+++ title = "Exploring the pareto fronts of actuation technologies for high performance mechatronic systems" draft = true +++ Tags : Reference : (Csencsics and Schitter 2020) Author(s) : Csencsics, E., & Schitter, G. Year : 2020 ## Abstract {#abstract} > This paper proposes a novel method for estimating the limitations of individual actuation technologies for a desired system class based on analytically obtained relations, which can be used to systematically trade off desired range and speed specifications in the design phase. > The method is presented along the example of **fast steering mirrors** with the tradeoff limit curves estimated for the established **piezoelectric**, **lorentz force** and **hybrid reluctance** actuation technologies. {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/csencsics20_fsm_schematic.png" caption="Figure 1: Fast Steering Mirror system. The main components are: mirror, actuators, position sensors and suspension system." >}} ## Fast Steering Mirrors {#fast-steering-mirrors} ### Application area and performance specification {#application-area-and-performance-specification}