+++ title = "Actuator Fusion" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++ Tags : [Complementary Filters]({{< relref "complementary_filters" >}}) ([Beijen et al. 2019](#orgc6f7554)) ([Beijen 2018](#org8e8fef4)) (section 6.3.1) ## Bibliography {#bibliography} Beijen, MA. 2018. “Disturbance Feedforward Control for Vibration Isolation Systems: Analysis, Design, and Implementation.” Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Beijen, Michiel A., Marcel F. Heertjes, Hans Butler, and Maarten Steinbuch. 2019. “Mixed Feedback and Feedforward Control Design for Multi-Axis Vibration Isolation Systems.” _Mechatronics_ 61:106–16. .