+++ title = "Lock-in Amplifier" author = ["Dehaeze Thomas"] draft = false +++ Tags : ## Synchronous Detection {#synchronous-detection} (Francais 2003) (Zurich 2016) (Horowitz 2015) ## Manufacturers {#manufacturers} | Manufacturers | Country | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------| | [Femto](https://www.femto.de/en/products/lock-in-amplifiers.html) | Germany | | [Zurick Instruments](https://www.zhinst.com/europe/en/lock-in-amplifiers) | Swiss | ## Bibliography {#bibliography}
Francais, Olivier. 2003. “Detection Synchrone.”
Horowitz, Paul. 2015. The Art of Electronics - Third Edition. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
Zurich, Instruments. 2016. “Principles of Lock-in Detection and the State of the Art.” Zurich Instruments.