+++ title = "Stepper Motor" author = ["Dehaeze Thomas"] draft = false category = "equipment" +++ Tags : ## Errors between steps (micro-stepping) {#errors-between-steps--micro-stepping} For a two phase stepper motor, there are (typically) **200 steps per revolution** (i.e. 1.8% per step). Between each step, even when using some micro-stepping, there are some position errors that are due to non-perfect magnetic and electromagnetic fields. The period of this error is corresponding to 200 period/revolution. Then scanning, this can lead to high frequency vibrations. This is what is typically limiting the accuracy of the stepper motor (usually specified in between 3% and 5% of the step increment). This is approximately corresponding to **1mrad**.
Consider a stepper motor with 200 steps by turn attached to a ball-screw with a pitch of 1mm per turn. A rotation of 1 turn per second will induce vibrations at 200Hz with an amplitude of \\(1\\,\mu m\\).
Note that this error is not a pure sine, it also has some harmonics with corresponding periods of 1/100 revolution and 1/50 revolution. This error should repeat every turn and can be calibrated provided it is repeatable over time. One way to reduce these errors is to use a ball-screw mechanism with a smaller pitch. The price to pay is smaller velocity. ## Manufacturers {#manufacturers} | Manufacturers | Country | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------| | [AML](https://arunmicro.com/) | United Kingdom | | [Sanyo](https://www.sanyodenki.com/catalogs/servo/stepping_systems.html) | | ## 2 phase VS 5 phase stepper motor {#2-phase-vs-5-phase-stepper-motor} ## Bibliography {#bibliography}