title = "Nanometre-cutting machine using a stewart-platform parallel mechanism"
author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"]
draft = false
: [Stewart Platforms]({{< relref "stewart_platforms" >}}), [Flexible Joints]({{< relref "flexible_joints" >}})
: ([Furutani, Suzuki, and Kudoh 2004](#org37254be))
: Furutani, K., Suzuki, M., & Kudoh, R.
: 2004
- Lever mechanism to amplify the motion of piezoelectric stack actuators
- Use of flexure joints
- Eddy current displacement sensors for control (decentralized)
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/furutani04_ctrl_arch.png" >}}
- Isotropic performance (cubic configuration even if not said so)
Possible sources of error:
- position error of the link ends in assembly => simulation of position error and it is not significant
- Inaccurate modelling of the links
- insufficient generative force
- unwanted deformation of the links
To minimize the errors, a calibration is done between the required leg length and the wanted platform pose.
Then, it is fitted with 4th order polynomial and included in the control architecture.
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
Furutani, Katsushi, Michio Suzuki, and Ryusei Kudoh. 2004. “Nanometre-Cutting Machine Using a Stewart-Platform Parallel Mechanism.” _Measurement Science and Technology_ 15 (2):467–74. .