#+TITLE: My own specific binaries :DRAWER: #+STARTUP: overview #+LANGUAGE: en #+EMAIL: dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com #+AUTHOR: Dehaeze Thomas #+HTML_LINK_HOME: ./index.html #+HTML_LINK_UP: ./index.html #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+PROPERTY: header-args:bash :comments both :mkdirp yes #+PROPERTY: header-args:bash+ :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env bash" :END: * =remote-desktop= - Remote Desktop Connect #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/remote-desktop computer=$(echo -e 'RNICE\nPCMEL1\nPCNASS1\nPCMEG01' | dmenu -p 'Computer:' -l 20); case $computer in PCMEL1) rdesktop -a 16 -P -z -x m -r sound:off -g "80%" -u "ESRF\OPPEL" -p $(pass esrf/PCMEL1/OPPEL | sed -n 1p) pcmel1 ;; PCMEG01) rdesktop -a 16 -P -z -x m -r sound:off -g "80%" -u "ESRF\DEHAEZE" -p $(pass ssl.esrf.fr/dehaeze | sed -n 1p) pcmeg01 ;; PCNASS1) rdesktop -a 16 -P -z -x m -r sound:off -g "80%" -u "ESRF\DEHAEZE" -p $(pass ssl.esrf.fr/dehaeze | sed -n 1p) pcnass1 ;; RNICE) echo "Not yet implemented" ;; ,*) echo "Not existing" ;; esac #+end_src * =print-rnice= - Print on Rnice #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/print-rnice nbpage=$(echo -e '1\n2\n4' | dmenu -p 'Number of pages per sheet' -l 20); sides=$(echo -e 'one-sided\ntwo-sided-long-edge\ntwo-sided-short-edge' | dmenu -p 'Two Sided:' -l 20); # First copy the file to Rnice if sshpass -p "$(pass ssl.esrf.fr/dehaeze | sed -n 1p)" scp $1 dehaeze@rnice:~/Downloads/; then # Then print on Rnice sshpass -p "$(pass ssl.esrf.fr/dehaeze | sed -n 1p)" ssh dehaeze@rnice "lpr -o media=A4 -o sides=$sides -o number-up=$nbpage -P ctb110c1u ~/Downloads/$1"; # Finally, delete the file else echo "Command Failed" fi #+end_src * =tmp14= - Mount/Umount tmp_14_days folder #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/tmp_14_days if [ $1 == "mount" ]; then if sshfs -o allow_other,default_permissions -p 5022 dehaeze@firewall.esrf.fr:/tmp_14_days/ ~/mnt/ESRF; then dunstify --replace=58249 'ESRF TMP ' 'Successfully mounted' else dunstify --replace=58249 --urgency=critical 'ESRF TMP ' 'Error while mounted' fi elif [ $1 == "umount" ]; then if umount /home/thomas/mnt/ESRF/; then dunstify --replace=58249 'ESRF TMP ' 'Successfully unmounted' else dunstify --replace=58249 --urgency=critical 'ESRF TMP ' 'Error while unmounted' fi fi #+end_src * =nas= - Interact with the NAS As an alternative, =sshfs= can be used: #+begin_src bash :tangle no sshfs -o allow_other,default_permissions nas:/Data ~/mnt/NAS #+end_src #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/nas if [ $1 == "mount" ]; then if mount /home/thomas/mnt/NAS/; then dunstify --replace=58249 'NAS ' 'Successfully mounted' else dunstify --replace=58249 --urgency=critical 'NAS ' 'Error while mounted' fi elif [ $1 == "umount" ]; then if umount /home/thomas/mnt/NAS/; then dunstify --replace=58249 'NAS ' 'Successfully unmounted' else dunstify --replace=58249 --urgency=critical 'NAS ' 'Error while unmounted' fi fi #+end_src * =torrent-add= - Download Torrent #+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/torrent-add transmission-remote ***REMOVED***:9091 --auth tdehaeze:$(pass nas/transmission | sed -n 1p) -a $1 && \ dunstify 'Torrent' 'Successfully added' || \ dunstify 'Torrent' 'Error' #+end_src