+++ title = "Minimizing cross-talk in high-precision motion systems using data-based dynamic decoupling" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++ Tags : [Decoupled Control](decoupled_control.md) Reference : ([Heertjes and Engelen 2011](#org76c1202)) Author(s) : Heertjes, M., & Engelen, A. v. Year : 2011 > In the field of high-precision motion control, a static decoupling control design is generally used to command motion in the directions of an orthogonal basis. > Around the center-of-gravity of the system it then usually suffices to apply single-input single-output control in each of these directions separately. > Among the advantages are robust stability and performance through straightforward control designs and loop shaping techniques. > > If the static decoupling part does not fully achieve desired decoupling of the underlying MIMO motion system, a multi-variable controller can be sought to replace the SISO controller part. > A more natural approach would therefore be to replace the MIMO static decoupling part by a dynamic part and leave the SISO controller part intact. <!--quoteend--> > The aim of the paper is to minimize directly the cross-talk outputs via data-based optimization. > The criterion to be optimized consists solely of time-domain signals taken from a performance-relevant time interval. ## Bibliography {#bibliography} <a id="org76c1202"></a>Heertjes, Marcel, and Arjan van Engelen. 2011. “Minimizing Cross-Talk in High-Precision Motion Systems Using Data-Based Dynamic Decoupling.” _Control Engineering Practice_ 19 (12):1423–32. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2011.07.016>.