+++ title = "Trajectory Generation" author = ["Dehaeze Thomas"] draft = false +++ Tags : Requirements Goals Tools (Yoon et al. 2019) (Zanasi and Morselli 2002) (Singer and Seering 1991) Chapter 4.2.4 of (Schmidt, Schitter, and Rankers 2020) ## Bibliography {#bibliography}
Schmidt, R Munnig, Georg Schitter, and Adrian Rankers. 2020. The Design of High Performance Mechatronics - Third Revised Edition. Ios Press.
Singer, Neil C., and Warren P. Seering. 1991. “Preshaping Command Inputs to Reduce System Vibration.” In Artificial Intelligence at Mit: Expanding Frontiers, 128–47. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
Yoon, Hyun Joong, Seong Youb Chung, Han Sol Kang, and Myun Joong Hwang. 2019. “Trapezoidal Motion Profile to Suppress Residual Vibration of Flexible Object Moved by Robot.” Electronics 8 (1): 30. doi:10.3390/electronics8010030.
Zanasi, R., and R. Morselli. 2002. “Third Order Trajectory Generator Satisfying Velocity, Acceleration and Jerk Constraints.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Applications, 2:1165–70 vol.2. doi:10.1109/CCA.2002.1038770.