SageMath http://www.sagemath.org/ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SageMath Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S sagemath #+end_src Run =sage -n jupyter= to run jupyter notebooks ** Python and Jupyter-notebook * Download Manager ** =aria2= and =aria2p= #+begin_src bash yay -S aria2 #+end_src #+begin_src bash python3 -m pip install --user aria2p[tui] #+end_src ** =transmission= and =tremc= #+begin_src bash yay -S tremc #+end_src ** =youtube-dl= #+begin_src bash yay -S youtube-dl #+end_src * Default Applications https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Default_applications https://www.guyrutenberg.com/2018/01/20/set-default-application-using-xdg-mime/ =~/.config/mimeapps.list= * Desktop files [[file:applications.org][Desktop Applications]] =~/.local/share/applications/= * Bibliography Management I am using a plain bibtex file with =org-ref= ([[https://github.com/jkitchin/org-ref][link]]). * Calendar [[file:calendar.org][Link]] to configuration ** =vdirsyncer= - Sync calendars https://github.com/pimutils/vdirsyncer Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S vdirsyncer python-requests-oauthlib #+end_src #+begin_src bash sudo pip install requests-oauthlib #+end_src | Command | Usage | |-------------------+-------------| | =vdirsyncer sync= | Synchronize | Setup the =google_calendar=: #+begin_src bash vdirsyncer discover google_calendar #+end_src And start the =systemd= timer that automatically synchronize the calendars; #+begin_src bash systemctl --user enable --now vdirsyncer.timer #+end_src To check the status of the service: #+begin_src bash systemctl --user status vdirsyncer.service #+end_src ** =khal= - Calendar Client https://github.com/pimutils/khal Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S khal #+end_src Import ICS files: #+begin_src bash khal import even.ics #+end_src * =newsboat= - RSS Reader GUI Alternatives: - http://www.rssowl.org/ - https://github.com/jangernert/FeedReader [[file:newsboat.org][Link]] to configuration. https://github.com/newsboat/newsboat https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Newsboat Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S newboat #+end_src Configuration: https://newsboat.org/releases/2.12/docs/newsboat.html =~/.newsboat/= https://newsboat.org/releases/2.12/docs/newsboat.html#available-operations * =orgmode= - Task Manager * =zathura= - PDF Reader https://pwmt.org/projects/zathura/ ** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S zathura #+end_src Then add dependecies to view specific files: #+begin_src bash yay -S zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura-djvu zathura-ps zathura-cb #+end_src It seems that mupdf is better that poppler to view pdf. ** Configuration =~/.config/zathura/zathurarc= ** Cheatsheet | Command | Usage | |---------+----------------------------| | =p= | Print the current pdf | | =tab= | Show the outline | | =r= | Reload | | =J/K= | Next/previous page | | =H/L= | Zoom in/out | | =a= | Fit height | | =s= | Fit width | | =D= | Double page | | =f= | Follow link | | =i= | Night Mode | | =gg= | Go to page n | | =mm= | Mark current location to m | | ='m= | Goto location m | ** Multi-monitor pdf presentation - pdfpc https://github.com/pdfpc/pdfpc pdfpc is a great tool for showing pdf presentations. It support: - screen splitting - support for videos in pdf presentations - support for notes - support for annotations *** Installation #+begin_src bash yay -S pdfpc #+end_src *** Video support #+begin_src bash yay -S gst-plugins-ugly gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-base-libs gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-bad gst-libav #+end_src *** Usage #+begin_src bash pdfpc filename.pdf #+end_src * Display Manager Before, I was using =lightDM=, but a single tty is enough. However, to make tools like Anydesk or Teamviewer to work: Add "type=x11" in =/etc/pam.d/system-login=: #+begin_src conf -session optional pam_systemd.so type=x11 #+end_src - When executing =loginctl session-status | grep Service= X11 should appear as initialized. - =echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE= should show =x11= instead of =tty= now * =gtk=/=qt= - Managing Theme ** GTK Themes Gtk2 themes are managed using the file =~/.gtkrc-2.0= while Gtk3 themes are managed using =~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini=. *** Gui Manager To customize the look of the system using GUI application, run ~lxappearance~. Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S lxappearance #+end_src *** Icons and themes #+begin_src bash yay -S zukitwo-themes faenza-icon-theme #+end_src #+begin_src bash yay -S arc-gtk-theme #+end_src ** QT Themes Run ~qt5ct~ to manage QT Themes. * =droidcam= - Use Android phone as webcam #+begin_src bash yay -S droidcam #+end_src Install and run droidcam on the Android phone. Once both are connected to the same network, run the following command: #+begin_src bash droidcam-cli -v -size=1280x720 4747 #+end_src It will create a new video device accessible for all kinds of applications. To view the flux using mpv: #+begin_src bash mpv av://v4l2:/dev/video0 #+end_src * =inkscape= - Graphical Editor - https://inkscape.org/ - Tikz #+begin_src bash yay -S inkscape #+end_src * =kdenlive= - Video Editor [[https://kdenlive.org/fr/][kdenlive]] #+begin_src bash yay -S kdenlive #+end_src * =kazam= - Screen Recorder * =obs-studio= - Live streaming and screen recording https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/ #+begin_src bash yay -Ss obs-studio #+end_src To share the screen as a webcam: http://dlaw.me/webcam-spoofing-with-obs/ #+begin_src bash yay -S obs-v4l2sink yay -S v4l2loopback-dkms-git sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 video_nr=9 #+end_src * =anydesk= - Remote Desktop #+begin_src bash yay -S anydesk-bin #+end_src * =wireguard= - VPN #+begin_src bash yay -S wireguard-tools #+end_src * =nordvpn= - VPN https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nordvpn-bin/ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NordVPN Installation: #+begin_src bash yay -S nordvpn-bin #+end_src Configuration: #+begin_src bash sudo systemctl enable --now nordvpnd.service #+end_src | Command | Usage | |---------------------------+-------| | =nordvpn login= | | | =nordvpn connect country= | | | =nordvpn disconnect= | | | =nordvpn status= | | | =nordvpn countries= | | * Others ** =maim=/=flameshot= - Take Screenshots - https://github.com/naelstrof/maim - https://github.com/lupoDharkael/flameshot #+begin_src bash yay -S maim flameshot #+end_src ** =screenkey= - Show pressed keys #+begin_src bash yay -S screenkey #+end_src ** =croc= - File transfer https://github.com/schollz/croc #+begin_src bash yay -S croc #+end_src ** Find Files #+begin_src bash yay -S fd ripgrep fzf #+end_src ** PDF/Image Utilities - https://github.com/dawbarton/pdf2svg - https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/ - https://github.com/Airblader/unclutter-xfixes #+begin_src bash yay -S pdf2svg pdftk unclutter pdfarranger imagemagick #+end_src ** Trash =trash-cli= is used to manage the trash. It is integrated with Ranger. #+begin_src bash yay -S trash-cli #+end_src ** Google translate from the command line #+begin_src bash yay -S translate-shell #+end_src #+begin_src bash trans englishwork en:fr #+end_src ** Show information about the machine [[https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch][neofetch]] #+begin_src bash yay -S neofetch #+end_src * Printer https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS Web based administration: http://localhost:631/ =system-config-printer= Check the queue #+begin_src bash lpq lpq -a # on all queues #+end_src Clear the queue #+begin_src bash lprm # remove last entry only lprm - # remove all entries #+end_src Print a file #+begin_src bash lpr -P printer_name filename.pdf #+end_src List available printers #+begin_src bash lpstat -a #+end_src Stats about the printer #+begin_src bash lpstat -p printer_name #+end_src * Kernel Management https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php/Manjaro_Kernels | Command | Usage | |------------------------------------+---------------------------------------| | =mhwd-kernel -li= | Determine which kernel is used | | =sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux419= | Install new kernel | | =sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux419 rmc= | Install new kernel and remove old one | * Format disks https://gparted.org/ =sudo gparted= to format disks Using command line: - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-partition-and-format-storage-devices-in-linux * Usefull commands ** Readline https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Keyboard_shortcuts | Keyboard | Shortcut Description | |----------+----------------------| | Ctrl+l | Clear the screen | *** Cursor Movement | Keyboard | Shortcut Description | |----------+----------------------------------------| | =Ctrl+b= | Move cursor one character to the left | | =Ctrl+f= | Move cursor one character to the right | | =Alt+b= | Move cursor one word to the left | | =Alt+f= | Move cursor one word to the right | | =Ctrl+a= | Move cursor to start of the line | | =Ctrl+e= | Move cursor to end of the line | *** Copy & Paste | Keyboard | Shortcut Description | |--------------+---------------------------------------------------| | =Ctrl+u= | Cut everything from line start to cursor | | =Ctrl+k= | Cut everything from the cursor to end of the line | | =Alt+d= | Cut the current word after the cursor | | =Ctrl+w= | Cut the current word before the cursor | | =Ctrl+y= | Paste the previous cut text | | =Alt+y= | Paste the second latest cut text | | =Alt+Ctrl+y= | Paste the first argument of the previous command | | =Alt+./= | Paste the last argument of the previous command | *** History | Keyboard | Shortcut Description | |----------+---------------------------------------| | =Ctrl+p= | Move to the previous line | | =Ctrl+n= | Move to the next line | | =Ctrl+s= | Search | | =Ctrl+r= | Reverse search | | =Ctrl+j= | End search | | =Ctrl+g= | Abort search (restores original line) | | =Alt+r= | Restores all changes made to line | *** Completion | Keyboard | Shortcut Description | |----------+---------------------------------| | =Tab= | Auto-complete a name | | =Alt+?= | List all possible completions | | =Alt+*= | Insert all possible completions | ** Others | [[https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr][tldr]] | Community-driven man pages | | [[https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in][wttr.in]] | weather in terminal | | [[https://github.com/michael-lazar/rtv][rtv]] | Reddit in terminal | | awk | https://linuxhandbook.com/awk-command-tutorial/ | | [[https://github.com/rupa/z][z]] | Jump around | | [[https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck][thefuck]] | Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command | | [[https://github.com/amanusk/s-tui/][s-tui]] | Terminal based CPU stress and monitoring utility | | [[https://github.com/nicolargo/glances][glances]] | A top/htop alternative | | [[https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema][asciinema]] | Reccord you terminal | | [[https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu][ncdu]] | See what takes place on the disk | | [[https://github.com/sharkdp/bat][bat]] | cat alternative | | [[https://github.com/dalance/procs][procs]] | ps alternative | | [[https://github.com/chmln/sd][sd]] | sed alternative | | =meteo= | Get the meteo | | =sudo cputhrottle PID %PROC= | Limiter l'accès au proc pour un processus | | =nmap -sP “192.168.1.*"= | Check all ip addresses on local netword | | =du -sh folder= | Return the size of the folder | | =df -h= | Report disk usage | ** Archive and Extract Use =apack= and =aunpack=: | | | |-------------------------------+-----------------------------------| | =aunpack foobar.tar.gz= | extract all files from archive | | =apack myarchive.zip foo bar= | create a zip archive of two files | ** Hardware | =dmesg= | Detected hardware and boot messages | | =lshw= | Display information on hardware | | =lsusb -tv= | Show usb devices | ** Network | =ip addr show= | Show all network interfaces and ip address | | =ethtooo eth0= | Tool to show ethernet status | | =netstat -tulp= | List all active listening ports | * After Install Enable TRIM (SSD only) #+begin_src bash sudo systemctl enable --now fstrim.timer #+end_src Set the fastest mirror for Pacman #+begin_src bash sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack #+end_src * Configuration for Laptops ** Power Management Tool: Powertop https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Powertop https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=Power_Savings =PowerTop= a diagnostic tool used to identify and report issues with power consumption and management. #+begin_src bash yay -S powertop #+end_src =TLP= is used for Power Management. #+begin_src bash yay -S tlp sudo systemctl enable tlp sudo systemctl start tlp sudo systemctl enable tlp-sleep sudo systemctl start tlp-sleep sudo tlp start #+end_src =Thermald= is used to automatically handle CPU frequency scaling according