+++ title = "Matlab" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++ Tags : ## Resources on Matlab {#resources-on-matlab} Books: - (Higham, 2017) - (Attaway, 2018) - (Stack OverFlow, 2018) - (Johnson, 2010) - (Hahn \& Valentine, 2016) ## Useful Commands {#useful-commands} | Command | Description | |------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| | `desktop` | Open the Matlab Desktop | | `workspace` | Open the Workspace | | `who` | List all variables in the workspace | | `edit ` | Edit the file using Matlab Desktop (usefully for debugging) | | `help ` | | | `doc ` | | | `checkcode ` | Check Matlab code files for possible problems | | `preferences` | Open Matlab preferences | ## Tips {#tips} - Folder that starts with a `+` are automatically added to the path. It is useful to add function inside such folder. Then the function is accessible with `folder.function`. ## Snippets {#snippets} ### Do not show legend for one plot {#do-not-show-legend-for-one-plot} ```matlab figure; hold on; plot(x, y1, 'DisplayName, 'lengendname'); plot(x, y2, 'HandleVisibility', 'off'); hold off; legend('Location', 'northeast'); ``` # Bibliography Higham, D., *Matlab guide* (2017), Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. [↩](#88712982e0649b89da706b6abbcbc6c2) Attaway, S., *Matlab : a practical introduction to programming and problem solving* (2018), Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. [↩](#15f4380b6ce8a647387d3ccea25711f1) OverFlow, S., *Matlab notes for professionals* (2018), : GoalKicker.com. [↩](#e770e23b0d222a65eb74f036227b13b2) Johnson, R. K., *The elements of matlab style* (2010), : Cambridge University Press. [↩](#87b279fa5b4ec9b1a73abed2d00b313f) Hahn, B., & Valentine, D. T., *Essential matlab for engineers and scientists* (2016), : Academic Press. [↩](#1b4159c36c5367ee0c92139fb403e7e1)