+++ title = "Transimpedance Amplifiers" author = ["Dehaeze Thomas"] draft = false category = "equipment" +++ Tags : [Electronics]({{< relref "electronics.md" >}}) ## Description {#description} A transimpedance amplifier is a "current to voltage converter" and is also named a current controlled voltage source. It is generally used to interface a sensor which outputs a current proportional to the measurement parameter ([Quadrant Photodiodes]({{< relref "quadrant_photodiodes.md" >}}) for instance). ## Basic Circuit {#basic-circuit} A basic transimpedance amplifier circuit is shown in [Figure 1](#figure--fig:transimpedance-amplifier-schematic). It produces an output voltage \\(V\_{\text{out}}\\) proportional to the input current \\(I\_{\text{sig}}\\): \begin{equation} \boxed{V\_{\text{out}} = -I\_{\text{sig}} R\_f} \end{equation} The gain of the amplifier is simply \\(-R\_f\\) in [V/A]. The feedback resistor creates a Johnson noise that corresponds to a current noise: \begin{equation} i\_{n} = \sqrt{4kT/R\_f} \quad [A/\sqrt{Hz}] \end{equation} This is usually larger than the amplifier input current noise. <a id="figure--fig:transimpedance-amplifier-schematic"></a> {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/transimpedance_amplifier_schematic.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>Transimpedance Amplifier; Current in, Voltage out" >}} More information about transimpedance can be found in [The art of electronics - third edition]({{< relref "horowitz15_art_of_elect_third_edition.md" >}}), chapter 8.11.4, especially on the trade-off between gain, noise and bandwidth. See [this](https://www.hardware-x.com/article/S2468-0672(21)00062-6/fulltext) open hardware design. ## Manufacturers {#manufacturers} | Manufacturers | Country | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------| | [Kistler](https://www.kistler.com/fr/produits/composants/conditionnement-de-signal/) | Swiss | | [MMF](https://www.mmf.de/signal_conditioners.htm) | Germany | | [Femto](https://www.femto.de/en/products/current-amplifiers.html) | Germany | | [FMB Oxford](https://www.fmb-oxford.com/products/controls-2/control-modules/i404-quad-current-integrator/) | UK | | [Thorlabs](https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=7083) | UK | | [Koheron](https://www.koheron.com/photonics/pd4q-4-quadrant-photodetector) | France | | [SRS](https://www.thinksrs.com/products/sr570.html) | | | [Basel Precision Instruments](https://www.baspi.ch/low-noise-high-stab-itov-conv) | Swiss | ## Bibliography {#bibliography} <style>.csl-entry{text-indent: -1.5em; margin-left: 1.5em;}</style><div class="csl-bib-body"> </div>