+++ title = "Actuators" author = ["Dehaeze Thomas"] draft = false category = "equipment" +++ Tags : ## Short Stroke Actuators {#short-stroke-actuators} For short stroke and very high dynamic applications, mainly two types of actuators can be used: - [Voice Coil Actuators]({{< relref "voice_coil_actuators.md" >}}) - [Piezoelectric Actuators]({{< relref "piezoelectric_actuators.md" >}}) ## Long Stroke Actuators {#long-stroke-actuators} - Linear motors - Piezoelectric Walking Drive ([PI](https://www.physikinstrumente.com/en/expertise/technology/piezoelectric-drives/piezowalk-piezo-motors/)) Rotational drives can be combined with ball-screw mechanisms for long (infinite) axial motion: - Brush-less DC Motor. See (Yedamale 2003) and this [working principle](https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2016/05/bldc-brushless-dc-motor-construction-working-principle.html). - [Stepper Motor]({{< relref "stepper_motor.md" >}}) ## How to choose the correct actuator for my application? {#how-to-choose-the-correct-actuator-for-my-application} For vibration isolation: - In (Ito and Schitter 2016), the effect of the actuator stiffness on the attainable vibration isolation is studied ([Notes]({{< relref "ito16_compar_class_high_precis_actuat.md" >}})) - (Murugesan 1981) On overview of electric motors for space applications ## Bibliography {#bibliography}
Ito, Shingo, and Georg Schitter. 2016. “Comparison and Classification of High-Precision Actuators Based on Stiffness Influencing Vibration Isolation.” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 21 (2): 1169–78. doi:10.1109/tmech.2015.2478658.
Murugesan, S. 1981. “An Overview of Electric Motors for Space Applications.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation IECI-28 (4): 260–65. doi:10.1109/TIECI.1981.351050.
Yedamale, Padmaraja. 2003. “Brushless Dc (BLDC) Motor Fundamentals.” Microchip Technology Inc 20: 3–15.