to system load. #+begin_src bash yay -S thermald sudo systemctl enable thermald sudo systemctl start thermald #+end_src ** Lid open/close https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Power_management Should automatic show lock screen =/etc/systemd/logind.conf= * Some notes - Systemd To improve the startup time. #+begin_src bash sudo systemctl disable apparmor sudo systemctl disable snapd sudo systemctl disable systemd-backlight@backlight\:intel_backlight.service #+end_src To see next timers #+begin_src matlab systemctl --user list-timers #+end_src * Ressources ** Dotfiles - https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/voidrice - https://github.com/wincent/wincent - https://github.com/korolr/dotfiles - https://github.com/Shougo/shougo-s-github - https://github.com/addy-dclxvi/almighty-dotfiles ** Linux Softwares - [[https://github.com/k4m4/terminals-are-sexy][terminalare.sexy]] - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/3tluqr/my_list_of_applications_with_vi_keybindings/][the big list of vim like software]] - https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - https://github.com/herrbischoff/awesome-command-line-apps - https://github.com/luongvo209/Awesome-Linux-Software - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/List_of_applications - https://ambrevar.xyz/power-apps/ - https://enchiridion.red/2019/1/18/desktop-apps/ * List of all the install programs ** Mutt | =neomutt= | Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks | | =msmtp= | SMTP client that can be used as an SMTP plugin for Mutt | | =isync= | Synchronize a maildir with an IMAP server | | =vdirsyncer= | Synchronize calendars and contacts | | =abook= | Address book with mutt support | | =urlview= | URL extractor/launcher | | =w3m= | Pager/text based browser | | =lynx= | Text mode web browser | | =lbdb= | Little brother's database for the mutt mail reader | | =mu= | Tool for searching e-mail messages stored in the maildir-format | | =ripmime= | Extract attachments out of MIME encoded email packages | | =shared= | mime-info - Database of common MIME types | ** Micro controllers | =avrdude= | Atmel AVR MCU programmer | | =bootloadhid= | USB boot loader for AVR microcontrollers | | =dfu= | programmer - Device firmware update based USB programmer for Atmel chips | | =platformio= | Ecosystem for IoT development (Arduino and ARM mbed compatible) | | =micropython= | Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems | | =arduino= | mk - Makefile for Arduino sketches | ** File Management | =grep= | GNU grep, egrep and fgrep | | =pdfgrep= | Search PDFs for strings matching a regular expression | | =the_platinum_searcher= | Multi-platform code-search similar to ack and ag | | =the_silver_searcher= | Code-search similar to ack | | =fdupes= | Identify or delete duplicate files | | =findutils= | Collection of GNU find, xargs, and locate | | =ranger= | File browser | | =vifm= | Ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings | | =tree= | Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output) | | =p7zip= | 7-Zip (high compression file archiver) implementation | | =unrar= | Extract, view, and test RAR archives | | =atool= =zip= | script for managing file archives of various types | ** File Downloader | =wget= | Internet file retriever | | =htop= | Improved top (interactive process viewer) | | =httpie= | User-friendly cURL replacement (command-line HTTP client) | | =curl= | Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server | ** Utils | =binutils= | GNU Binary Utilities | | =coreutils= | GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities | | =gnome= | doc-utils - Documentation utilities for the GNOME project | | =moreutils= | Collection of tools that nobody wrote when UNIX was young | ** A trier | =asciinema= | Terminal session recorder | | =automake= | tool for automatically generating Makefile | | =cmake= | Cross-platform make | | =cputhrottle= | Limit the CPU usage of a process | | =ctags= | Reimplementation of ctags | | =gdb= | GNU debugger | | =ghostscript= | Interpreter for PostScript and PDF | | =go= | Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software | | =hugo= | Configurable static site generator | | =markdown= | Text-to-HTML conversion tool | | =pandoc= | Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion | | =uni= | Query the Unicode database from the commandline |