#+TITLE: MPV Configuration :DRAWER: #+STARTUP: overview #+LANGUAGE: en #+EMAIL: dehaeze.thomas@gmail.com #+AUTHOR: Dehaeze Thomas #+HTML_LINK_HOME: ./index.html #+HTML_LINK_UP: ./index.html #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: :END: * MPV Configuration :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: ** Video settings #+begin_src conf # Start in fullscreen mode by default. #fs=yes # force starting with centered window #geometry=50%:50% # don't allow a new window to have a size larger than 90% of the screen size #autofit-larger=90%x90% # Do not close the window on exit. #keep-open=yes # Do not wait with showing the video window until it has loaded. (This will # resize the window once video is loaded. Also always shows a window with # audio.) #force-window=immediate # Disable the On Screen Controller (OSC). #osc=no # Keep the player window on top of all other windows. #ontop=yes # Specify high quality video rendering preset (for --vo=gpu only) # Can cause performance problems with some drivers and GPUs. #profile=gpu-hq # Force video to lock on the display's refresh rate, and change video and audio # speed to some degree to ensure synchronous playback - can cause problems # with some drivers and desktop environments. #video-sync=display-resample # Enable hardware decoding if available. Often, this does not work with all # video outputs, but should work well with default settings on most systems. # If performance or energy usage is an issue, forcing the vdpau or vaapi VOs # may or may not help. #hwdec=auto #+end_src ** Audio settings #+begin_src conf # Specify default audio device. You can list devices with: --audio-device=help # The option takes the device string (the stuff between the '...'). #audio-device=alsa/default # Do not filter audio to keep pitch when changing playback speed. #audio-pitch-correction=no # Output 5.1 audio natively, and upmix/downmix audio with a different format. #audio-channels=5.1 # Disable any automatic remix, _if_ the audio output accepts the audio format. # of the currently played file. See caveats mentioned in the manpage. # (The default is "auto-safe", see manpage.) #audio-channels=auto #+end_src ** Other settings #+begin_src conf # Pretend to be a web browser. Might fix playback with some streaming sites, # but also will break with shoutcast streams. #user-agent="Mozilla/5.0" stop-screensaver = "yes" sub-auto=fuzzy # cache settings # # Use 150MB input cache by default. The cache is enabled for network streams only. #cache-default=153600 # # Use 150MB input cache for everything, even local files. #cache=153600 # # Disable the behavior that the player will pause if the cache goes below a # certain fill size. #cache-pause=no # # Read ahead about 5 seconds of audio and video packets. #demuxer-readahead-secs=5.0 # # Raise readahead from demuxer-readahead-secs to this value if a cache is active. #cache-secs=50.0 # Display English subtitles if available. #slang=en # Play Finnish audio if available, fall back to English otherwise. #alang=fi,en # Change subtitle encoding. For Arabic subtitles use 'cp1256'. # If the file seems to be valid UTF-8, prefer UTF-8. # (You can add '+' in front of the codepage to force it.) #sub-codepage=cp1256 #+end_src * MPV Key Bindings :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ~/.config/mpv/input.conf :header-args+: :comments both :mkdirp yes :END: #+BEGIN_SRC conf # ============================================================= # Audio # ============================================================= #WHEEL_LEFT add volume -2 #WHEEL_RIGHT add volume 2 #ctrl++ add audio-delay 0.100 # this changes audio/video sync #ctrl+- add audio-delay -0.100 #9 add volume -2 #/ add volume -2 #0 add volume 2 #* add volume 2 #m cycle mute #SHARP cycle audio # switch audio streams # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Basic # ============================================================= ESC set fullscreen no q quit Q quit-watch-later SPACE cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode # p cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Navigation # ============================================================= l seek 5 h seek -5 # k seek 60 # j seek -60 L playlist-next # skip to next file H playlist-prev # skip to previous file K add chapter 1 # skip to next chapter J add chapter -1 # skip to previous chapter WHEEL_UP seek 10 WHEEL_DOWN seek -10 # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Subtitles # ============================================================= z add sub-delay -0.1 # subtract 100 ms delay from subs Z add sub-delay +0.1 # add #x add sub-delay +0.1 # same as previous binding (discouraged) #r add sub-pos -1 # move subtitles up #R add sub-pos +1 # down #t add sub-pos +1 # same as previous binding (discouraged) #v cycle sub-visibility # stretch SSA/ASS subtitles with anamorphic videos to match historical #V cycle sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat # switch between applying no style overrides to SSA/ASS subtitles, and # overriding them almost completely with the normal subtitle style #u cycle-values sub-ass-override "force" "no" #j cycle sub # cycle through subtitles #J cycle sub down # ...backwards # Skip to previous/next subtitle (subject to some restrictions; see manpage) #Ctrl+LEFT no-osd sub-seek -1 #Ctrl+RIGHT no-osd sub-seek 1 # Adjust timing to previous/next subtitle #Ctrl+Shift+LEFT sub-step -1 #Ctrl+Shift+RIGHT sub-step 1 # F9 show_text ${track-list} # show list of audio/sub streams # ? add sub-scale +0.1 # increase subtitle font size # ? add sub-scale -0.1 # decrease subtitle font size # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Video # ============================================================= # Move video rectangle #Alt+left add video-pan-x 0.1 #Alt+right add video-pan-x -0.1 #Alt+up add video-pan-y 0.1 #Alt+down add video-pan-y -0.1 # Zoom/unzoom video #Alt++ add video-zoom 0.1 #Alt+- add video-zoom -0.1 # Reset video zoom/pan settings #Alt+BS set video-zoom 0 ; set video-pan-x 0 ; set video-pan-y 0 #1 add contrast -1 #2 add contrast 1 #3 add brightness -1 #4 add brightness 1 #5 add gamma -1 #6 add gamma 1 #7 add saturation -1 #8 add saturation 1 # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Speed # ============================================================= #[ multiply speed 1/1.1 # scale playback speed #] multiply speed 1.1 #{ multiply speed 0.5 #} multiply speed 2.0 #BS set speed 1.0 # reset speed to normal # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # # Informations # ============================================================= #o show-progress #P show-progress #i script-binding stats/display-stats #I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Screenshot # ============================================================= #s async screenshot # take a screenshot #S async screenshot video # ...without subtitles #Ctrl+s async screenshot window # ...with subtitles and OSD, and scaled #Alt+s screenshot each-frame # automatically screenshot every frame # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Media keys # ============================================================= #POWER quit #PLAY cycle pause #PAUSE cycle pause #PLAYPAUSE cycle pause #STOP quit #FORWARD seek 60 #REWIND seek -60 #NEXT playlist-next #PREV playlist-prev #VOLUME_UP add volume 2 #VOLUME_DOWN add volume -2 #MUTE cycle mute #CLOSE_WIN quit #CLOSE_WIN {encode} quit 4 # ============================================================= # ============================================================= # Others # ============================================================= #Shift+BS revert-seek # undo previous (or marked) seek #Shift+Ctrl+BS revert-seek mark # mark position for revert-seek #. frame-step # advance one frame and pause #, frame-back-step # go back by one frame and pause #O no-osd cycle-values osd-level 3 1 # cycle through OSD mode #Alt+0 set window-scale 0.5 #Alt+1 set window-scale 1.0 #Alt+2 set window-scale 2.0 # toggle deinterlacer (automatically inserts or removes required filter) #d cycle deinterlace #_ cycle video #T cycle ontop # toggle video window ontop of other windows #f cycle fullscreen # toggle fullscreen #w add panscan -0.1 # zoom out with -panscan 0 -fs #W add panscan +0.1 # in #e add panscan +0.1 # same as previous binding (discouraged) # cycle video aspect ratios; "-1" is the container aspect #A cycle-values video-aspect "16:9" "4:3" "2.35:1" "-1" #E cycle edition # next edition #l ab-loop # Set/clear A-B loop points #L cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no" # toggle infinite looping #ctrl+c quit 4 #DEL script-binding osc/visibility # cycle OSC display #ctrl+h cycle-values hwdec "auto" "no" # cycle hardware decoding #F8 show_text ${playlist} # show playlist #q {encode} quit 4 #ESC {encode} quit 4 # ============================================================= #+END_SRC