From ea93ff76e486a100cb31e8558bc0f30221171530 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Dehaeze Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 10:50:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add Simple X Hotkey Daemon configs --- dotfiles/ | 188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 188 insertions(+) create mode 100644 dotfiles/ diff --git a/dotfiles/ b/dotfiles/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52713c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dotfiles/ @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +#+TITLE: Simple X Hotkey Daemon + +* sxhkd +:PROPERTIES: +:header-args:conf: :tangle ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc +:header-args:conf+: :comments both :mkdirp yes +:END: + +** Start Applications +#+begin_src conf +# Start program launcher +super + d + rofi -show run + +# Start Sound Manager +super + s + pavucontrol + +# Start Bluetooth Manager +super + shift + b + blueman-manager + +# Windows Switch +super + w + rofi -show window + +# Launch categorized menu +super + z + rofi -show drun + +# Bookmarks +super + shift + f + $HOME/bin/bukurun + +# Passwords +super + shift + p + rofi-pass + +# Start Terminal +super + Return + termite + +# Tmux Terminal +super + shift + Return + termite -e 'tmux' + +# Start Command line Calendar +super + c + termite -e "khal interactive" + +# File Manager +super + o + alacritty -e "ranger" + +# Browser +super + i + qutebrowser +#+end_src + +** Multimedia keys +*** Sound +#+begin_src conf +# Sound +XF86AudioMute + amixer -D pulse sset Master toggle +XF86AudioRaiseVolume + amixer -D pulse sset Master 2%+ +XF86AudioLowerVolume + amixer -D pulse sset Master 2%- +#+end_src + +#+begin_src conf +# Backlight +# XF86MonBrightnessUp +# xbacklight -inc 10 +# XF86MonBrightnessDown +# xbacklight -dec 10 +#+end_src + +*** Change Tracks +#+begin_src conf +super + period + mpc toggle +super + {greater,less} + mpc {next,prev} +#+end_src + +#+begin_src conf +XF86AudioPlay + mpc toggle +XF86AudioNext + mpc next +XF86AudioPrev + mpc prev +#+end_src + +*** Print Screen +#+begin_src conf +Print + ~/bin/screenshot +XF86Display + rofi -show window +#+end_src + +*** Other +#+begin_src conf +XF86Search + rofi -show run +XF86PowerOff + $HOME/scripts/ +#+end_src + +** Set shut down, restart and locking features +#+begin_src conf +super + 0 + $HOME/scripts/ +#+end_src + +** Command Mode +#+begin_src conf +# Command line Calendar Client (khal) +super + space ; c + termite -e "khal interactive"; + +# GUI Calendar (Google Calendar) +super + space ; shift + c + qutebrowser; + +# Ranger +super + space ; r + alacritty -e "ranger"; + +# pcmanfm: GUI file manager +super + space ; shift + r + pcmanfm; + +# Mails with neomutt +super + space ; m + termite -e "tmux -L neomutt attach"; + +super + space ; shift + m + termite -e "neomutt -R"; + +# Weechat +super + space ; w + termite -e "tmux -L weechat attach"; + +# News with newsboat +super + space ; n + termite -e "tmux -L newsboat attach"; + +# Music with ncmpcpp +super + space ; p + termite -e "tmux -L ncmpcpp attach"; + +# Print Screen +super + space ; shift + p + ~/bin/screenshot + +# Browser with qutebrowser +super + space ; i + qutebrowser; + +# Browser with firefox +super + space ; shift + i + firefox; + +# Emacs Client +super + space ; e + emacsclient -create-frame --alternate-editor=""; + +# Full Emacs - Usefull when installing packages +super + space ; shift + e + emacs; +#+end_src + +#+begin_src conf +super + ctrl + x + xkill +#+end_src + +** Change Keyboard Layout +#+begin_src conf +super + ctrl + d + setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl -option caps:escape +super + shift + d + setxkbmap -layout us -option caps:escape +#+end_src