+++ title = "A concept of active mount for space applications" author = ["Dehaeze Thomas"] draft = false +++ Tags : [Active Damping]({{< relref "active_damping.md" >}}) Reference : (Souleille et al. 2018) Author(s) : Souleille, A., Lampert, T., Lafarga, V., Hellegouarch, S., Rondineau, A., Rodrigues, Gonccalo, & Collette, C. Year : 2018 This article discusses the use of Integral Force Feedback with amplified piezoelectric stack actuators. > In the proposed configuration, it can also be noticed by the softening effect inherent to force control is limited by the metallic suspension. ## Single degree-of-freedom isolator {#single-degree-of-freedom-isolator} [Figure 1](#figure--fig:souleille18-model-piezo) shows a picture of the amplified piezoelectric stack. The piezoelectric actuator is divided into two parts: one is used as an actuator, and the other one is used as a force sensor. {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/souleille18_model_piezo.png" caption="Figure 1: Picture of an APA100M from Cedrat Technologies. Simplified model of a one DoF payload mounted on such isolator" >}}