+++ title = "Inertial Sensors" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++ Tags : [Position Sensors]({{< relref "position_sensors" >}}) ## Review of Absolute (inertial) Position Sensors {#review-of-absolute--inertial--position-sensors} - Collette, C. et al., Review: inertial sensors for low-frequency seismic vibration measurement (Collette {\it et al.}, 2012) - Collette, C. et al., Comparison of new absolute displacement sensors (Collette {\it et al.}, 2012) {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/collette12_absolute_disp_sensors.png" caption="Figure 1: Dynamic range of several types of inertial sensors; Price versus resolution for several types of inertial sensors" >}} ## Accelerometers {#accelerometers} | Manufacturers | Links | |--------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | Micromega Dynamics | [link](https://micromega-dynamics.com/products/) | | MMF | [link](https://www.mmf.de/seismic%5Faccelerometers.htm) | | PCB | [link](https://www.pcb.com/products/productfinder.aspx?tx=14) | Wireless Accelerometers - {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/inertial_sensors_characteristics_accelerometers.png" caption="Figure 2: Characteristics of commercially available accelerometers (Collette {\it et al.}, 2011)" >}} ## Geophones {#geophones} | Manufacturers | Links | |---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------| | Sercel | [link](http://www.sercel.com/products/Pages/seismometers.aspx) | | Wilcoxon | [link](https://wilcoxon.com/) | {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/inertial_sensors_characteristics_geophone.png" caption="Figure 3: Characteristics of commercially available geophones (Collette {\it et al.}, 2011)" >}} # Bibliography Collette, C., Janssens, S., Fernandez-Carmona, P., Artoos, K., Guinchard, M., Hauviller, C., & Preumont, A., *Review: inertial sensors for low-frequency seismic vibration measurement*, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, *102(4)*, 1289–1300 (2012). http://dx.doi.org/10.1785/0120110223 [↩](#dd5109075933cf543c7eba0979c0ba50) Collette, C., Janssens, S., Mokrani, B., Fueyo-Roza, L., Artoos, K., Esposito, M., Fernandez-Carmona, P., …, *Comparison of new absolute displacement sensors*, In , International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA) (pp. ) (2012). : . [↩](#0b0b67de6dddc4d28031ab2d3b28cd3d) Collette, C., Artoos, K., Guinchard, M., Janssens, S., Carmona Fernandez, P., & Hauviller, C., *Review of sensors for low frequency seismic vibration measurement* (2011). [↩](#642a18d86de4e062c6afb0f5f20501c4) ## Backlinks {#backlinks} - [Collocated Control]({{< relref "collocated_control" >}}) - [Position Sensors]({{< relref "position_sensors" >}})