+++ title = "Actuators" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++ Tags : ## How to choose the correct actuator for my application? {#how-to-choose-the-correct-actuator-for-my-application} For vibration isolation: - In (Shingo Ito \& Georg Schitter, 2016), the effect of the actuator stiffness on the attainable vibration isolation is studied ([Notes]({{< relref "ito16_compar_class_high_precis_actuat" >}})) ## Piezoelectric {#piezoelectric} | Suppliers | Links | |--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Cedrat | [link](http://www.cedrat-technologies.com/) | | PI | [link](https://www.physikinstrumente.com/en/) | | Piezo System | [link](https://www.piezosystem.com/products/piezo%5Factuators/stacktypeactuators/) | | Noliac | [link](http://www.noliac.com/) | A model of a multi-layer monolithic piezoelectric stack actuator is described in (Fleming, 2010) ([Notes]({{< relref "fleming10_nanop_system_with_force_feedb" >}})). ## Voice Coil {#voice-coil} | Suppliers | Links | |----------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Geeplus | [link](https://www.geeplus.com/) | | Maccon | [link](https://www.maccon.de/en.html) | | TDS PP | [link](https://www.tds-pp.com/en/) | | H2tech | [link](https://www.h2wtech.com/) | | PBA Systems | [link](http://www.pbasystems.com.sg/) | | Celera Motion | [link](https://www.celeramotion.com/) | | Beikimco | [link](http://www.beikimco.com/) | | Electromate | [link](https://www.electromate.com/) | | Magnetic Innovations | [link](https://www.magneticinnovations.com/) | ## Shaker {#shaker} | Suppliers | Links | |--------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | BKSV | [link](https://www.bksv.com/en/products/shakers-and-exciters) | | Vibration Research | [link](https://vibrationresearch.com/shakers/) | | Sentek Dynamics | [link](https://www.sentekdynamics.com/) | ## Brush-less DC Motor {#brush-less-dc-motor} - (Yedamale, 2003) # Bibliography Ito, S., & Schitter, G., *Comparison and classification of high-precision actuators based on stiffness influencing vibration isolation*, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, *21(2)*, 1169–1178 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/tmech.2015.2478658 [↩](#aad53368e29e8a519e2f63857044fa46) Fleming, A., *Nanopositioning system with force feedback for high-performance tracking and vibration control*, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, *15(3)*, 433–447 (2010). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/tmech.2009.2028422 [↩](#c823f68dd2a72b9667a61b3c046b4731) Yedamale, P., *Brushless dc (bldc) motor fundamentals*, Microchip Technology Inc, *20()*, 3–15 (2003). [↩](#d2e68d39d09d7e8e71ff08a6ebd45400) ## Backlinks {#backlinks} - [Comparison and classification of high-precision actuators based on stiffness influencing vibration isolation]({{< relref "ito16_compar_class_high_precis_actuat" >}})