title = "Flexible Joints"
author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"]
draft = false
## Resources {#resources}
- ([Lobontiu 2002](#org0e711a7))
- ([Henein 2003](#org4fb65e1))
- ([Smith 2005](#orgbf46163))
- ([Soemers 2011](#orgf482067))
- ([Cosandier 2017](#orgf099485))
## Flexure Joints for Stewart Platforms: {#flexure-joints-for-stewart-platforms}
From ([Chen and McInroy 2000](#org14378b5)):
> To avoid the extremely non-linear micro-dynamics of joint friction and backlash, these hexapods employ flexure joints.
> A flexure joint bends material to achieve motion, rather than sliding of rolling across two surfaces.
> This does eliminate friction and backlash, but adds spring dynamics and limits the workspace.
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
Chen, Yixin, and J.E. McInroy. 2000. “Identification and Decoupling Control of Flexure Jointed Hexapods.” In _Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Symposia Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37065)_, nil. .
Cosandier, Florent. 2017. _Flexure Mechanism Design_. Boca Raton, FL Lausanne, Switzerland: Distributed by CRC Press, 2017EOFL Press.
Henein, Simon. 2003. _Conception Des Guidages Flexibles_. Lausanne, Suisse: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Lobontiu, Nicolae. 2002. _Compliant Mechanisms: Design of Flexure Hinges_. CRC press.
Smith, Stuart T. 2005. _Foundations of Ultra-Precision Mechanism Design_. Vol. 2. CRC Press.
Soemers, Herman. 2011. _Design Principles for Precision Mechanisms_. T-Pointprint.