title = "Position Sensors"
author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"]
draft = false
: [Inertial Sensors]({{< relref "inertial_sensors" >}}), [Force Sensors]({{< relref "force_sensors" >}}), [Sensor Fusion]({{< relref "sensor_fusion" >}}), [Signal Conditioner]({{< relref "signal_conditioner" >}}), [Signal to Noise Ratio]({{< relref "signal_to_noise_ratio" >}})
## Types of Positioning sensors {#types-of-positioning-sensors}
High precision positioning sensors include:
- [Interferometers]({{< relref "interferometers" >}})
- [Capacitive Sensors]({{< relref "capacitive_sensors" >}})
- [LVDT]({{< relref "linear_variable_differential_transformers" >}})
- [Eddy Current Sensors]({{< relref "eddy_current_sensors" >}})
- [Encoders]({{< relref "encoders" >}})
## Reviews of Relative Position Sensors {#reviews-of-relative-position-sensors}
- Fleming, A. J., A review of nanometer resolution position sensors: operation and performance ([Fleming 2013](#org0cb5981)) ([Notes]({{< relref "fleming13_review_nanom_resol_posit_sensor" >}}))
| Technology | Frequency | Resolution | Range | T Range |
| LVDT | DC-200 Hz | 10 nm rms | 1-10 mm | -50,100 °C |
| Eddy current | 5 kHz | 0.1-100 nm rms | 0.5-55 mm | -50,100 °C |
| Capacitive | DC-100 kHz | 0.05-50 nm rms | 50 nm - 1 cm | -40,100 °C |
| Interferometer | 300 kHz | 0.1 nm rms | 10 cm | -250,100 °C |
| Encoder | DC-1 MHz | 1 nm rms | 7-27 mm | 0,40 °C |
| Bragg Fibers | DC-150 Hz | 0.3 nm rms | 3.5 cm | -30,80 °C |
| Sensor Type | Range | DNR | Resolution | Max. BW | Accuracy |
| Metal foil | \\(10-500 \mu m\\) | 230 ppm | 23 nm | 1-10 kHz | 1% FSR |
| Piezoresistive | \\(1-500 \mu m\\) | 5 ppm | 0.5 nm | >100 kHz | 1% FSR |
| Capacitive | \\(10 \mu m\\) to \\(10 mm\\) | 24 ppm | 2.4 nm | 100 kHz | 0.1% FSR |
| Electrothermal | \\(10 \mu m\\) to \\(1 mm\\) | 100 ppm | 10 nm | 10 kHz | 1% FSR |
| Eddy current | \\(100 \mu m\\) to \\(80 mm\\) | 10 ppm | 1 nm | 40 kHz | 0.1% FSR |
| LVDT | \\(0.5-500 mm\\) | 10 ppm | 5 nm | 1 kHz | 0.25% FSR |
| Interferometer | Meters | | 0.5 nm | >100kHz | 1 ppm FSR |
| Encoder | Meters | | 6 nm | >100kHz | 5 ppm FSR |
Capacitive Sensors and Eddy-Current sensors are compare [here](https://www.lionprecision.com/comparing-capacitive-and-eddy-current-sensors/).
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/position_sensors_thurner15.png" caption="Figure 1: Overview of range and precision of different position displacement sensors. Taken from thurner15_fiber_based_distan_sensin_inter" >}}
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
Fleming, Andrew J. 2013. “A Review of Nanometer Resolution Position Sensors: Operation and Performance.” _Sensors and Actuators a: Physical_ 190 (nil):106–26. .