+++ title = "Dynamic modeling and experimental analyses of stewart platform with flexible hinges" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++ Tags : [Stewart Platforms]({{< relref "stewart_platforms" >}}), [Flexible Joints]({{< relref "flexible_joints" >}}) Reference : (Jian Jiao {\it et al.}, 2018) Author(s) : Jiao, J., Wu, Y., Yu, K., & Zhao, R. Year : 2018 # Bibliography Jiao, J., Wu, Y., Yu, K., & Zhao, R., *Dynamic modeling and experimental analyses of stewart platform with flexible hinges*, Journal of Vibration and Control, *25(1)*, 151–171 (2018). http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1077546318772474 [↩](#ee917739f88877d6c2758c1c36565deb)